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Everything posted by Bazaro

  1. Sorry kinda busy this weekend, read through real quick Vote NickCrash Disclose Immolater
  2. I guess I didn't read into the game as much as I should have. Unless this is all some grand busing scheme, I doubt Nick is Mafia given how he pushed for Drago's lynch D1. At worst, he's a TP helping Town. And I'm probably the Suspect which, after learning that Judge doesn't see true alignment after all, makes sense now. So today has been mostly a waste of time lol Oh well, it was fun I guess. See you guys on the other side~ (Still waiting to hear from Alistair though) [unvote] Nick [eliminate] Alistair
  3. No I'm not Suspect. If I were I never would've started the day by attacking Nick because he couldn't be Mafia then (because he's not same "alignment" as me). I would have pushed to look past this and look into other stuff. EDIT: Just read what Suspect does Oooooooooooooooh that makes sense now. I still think Nick might be a scum tho
  4. There's no further answers to get Astra, I've said what I needed to. I can only hope Town learns from today.
  5. My reveal will be enough for town to come to their senses~ Dying is the most use I can be right now it seems so that's fine, just wish we didn't have to waste a Day to get there. Unless Framer got to one of us somehow, I didn't realize Judge would be affected by fake role/alignments o well. Nothing to do now but wait :}
  6. Ouch, so rude. I'm just trying to have as much fun as I can with such a boring role. @NickCrash since you're so keen on helping town, who are your current suspects and reads? I don't want to make today just about you and me since there's been a lot of little juice here and there. Currently I suspect Ali, hbu?
  7. Suspect only appears Mafia on COP reports. They're still Town-aligned so Justice should see them as a Townie, I think. @Alistair what do you mean by I seem more suspicious? I'd like to hear more of an explanation for that pls, bandwagoning no bueno. I've also noticed almost all of your messages so far seem to be reflecting other posts without contributing much yourself... @CrimsonDragon21 what made you suspicious of me before last Night? also im offended you'd think id actually bluff with vanilla townie of all things, smh Guess Nick is just waiting for the last minute to post a bunch so no one has a chance to argue with what he says. Lame.
  8. So they don't copy alignment, nice. At least we can trust the Justice to find the Actress, if it comes to it. Another way to do so would be to massclaim our Student names at the same time, starting from most suspicious people to least. That way, there's more chance of someone to slip up and say a name of a character someone else has. But I guess massclaiming is a commie strategy that's too op for Town so we Definitely Should Not Use It.
  9. Also question, what happens if the Actress and Justice visit the same night? Does the Justice use the Actress's current role's alignment, the alignment of the one they're currently visiting, or their true alignment?
  10. ... Except if I were the Actress, I would most likely show up as Town to the Justice in the first place. And if I somehow encountered a Third Party last, I would bring attention to them as a scapegoat instead of a "Townie" like Nick right from the start. Those actions don't make sense.
  11. Oh, so that's what this means. [eliminate] NickCrash I guess Nick is panicking since he knows he's been caught now, so please turn yourself in now and save us the trouble and not waste my life, however useless it is this game I'm Mirio, a student. I wonderfully have no quirk, thus I am but a vanilla townie. I know this is the most basic cop-out but if Kiet's radar did go off, then that means Nick is a mafia/TP. I have no power role to hide by roleclaiming (if you can call it that) plus I'm fairly certain there's no Werewolf. Soooooo eliminate me if you want, but just keep this in mind if I die today anyways?
  12. hehe ep8 i guess Format: Singles Field: Fairy Tale Prebattle: AaaaAAAaaAAAAAaaaAa. Defeat: Okay, but......... StreetRat Bazaro 6 RIBOMBEE,46,FOCUSSASH,STICKYWEB,DRAININGKISS,BUGBUZZ,HIDDENPOWERGRO,1,M,0,false,TIMID,31,70,Barry,false,,,0,0,4,252,252,0 DELPHOX,48,LIFEORB,SHADOWBALL,PSYCHIC,MYSTICALFIRE,DAZZLINGGLEAM,1,M,0,false,TIMID,31,70,Ninetales,false,,,0,0,4,252,252,0 TSAREENA,48,ASSAULTVEST,HIJUMPKICK,NATUREPOWER,POWERWHIP,PLAYROUGH,1,F,0,false,ADAMANT,31,70,Bouncee,false,,,252,252,4,0,0,0 SAMUROTT,48,ASSAULTVEST,SACREDSWORD,MEGAHORN,NIGHTSLASH,RAZORSHELL,1,M,0,false,ADAMANT,31,70,Nobunaga,false,,,252,252,0,0,0,4 SYLVEON,47,LEFTOVERS,DRAININGKISS,SHADOWBALL,CALMMIND,WISH,0,F,0,false,BOLD,31,70,Pix,true,,,252,0,252,0,4,0 AGGRON,50,AGGRONITE,CURSE,HEAVYSLAM,EARTHQUAKE,REST,0,M,0,false,CAREFUL,31,70,MOUNTAIN MAN,false,,,252,0,4,0,0,252
  13. Alaris and Yahy are under my radar for now, but we can't forget that bandwagons are usually started or quickly followed up on by non-town... so if there's a bad flip tomorrow just keep that in mind.
  14. What's with all this Sword of the Law talk? I don't see any kind of role with chat restrictions like that on the list, and it looks more like a way to just waste our time. Either he's an agent of the Mafia trying to cause chaos with essays, or he's been somehow tricked or threatened by someone via a message, I'm more tempted to think it was the latter, probably as a joke or bluff. Also can we please PLEASE avoid the whole character = role thing? It's stated in the rules that character is not always indicative of role. It's best to ignore trying to play like that and just play this as a closed setup.
  15. Reading pages actually makes Mafia games make sense. Who knew? [unvote] Still, I find it very unlikely that Amine is Mafia, given how sudden they were to put themselves out there. Probably best to ignore for now. Also are we just going to ignore Alaris' claim that he also visited Lia but "didn't kill her?" I'm going back to trusting my gut for now. [eliminate] Alaris
  16. Okay hi I'm late to typing but Yes I was mostly waiting for Nicki to say something about not being roleblocked, but since they never said ANYTHING about this despite Amine calling her out I'm tempted to... [unvote] [eliminate] Nicki One's lying for sure in this, but I'm more tempted to choose the side that didn't make the sudden accusation. Unless I'm misunderstanding or misreading something, then someone can feel free to correct me. I am curious why everyone's on Amine over Nicki. If I were Mafia and down one ally, I definitely wouldn't want to put myself out there immediately the following day so...??????
  17. Day is about to end, but I'll be the only one brave enough to ask this How did everyone's Night Actions go? Why is no one talking about anything they did? Did no one get roleblocked? Did anyone's action fail? Did anyone learn anything worthwhile? Will Bean ever find a new pet? Find out next time on DragonBleach Shippuden
  18. I still find Lia suspicious tbh for trying to throw others under the bus so suddenly. Just my D1 observation, until someone says they actually did something useful with their night action.
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