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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TA31

  1. Piplup is decent for me but I don't really feel as if I ever use it right. It's ability also doesn't give good synergy with its stats. Forgot about Listen, its definitely one of the better starters for me, but its poor speed hinders it.
  2. Ive been debating with a couple people on this and Im interested in what others think are the best starters in Reborn. I personally think the top 5 are : Torchic(Speed boost go brrr), Froakie(Protean), Chimchar, Poplio(Access to one of the best defensive types in the game) and Charmander(3 weaknesses with either Mega, as well as early access to dragon rage) Honourable mentions go to Totodile(Sheer force), Mudkip(EQ, one weakness) and bulbasuar.
  3. Thanks, but of an extreme change list but I like the look of it
  4. TA31

    Reborn Redux

    Can anyone direct me to a download link for this mod?
  5. Self-explanatory but looking to see if there's a mod that has made more Pokemon viable in the grand scheme of things, with update move-sets if possible.
  6. "shortcircuit now cycles through electric damage amps sequentially rather than randomly" So how does this work exactly? Does the damage multiplier change each turn or every time you use an electric type attack? Im assuming the second
  7. Those are my exact thoughts. Everything becoming less tedious is a massive dub for me
  8. Other than the field effect indicators and the easier access to moves what else makes the game easier?
  9. Thank you! Do you know which bindings affect the register buttons?
  10. How do I change what each button does? I can't seem to find the options to do that in the menu
  11. I've already been playing on the 13.0.3, do I have to completely redownload for the 13.0.4?
  12. On the dev blog it only links a patch for windows, what am I meant to do?
  13. How do I evolve Eevee to a Glaceon in the game?
  14. I've talked to the omanyte but it isn't giving me the diancite. The dialogue I get instead is "It seems disappointed in you somehow." What does this mean?
  15. I don't really talk here but Im nearly up to date with the game. Was wondering how many episodes they were gonna make, if they've disclosed this.
  16. Is there a debug mod for the game?
  17. are there any plans to optimise the game for Mac?
  18. I'm currently trying to complete the rift guards event with C but the rift doesn't pop up at the bottom of the forest. Am I missing something?
  19. TA31

    All event Pokemon

    Thanks I’ll be looking forward to this when your done
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