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Everything posted by Bazaro

  1. Toxeon (the Poison type) is on the bottom of the first page EDIT: Added hyperlinks on the first page to the other Eeveelutions and will continue to do so
  2. Meteor Admin Lost: Scizor has quite possibly the best type compared with Bug %King Murdoc: also scizor, volcarona, genesect are things DJWongTong: Hiya Lost! TheScarletSword: insert some comment about mega flygon TheScarletSword: everyone goes insane %King Murdoc: galvantula is plenty useable Meteor Admin Lost: combined Meteor Admin Lost: Not compared rupe: ALSO rupe: ARCEUS BUG +RBRN Azery: I feel like the line should have gone Meteor Admin Lost: Galvantula is fast and has Compoundeyes Thunder DJWongTong: And sticky web %King Murdoc: hell even crustle can be a threat if used properly Bazaro: not counting Arceus +RBRN Azery: bug ground/bug flying/Dragon Ground Meteor Admin Lost: Look, I didn't say all Bugs were bad, just because Bug is a terrible type Bazaro: the best pure bug has to be... Meteor Admin Lost: There are some good ones Bazaro: ... Volbeat? rupe: arceus bug DJWongTong: For when you want to sweep with mega garchomp or base metagross rupe: come on bazaro %King Murdoc: !dt Volbeat rupe: i just said this TheScarletSword: ice is worse than bug tbh Bazaro: Bazaro: not counting Arceus Bazaro: ^^^^^^^^^^ +RBRN Azery: Accelgor is a thong +RBRN Azery: . +RBRN Azery: .......... Meteor Admin Lost: . Meteor Admin Lost: Yes rupe: accelgor is trash TheScarletSword: there are no merits whatsoever to being stuck with ice type Bazaro: Glorious. +RBRN Azery: I... Meteor Admin Lost: Accelgor is a thong Umbreeown left %King Murdoc: name a good ice type other thatn weavile or that other thing %King Murdoc: coffee table rupe: ice is a good offensive type +RBRN Azery: I was trying to say thing Bazaro: hey Fezzdog: cloyster :x +RBRN Azery: but typo ;~; Bazaro: Hey Azery TheScarletSword: offensively is OK rupe: see weavile and mamoswine %King Murdoc: oh yeah cloyster exists %King Murdoc: and mamo Bazaro: There's a nice spot for you Bazaro: in the QB
  3. I appreciate the extra analysis Huk, I was too tired to think much at the time of writing. I went ahead and updated a few things for Zephreon (Speed Boost > Cloud Nine).
  4. ... Double posting is bad, m'kay? CAP #3 Name: Zephreon Height: 1.0 m Weight: 25.3 kg (60 BP) Type: Flying Stats: 110/60/65/95/65/130 Abilities: Speed Boost, (HA) Aerilate LV Up: TM/HM: Tutor: Breeding/Pre-Evo Analysis: Zephreon is a strange mix of a support, cleric, and a special attacking pivot, all of which it can do to an extent. Its Speed is top-tier, allowing it to use Defog, Heal Bell, Wish, or any of its offensive moves first. Its high HP can make it tricky to take down, and allows it to pass massive Wishes to its allies. With a decent Special movepool, Zephreon can also serve as a sweeper or revenge killer, but faced competition with many other Flying types. If nothing else, it can Baton Pass its Speed Boost to an ally. Pros: - 130 Speed is extremely good, even if Zephreon's options are somewhat limited. - Zephreon has a lot of usable moves in its small movepool, such as Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, and Heat Wave offensively, and Wish, Heal Bell, and Defog defensively. - Two great abilities in Speed Boost and Aerilate. Cons: - 95 Special Attack is okay, but it could be better. - 65 in both defenses for a support isn't the best thing. - A lack of boosting moves make offensive sets lacking. - Stealth Rocks. Counters and Checks: - Electric and Rock types in general are the bane of Zephreon, as it has nothing to hit those types hard enough. Jolteon has enough Special Defense to take anything Zephreon throws at if Zephreon loses the speedtie, and doesn't take a Thunderbolt too well. Even Electrode should be mentioned simply for outspeeding it. Rhyperior, Rampardos, Archeops, Probopass, Magneton... the list goes on. - Stealth Rocks chunk 25% of Zephreon's huge HP stat. Predict its Defog to get a free turn. - Paralyzing Zephreon takes away its biggest stat. Usage: RU - Fast Cleric Support - Choice Specs - Baton Pass - Rain Support W.I.P.
  5. 25 votes later, the majority speaks! Poll will be closed until after the next release, so keep posted~
  6. Just a note from le~Bazarino~ Since there are 6 main stats and a convenient number of 18 types, every stat will have 3 types as its #1 stat. For clarity, just look below... HP: Vaporeon, ???, ??? Atk: Flareon, Toxeon, ??? Def: Leafeon, ???, ??? SpA: Espeon, Glaceon, Shenreon SpD: Umbreon, Sylveon, ??? Spd: Jolteon, Zephreon, ??? Speculations, speculations... yes I have everything planned out
  7. I've got a few ideas in mind, but its always nice to hear other people's ideas too. I'll keep these in mind
  8. No, it's good to have critique. If these are to ever be actually published *hinthint* they need to be as perfect as they can be. While these are very rough sprites, I will do my best to keep updating them to meet proper requirements. Shenreon has just been updated, mostly to fix that weird whisker.
  9. Here it is, Eeeveelution CAP #2: Name: Toxeon Height: 0.9 m Weight: 29.2 kg (60 BP) Type: Poison Stats: 95/130/65/60/65/110 Abilities: Intimidate, (HA) Poison Touch Concept Art (still not mine): Lv Up: TM/HM Tutor Breeding/Pre-Evo Analysis: Toxeon is the fast, hard hitting glass cannon Flareon always wished it could be. Boasting a 130 Attack and 110 Speed, Swords Dance, and the all-powerful STAB Gunk Shot, Toxeon can hit very hard. To make up for all this damage, Toxeon's above-average HP is mitigated by its poor defenses, making it quite fragile. Poison Touch is mostly there for flavor, but adding an extra threat chance to your attacks is always nice. Most people would run Intimidate instead, allowing Toxeon to scare its target upon switching in to set up a perfect revenge-kill. Due to its poor defenses, Toxeon shouldn't be switched in unless it is absolutely safe to do so, or if one of your Pokemon just fainted. Despite an overwhelming lack of options to take down Ground types, Toxeon is one poison beast you do not want to mess with. Pros: - 130 Attack and 110 speed is amazing for an offensive Pokemon. Very few mons outspeed you. - Between Superpower, Knock Off, and Swords Dance, Toxeon's movepool has everything it needs to devastate. - Intimidate is a great ability, forcing switches and setting up Toxeon's next revenge-kill target. - Being the only hyper-offensive Poison type besides Gengar might just get this little guy into OU. Cons: - 95 base HP is wasted by 65 defenses. Even with Intimidate, it can't take too much punishment. - Nothing to deal with the many bulky Ground types in higher tiers. Even after Intimidate, Earthquake hits hard. - Weak to both Burns and Paralysis. - Its sets are fairly predictable, even though they are quite effective. - Shaky speedties with Lati@s, Mega Gallade and Mega Metagross are never fun. Partners: - Dark types like Tyranitar and Bisharp can Pursuit trap things like Gengar, Lati@s, and Alakazam. - Anything that can remove hazards is appreciated since most Offensive Toxeons lack recovery. - Anything to deal with the various Ground types in OU, including Venusaur, Gyarados, Ferrothorn, etc. Toxeon has almost no way to deal with them itself. Checks and Counters: - Bulky Ground types such as Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Hippowdon can safely set up Rocks against Toxeon and shrug off generally any attack it throws. Don't give Toxeon the opportunity to use Swords Dance, as it can overpower you. - Faster revenge killers, such as Mega Alakazam, Talonflame, Sand Rush Excadrill, Starmie, and even Weavile can hit Toxeon hard enough to break it. - Steel types, such as Skarmory or Ferrothorn, can generally set up safely against Toxeons without Swords Dance, and cripple it or Whirlwind it away. Mega Scizor can tank any unboosted attack, and set up itself. Mega Metagross can tank a Knock Off and hit very hard with Zen Headbutt. It also has Clear Body in its base form to block Intimidate. - Residue damage from sources such as Stealth Rocks, Sandstorm, and Life Orb build up quickly and can lead to its own demise. Usage: OU - Swords Dance - Revenge Killer - Wallbreaker - Specially Defensive - Natural Gift ... See the pattern?
  10. You'll have to talk to Rainbow Dash about that Speaking of Toxeon, you can expect to see something about it on here fairly soon...
  11. ~ Toxeon (Poison type) ~ Zephreon (Flying type) ~ Spectreon (Ghost type) ~ Titaneon (Steel type) CAP #1 Name: Shenreon Height: 1.2 m Weight: 37.0 kg (60 BP) Type: Dragon Stats: 95/60/65/130/110/65 (525) Abilities: Marvel Scale, (HA) Multiscale Backsprites coming soon. Concept Art (not mine): LV Up: TM/HM: Tutor: Breeding/Pre-Evo Analysis: Shenreon is very versatile, combining the support utility of the Eeveelutions with the power and extra utility of Dragon types. Offensively, Multiscale combined with its decent HP and high SpDef make it hard to take down, but its 65 Defense isn't too hard to break. Defensively, it can use Marvel Scale to patch up its Defense and use Wish to keep Flame Orb's damage from KO'ing it. It finds fairly strong coverage between Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power, and the inherent Shadow Ball. Draco Meteor, Thunder, and Fire Blast are very hard hitting moves Shenreon can use to wall-break. To make up for the lack of coverage compared to Goodra, it has Wish, Heal Bell, Thunder Wave/Glare, and Dragon Tail to give it much more sustain and utility. Pros: - Amazing abilities in Multiscale and Marvel Scale. - 95/65/110 may not seem the best, but with Marvel Scale and Wish, defensive Shenreon can take a lot of damage before going down. - 130 Special Attack combined with impressive coverage for an Eeveelution gives Shenreon a huge offensive presence. - A versatile movepool allows Shenreon to run bulky offensive, tanky support, wall breaker, or even a scarf killer. Cons: - 65 Defense is very poor, leaving Shenreon open to many physical threats even with a solid 95 HP. - Stealth Rocks can break Multiscale, making offensive sets lose their Defensive backing. - 65 Speed is fairly slow, leaving Shenreon open to many faster threats. Counters and Checks: - Florges can tank any move Shenreon throws at it and reliably 2hko with Moonblast, keeping itself alive with Wishes. Tanky Fairies in general give Shenreon a hard time - Haxorus outspeeds Shenreon and hits hard with a massive 147 base Attack. To make it worse, Mold Breaker ignores both of Shenreon's defensive abilities, hitting its low defense with a super-effective Outrage or Dragon Claw, instantly KO'ing any Shenreon set. Shenreon can hit Haxorus with a Dragon STAB move for a KO in return, but odds are Haxorus will strike first. - Dragons and Ice types in general can hit Shenreon hard with their super-effective moves, but only after they break Multiscale, as Shenreon can hit back with Dragon Pulse or Fire Blast. - Hazards like Stealth Rocks and Spikes break Multiscale, making it much easier to KO offensive sets. Usage: UU - Wallbreaker - Support - Revenge Kill
  12. May as well stick to the original. And by request of Ame:
  13. Gardevoir's colors were... meh. So... Just slapped Gallade's colors onto Gardevoir and voile! She looks like a tango dancer As fun as Rayquaza Gyarados was... let's just stick to the classic. And Sharpedo's going back to his regular Reborn shiny... maybe?
  14. Rayquaza V.3. This one will probably stay, since it's based off of the regular Reborn shiny Rayquaza.
  15. A much needed Manectric update...
  16. Just touching up on a few things with the Lati twins... Old: New: Just copied down their old pallets onto the Megas, nothing big. I know Venusaur and Beedrill were supposed to stay thematic to their evolutions, but just throwing these out here for a second... Infernal Venusaur & Shadow Beedrill
  17. They aid leaving a PULSE would be harmful... they never specified how. In BIggles' case, the PULSE mutated him to where he could talk. What happens once removed from a PULSE is pretty shaky, but I have a feeling Biggles was one of the lucky escapees...
  18. With some help from the creator of the Reborn Scizor shinies, Jacze, I'm remaking Scizor... again.
  19. inb4 Ame just gives it Sap Sipper RIP us As for Excadrill, it says it causes damage to tunnels, but nothing about earthquakes... Palpitoad is possibility, I guess. Creating sound waves powerful enough to cause tremors is frightening.
  20. Looking through all of the dex entries, I only found 1 perfect candidate for the earthquake PULSE;
  21. Let's look at the PULSE's... PULSE #00 - Mr. Biggles (destroyed) PULSE #01 - the earthquakes PULSE #02 - Avalugg (destroyed) PULSE #03 - Swalot (destroyed) PULSE #04 - Muk (destroyed) PULSE #05-A/B/C - Tangrowth (destroyed) PULSE #06 - Camerupt (destroyed) PULSE #07 - Abra (destroyed) PULSE #08 - most likely Mr Mime (active) PULSE #09 - most likely whatever is causing the sleep spell (active) PULSE #10 - Clawitzer (inactive) Meteor is running really low on PULSE machines... Mr Mime and #09 are busy protecting their areas, and Clawitzer is shut down... and that leaves PULSE #01 still underneath the city. Would be a shame to turn it back on, hm?~ As for the sleeping spell on Agate, Jigglypuff/etc. wouldn't make much sense, since there was a notable lack of ANY sound in Agate City. Hypno sort of makes sense, since its power could be amplified to the point where it can make an entire city fall asleep, but this brings up 2 problems. If Hypno can apply mass hypnosis to an enormous area, why wouldn't they simply redirect the sleep-waves to a different area, such as the Circus? Or Calcenon? The Meteors seem unaffected by it too, so they must have some way to negate its effect. Using science to create an anti-psychic helmet or something would be really tricky, even for Eve. The most likely candidate is Amoonguss or Parasect, since their spores could easily affect an entire city without notice, much like Hypnosis. However, the effect is trapped in one area because the spores cannot go over the mountains surrounding the city, or perhaps the wind isn't carrying enough spores to have any effect. We've also dealt with Sleep Powder before; in Route 2. There was also Rage Powder, which had the adverse effect of waking up a Pokemon who fell asleep from the Sleep Powder. Perhaps Meteor found a way to turn the Rage Powder into some kind of immunization for the spores? They likely would've found a way to remove the aggressive side to the powder too, so they don't make all their grunts kill each other. Just some thoughts~
  22. I decided to play around with Mawile's eye some more... Version 1 Pretty basic shading in the eyes, but they didn't quite feel like the glowing-red-eyes-of-death, so... Version 2 Lightened up everything in the eye to make it more shiny in appearance and readjusted the lighting slightly. Version 3 Added a darker ring around the pupil, and readjusted the lighting effects again to an angle. Added a darker shade around the "white" of the "eye." I'll keep throwing random minor updates on stuff, so keep posted ^^ EDIT: Found a usable Mawile backsprite that I did the thing with~
  23. Latias has been changed to a more appropriate color scheme.
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