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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Bazaro

  1. Hi, sorry I'm late to the topic. The list Tempest currently has is not final, as many changes are still being made. (More achieves, clearing away confusions, etc.) Also, we plan to make a second list that would keep track of achievements earned by people, as well as their current RAP. (Reborn Achievement Points) As stated, R$ will be distributed for every 100 RAP by Tempest, as he agreed to do for some reason. We'll also be cracking down on security, so don't think of this as a way to farm R$. Just save both of us the trouble and... don't. There are still a lot of directions this can go, so patience is appreciated. We'll get the final lists up ASAP. Happy hunting! Also, all achievements must be achieved during the current Gen6, including Season 3 of League. Sorry Trevo.
  2. I got bored (once again) so I threw together a monofairy team just for fun. I didn't expect this team to get me to almost 1200 on the 6G OU Ladder, especially with almost no revisions. Whimsicott (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Leech Seed - Substitute - Encore - Moonblast Whimsicott performs its same role as 5gen, if not better. Sub makes you immune to pretty much everything. If/when your opponent tries to set up on anything, simply start an Encore after the sub, so they have to suffer a slow, painful death from Leech Seed, and Moonblast is just a generically attack that can also weaken your opponent. Entire teams can crumble to this weed, if you play smart. Florges (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Flower Veil EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Aromatherapy - Wish - Moonblast - Protect Classic Florges. It can take some pretty serious damage, keeping itself and allies alive with Aromatherapy and Wish. Not much else to say. Togekiss (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Serene Grace EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Air Slash - Flamethrower - Defog - Roost Togekiss is actually a good switch in, as it can simply hover over EQ's and the such. roost keeps you alive and Defog removes those annoying hazards, Flamethrower removing most of their set-up pokes with ease. Air Slash is an essential tool, stopping various threats such as Mega Venusaur in its own flinch-induced tracks. Clefable (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Magic Guard EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Cosmic Power - Soft-Boiled - Stored Power - Seismic Toss A common wall to Fairy types is Heatran, and Clefable works against it pretty well. Most people run Unaware, so they'll try to Toxic you while you begin setting up Cosmic Powers. Seismic Toss might end up getting more uses than Stored Power, in truth, but after +6, Clefable is virtually immortal... watch out for Whirlwinds and Roars, though. Mawile (F) @ Mawilite Trait: Intimidate EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Swords Dance - Play Rough - Sucker Punch - Substitute Mawile, simply put, is one of hardest damn hitters in the game. Always start with Sub and try to stop anything they would throw at you to cripple you, such as Willowisp or Leech Seed. After Swords Dance, Play Rough is going to do apocalyptic damage, even to Mega Venusaur. Play your cards right, and this thing can demolish an entire team with ease. Azumarill (M) @ Choice Band Trait: Huge Power EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Play Rough - Superpower - Aqua Jet - Knock Off Azumarill is just a coverage and revenge killer. Each of its attacks has their own rediculous damages, so nothing should take this thing lightly. Despite common walls to Fairies, such as Heatran and Mega Venusaur, this team has really pulled through. To be honest, I haven't faced many Genesects, but I know it can destroy most, if not all of this team, if used with proper control. Unfortunately, Fairies have no reliable wall for Steel types, so that's always a problem. All in all, it's a very good team, especially for mono-fairy. I'd prefer it if you didn't copy this team, but I wouldn't be surprised if people did. (I don't care too much, either, or I wouldn't have made this thread.) Think twice before underestimating the Fairy type, and have a nice day~
  3. Kamina and I made a bet... I would make a team with Kyurem-B and battle him. Being Kamina and all, I lost, so I have to support Kyurem-B for OU. Other than being forced to, I agree. The statistics and all that have already been said have been... said. Not much more to add...
  4. Um... since it was postponed thanks to Kiozo... I guess I'll pick- 7-13-23-37-48-56
  5. Golem-Set Up Ability-Sturdy Item-Custap Berry Attacks -Earthquake -Roar -Explosion -Stealth Rocks Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Sp Atk) 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spd Golem uses Sturdy to absorb the first hit, allowing Rocks Set-up. If they try to use stat-up moves, then I use Roar on turn 2, absorbing their first blow all the same. After getting to 1 HP or in the red, I use Explosion or EQ, depending on effectiveness. A few weaknesses i've noticed are Scald, Cloyster (Icicle Spear), and the rare Abomasnow (Hail kills it at 1 hp). Blazekin-Sweeper Ability-Speed Boost Item- Focus Sash Attacks -Swords Dance -Hi Jump Kick -Night Slash -Blaze Kick Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Sp Atk) 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP Blazekin uses the Sash to take a hit, allowing SD set up. Hopefully, you're faster than them now, so with over 700 Atk and a move with a STAB Base power of 195, really nothing will survive a good hit. Blaze Kick was used over Flare Blitz because the recoil would be suicide. If Speed Boost won't make you faster than the opponent (eg-Excardill/Kingdra) than skip SD and go straight to HJK, which kills or cripples almost anything. Be careful in sand and use Starmie to get rid of any hazards first. Starmie-Rapid Spin and Sweeper Ability-Natural Cure Item-Leftovers Attacks -Rapid Spin -Scald -Psyshock -Thunderbolt Modest Nature (+Sp Atk, -Atk) 252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP Scald burns stuff, Rapid Spin gets rid of unwanted hazards, Psyshock gets rid of fighting and Poison types, and can do fair damage to Blissey, and Thunderbolt is for other Starmies, Ditto, and Skarmory. Fairly simple... Serperior-Sweeper Ability-Contrary Item-Leftovers Attacks -Leaf Storm -HP Fire -Dragon Pulse -Taunt Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) 252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP Serperior is a good last-minute sweeper. Once the other guys beat down the enemy a bit, Serperior crushes them. Leaf Storm gets +2 Sp Atk on every use, making it an easy set up. HP Fire is for Steel, Bug, Ice, and Grass, which all either wall or beat Grass types. Dragon Pulse is just for the Dragons, which after 1 leaf storm can take down a D-nite (with rocks helping of coarse). 356 Spd total makes him fast. Basically, almost anything faster wins over Serperior, sadly. Scizor-Priority and Sweeper Ability-Technician Item-Life Orb Attacks -Bullet Punch -Bug Bite -Aerial Ace -Swords Dance Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Sp Atk) 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP Life orb Technician STAB BP makes for a big 120 power priority move, with 376 base ATK (or higher after a SD). Bug bite is for psychics who for some reason think themselves too good for Scizor. Just watch out for HP Fire on Alakazam. Aerial Ace is my move for fighting types, really just because I don't have anything else Flying. Scrafty-Sweeper Ability-Moxie Item- Lum Berry Attacks -Drain Punch -Crunch -Ice Punch -Dragon Dance Jolly Nature (+Spd, -Sp Atk) 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP Scrafty needs to have high Atk and Spd. It gets Atk fast with Moxie, so max speed covers the speed issue. Drain Punch for healing, because it has Lum Berry which stops the crippling burn and paralysis. DP and crunch make the dark/fighting combo which works in almost every situation. Ice punch is for the dragons and Gliscor, who can otherwise overpower or wall it. Yes, I know my team is basically entirely sweeping, but this team seems to do well in singles (but pretty bad in doubles and triples). It doesn't have much defense, and is flying weak (Hurricane mostly). V Here's a better look at them. V
  6. I saw Grimolt's thread, which was pretty cool, but here, people could make several pokemon each. Rule a few of the terrible less good ones out, and then we have plenty of ideas and then some to work with
  7. Oh,.... I hope at least one of the projects works out o-o"
  8. Here's one... Name: Dredwood Type: Grass/Ghost Abilities: Cursed Body, Poison Point, DW-Chlorophyll Stats: HP-70 Atk- 120 Def-95 SpAtk- 95 SpDef-40 Spd-70 Total-490 Classification- Willow Pokemon Evolution- Evolves from Willowisp at lv 36 Ht- 4'6" Wt- 83.2lbs Egg Group- Plant Lv-Up 1-Toxic Spikes 1-Absorb 1-Harden 1-Poison Sting 1-Growth 5-Poison Sting 9-Growth 14-Leech Seed 19-Curse 23-Mega Drain 28-Shadow Sneak 33-Will-o-wisp 36-Shadow Claw 40-Giga Drain 44-Mean Look 49-Payback 54-Wood Hammer TMs/HMs- TMs- 01, 06, 09, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 52, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73 75, 77, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 93 HMs- 01, 04 Egg Moves- Ingrain, Spikes, Stun Spore, Wrap, Iron Defense, Worry Seed Move Tutor- Signal Beam, Iron Head, Seed Bomb, Thunder Punch, Block, Icy Wind, Earth Power, Zen Headbutt, Foul Play, Dark Pulse, Bind, Snore, Knock Off, Synthesis, Giga Drain, Drain Punch, Pain Split, Spite, Endeavor, Sleep Talk, Snatch Description- They disguise themselves as dead trees by digging their root-like feet into the ground of forests. When unsuspecting prey sees the willowisp in its hollow, they are lured, and get their life force drained. Links I used for Move Tutor and TMs/HMs.
  9. So, I've noticed this in some of the other servers that I've been on in all my PO days, and it seemed a good idea to me. So basically, in CAP, just post on any ideas for a 'fake' pokemon you may have, including types, movepools, stats, abilities, and anything else that's included. On Mysidia before it crashed, they were about to take the CAP creations and make them into real Pokemon on PO in the server (with its own Tier for the CAP Pokes). I would avoid creating your own moves and abilities. PLEASE keep the CAPs resonable (No 255 base stats for everything). If you want to make a Pokemon with base stats of 5 in everything, go ahead, your choice. I guess if we were to insert them into the Pokedex, then they could go CAP001, CAP002, CAP003... List pokemon as such: Name: Type: Abilities:* (Include Dream World) Base stats: HP- Atk- Def- SpAtk- SpDef- Spd- Total- If you want to get really specific, then... Evolution Method:* (Only if evolves) Pokemon Classification: Weight: Height: Egg Group: Level-Up Moveset: TMs/HMs: Egg Moves: Move Tutor: Short Description of Pokemon:** (More of a behavioral description. Give a physical description for a spriter to make, or just make your own, if you're good enough) So... yeah that's about it. Happy creating? Hope this works out well...
  10. Use the 17 gyms, the E4 and Champion, and the other 11 leaders could either- A - Be their own "organization" of sorts. B - Be associates of the 17 Gym Leaders. C - Be random trainers or mono-trainers. D - Be left out.
  11. Trainer Name: Bazaro Trainer Class: Pokemaniac Beginning Quote: Hey you wanna see my Pokemon? Huh? Do ya? Do ya? End Quote: This... can't be! Pokemon: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon (Baton Pass centered)
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