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Everything posted by Bazaro
Poison/Fairy. Calling it.
Lopunny Update! Inspired by Hatsune Miku
And straight from the depths of Hell... And with that, everything is done! Finally Feel free to comment on anything you see/think looks weird. Enjoy! ^^
Thank you all for the support! ^^ If you see anything wrong with any of the sprites, or if you have a different idea you want tested out, or if you just don't like them, don't be afraid to leave a comment. Feedback of any and all kinds are accepted. Next ones:
Newest to the roster... Mawile, inspired by FMA's Pride. And Pinsir, inspired by DC Comic's Blue Beetle.
Part 6: A Long Way Down One quick trip later through Peridot, and I'm at the Jade Ward. According to the guard posted here, this Ward and the next are under attacks similar to the one at Obsidia Park... only worse. Much worse. It was even worse than I had imagined. Trees had blocked off most of the roads, roots had leveled buildings, vines hung across the Ward like power lines. Pokemon from the nearby forest had moved in, effectively making the Ward an addition to the forest. This has Meteor written all over it. But what could they get from this destruction? Control through fear? http://i.imgur.com/POdVCnz.png The Entourage:
I did mirror the image... owo Radomus always gives his challengers the sideways evil-eye glance thingy. (I even changed the card's text since it was mirrored. "Normal" Radomus has 3/4 on his card)
Part 5: The Academy On my way to the factory, a small Pokemon caught my eye; a Spoink! As a connoisseur of the, Psychic type I concluded that it would make a fine addition to my team. I chased the darned thing all the way to the Coral Ward before finally cornering it in a warehouse. It had his itself in one of the many boxes in the room. I had opened every box but one, and was hesitant to open it. Had the Spoink slipped behind me while opening the other boxes? Had it gone out some other exit I had not noticed? I opened the box an- ... The thing nearly gave me a heart attack! Welcome aboard, Gilda... I took another detour through Peridot once more, visiting a house I had not visited before. Inside was a man with a strangely colored Munna. I had yet to see a shiny Munna in my life, and I never remember hearing about anything like... this. The man, seemingly without a care in the world, offered me his Pokemon, but only if I promised to "smoke dreams everyday." Whatever that means... The area surrounding the Academy was filled with overexcited children who would rather lose in a Pokemon battle than study for their exams. Upon entering the Academy, I was met by none other than Fern, who promptly locked the door "for my own good." I just wanted to battle a Gym Leader, I couldn't care less for his silly little "pride." Ignorant twat. I was forced to take the only other entrance, forcing my way through the entire Academy. Even more students here, lucky me. They all seem to worship the green-haired twat like he's some kind of king. A final confrontation with Fern did the trick, and off he went. Now to deal with Florinia... VS Florinia Her team was a breeze for 10 and Zippo, until... what is this? A Cradily? The darned thing won't go down! It took everything I had to drop it, but it was all worth it in the end. The Canopy Badge is ours, and both 10 and Claudia have evolved. Splendid. On another note, will this rain ever stop? The Entourage:
Part 4: A Walk in the Park Florinia had the courtesy to allow me to assist her in dealing with an issue in the Obsidia Ward involving... malign plant growth? Can't there be one normal thing in this Region? ... It is just as they say. Plant roots are tearing themselves from the ground, crushing all before them. I have seen nothing like it. For the time, however, there is a calm. Many people have gathered on the main street, where a fissure parts the Ward in two. According to the locals the only way to the other side of the Ward is through the slums. They say the word with such distaste, how bad could it be? Victoria seemed to have the same idea of going the alternative route across the Ward, but she hasn't had the best of luck, it seems. Despite my saying otherwise, she challenges me to a battle to see for herself if I am strong enough to cross the slums myself. Confirming both of our suspicions, it was an easy victory for myself. The slums themselves proved to be slightly more troubling than I thought. I had to hopscotch my way across more paths than I would care to admit. In the end was a curious group of Scraggy's, led by a Scrafty. Odd, seeing an evolved Pokemon, as such, being so under-experienced. I had to make a detour away from Obsidia to view the Coral Ward. Such a lovely place, I'm sure... at one time. The piers were rotting away from the corrosive waters, an unsettling mist hung over the Ward, and the remains of a once beautiful gym lay broken in the middle of town. A peculiar girl with gradient blue hair was trying to save a stranded Oshawatt to little avail. And of all people to show up at this time, it's Cain with his silly innuendos. He did prove himself more clever than I had thought, however, and saved the Oshawatt. It quickly befriended Cain, who begrudgingly accepted the poor thing, and challenged myself once more to a battle. Poor Oshawatt, it didn't stand a chance. With that out of the way, we were back to Obsidia, near the park. The growth was thick, but I swear I could see a man next to a giant machine in the center of the Park. With the newly granted power of Cut, I cleared our way into the Park.. where we fell right into a trap. Team Meteor again. Typical. The machine somehow managed to turn a regular Tangrowth into an abomination of a Pokemon. I felt only pity as I put it down. The "PULSE" machine had expanded Tangrowth's natural manipulation of its own flora to allow it to spontaneously create and manipulate any flora around it, even altering its genetics to the point where it could spew acid from its many vines, but not at the cost of excruciating pain. It likely would have died in a few days anyways. It appears that when the Pokemon is defeated, the machine, too, becomes inoperable. The plant growth almost instantly receded to its normal state. A flawed design, but still capable of mass destruction. By the sounds of it, This Team Meteor has more PULSE machines in place, possibly ones that could affect other Pokemon as well? I must keep an eye out for these. Meteor has retreated once more, another calm before another storm, I am sure. As for now, I shall focus on my next Gym Badge with Florinia at Onyx Academy... The Entourage:
I removed the one protag and replaced it completely with Radomus. So eventually we'll have 2 Radomus-es. Double the fun!
I just went into the Graphics Folder in the Reborn Game and changed around some of the protagonist images. It's not too hard, really.
Part 3: The Factory The first Gym turned out to be the city's power plant... and it's locked for the time being. Perhaps for the storm? As I explore the city, fending off various locals, thugs, thieves, and one rude gentleman who tried to shove me into a bag, I picked up two more allies. At the end of my adventure, I come across a green haired boy contemplating the factory before him; Fern. In an act of self-proclaimed dominance, he challenges me to a battle... ... and promptly loses. Pity. I bump into Julia on my way back towards the gym; apparently she is heading to a factory to deal with the group responsible for the disaster at the station, with some extra help... Fern and his sister, Florinia. Julia so kindly blows the door open with... something. The water in the factory has a disgusting amount of toxins in it, far worse than the city outside. Our party splits into parties of two. I have the fortune of being paired with Fern. Fantastic. The factory is also filled with Grunts of this "Team Meteor." Always in pairs of two, for some reason. Regardless, they all fall like dominoes. Zippo evolves into Braixen. The last of them have locked themselves up in a back room, but Florinia manages to hack into the factory's security just before Julia causes another disastrous explosion. The final enemies are out of the way, but not before they destroyed their mission data. Well played on their part. That man with the eye-patch concerns me... He must be stopped. After all our hard work, Julia ends our factory adventure quite literally with a "bang." Without further ado, it's time to finally earn a badge. Vs Julia Zippo pulls off quite the feat, taking on Julia's entire team alone. Onto Obsidia Ward, it seems. Florinia is requesting my assistance. Until next time, this is Radomus, signing out. The Entourage:
Part 2: The Grand Hall Amethyst has come to the same conclusion that this was an attack and believes that the culprit is... right in front of us. A cheerful young girl named Julia whose color scheme really seemed to contrast the dull city around us. It couldn't have been her, she says she was just at the gym before the explosion- oh, a Gym Leader, I see. Amethyst has already moved on to the Grand Hall just down the road. It is there I will receive my Pokemon and become registered in the League. This town is... quite a mess, really. Garbage and rubble litter the streets. The water looks fresh out the sewers. And the locals weren't exactly the friendliest of people. Police are blocking off the area, keeping an eye out for suspicious characters. No matter, the "Grand Hall," as the call it, was quite close to the station. A nice young lady named Victoria was waiting outside, apparently she too is a trainer wishing to start anew. My choice of Pokemon was an obvious one; Fenniken; of course. Zippo the Fenniken. Now to get down to- ... Did this boy just call me "cute?" His name is Cain, he says. Another fresh starter who wants a battle. Absolutely lovely. Ame and Victoria have returned just in time, followed by another swift victory for Zippo. Ame has informed us that the culprit has already been apprehended and is in custody of the league. But he's not working alone. As I leave the Pokemon Center, I believe I do hear the screams of a man in pain. Thunder claps above and the rain pours down on my favorite hat. What a brilliant idea, coming to this region was. The Entourage:
Inspired by Haven Pyrrhon's Serra run Part 1: Epilogue A region full of powerful challengers they say? I wonder if any challenges will surpass my intellect. Only time can truly tell, I suppose. The woman before me seems nice enough, although I must admit I am quite disturbed how she was unable to determine my gender. Her name is Amethyst, quite a peculiar name if I do say so myself. She claims herself to be in charge of the Pokemon League of this Region. She has agreed to lend me one of her many Pokemon for her League challenge, since I left all of the others behind. A completely fresh star- BOOM!!! An explosion? Here? Our train was furthest from the explosion, but I can't say the station took the blow all too nicely. Many managed to escape the station unharmed but some... weren't so fortunate. This explosion seemed... deliberate. Was someone trying to kill the passengers? Or was it aimed to kill a single person? Perhaps they just wanted to destroy the station? No... What reason would one have to destroy a station full of people if not to inflict harm? This requires... an investigation. Hm... Maybe this Region will be a decent challenge after all. My name is Radomus. This is my tale...
Backsprites shouldn't be too hard. I'll start uploading them soon.
I had another version where it as more silver, but then I changed it to now and forgot to change the name. Sorry for the confusion ^^;
Amethyst has final say on what goes in the game and what doesn't, so I have no power over if these are put in (it would be pretty cool, though).
Vroom vroom Reverse Scizor
Of course you can make suggestions. Happy to make anything and everything. On it. If there's anything you like, feel free to drop it in for the sprites in the game files. Ame will never know so it's kay.
It's a pretty recurring theme you'll see in a lot of them, like Pidgeot, Alakazam, Medicham, Abomasnow, and Diancie
No it is mine and shall be mine forever! Nah, I'm just borrowing it for avatar. (is adorbz) Aw, no komodo? Was looking forwards to the Poison/Rock fossil...
Hai frens! This all looks very cool, I'll try to keep up with it, and if you need any spriting assistance for anything, just say the word. PS: I'm totally stealing this ghost <3 If one of the fossils isn't a komodo dragon I'mma cry