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Everything posted by Bazaro

  1. There's a ton of people who haven't talked today, + there's only a handful of possible roles that can message. I'd presume there's 2-3 of them actually in the game. It sounds like Anti might've been visited by one, but I can't make out what he's saying. - EDIT to avoid double posting You're saying "suspects" as if the messenger is a Mafia member, Lia. There's no harm in the message, and I assume it was just done for fun. Your sudden willingness to drop suspicion on people D1 is... well suspicious. Maybe I was right to vote you all along :]
  2. I believe Anti was visited by Caroler or Comedian... and it RNG'd himself??? It's kinda hard to make out what he typed. Still don't get the "Sword of Law and 2 posts" thing at all. @Anti-loser could you elaborate more please?
  3. Why not? Either way you confirmed the Telepath's existence (assuming the role isn't mafia) so if that's the case then exposing the message does nothing, especially since Bean is probably one of the safest people to impersonate. Even if it is really Bean, I doubt anyone would believe that. And if Mafia sent the message, then you just exposed one of their roles congrats. We now know either a Telepath or Whisperer exists, assuming you really did get a message. If you wanted to keep the contents quiet, you should've kept the entire thing secret imo.
  4. I was only told someone passed by me, so yeah I'm pretty sure it was a Penguin.
  5. And now I just realized that Lykos isn't even in the game. Sadness.
  6. Admittedly I haven't looked too into the entire role list so I'm not 100% sure there's other possibilities for 2 mafia kills each night, so I just used the info I got + what Nick said assuming what you said was truthful. Whoa Lia I literally voted for you for being the first person I saw, aka above me. That wicked conspiracy is definitely something I would maybe try to do, except like you said yourself, imitating Bean is pretty obvious. Honestly if given the chance here, I'd probably try to imitate Caimie, Nicki, or Lykos. Bean is too easy.
  7. Also Lia's getting awfully defensive over a joke vote within the first 30 minutes of D1, just my observation. I'll stick with it for now cuz pressure is fun
  8. @NickCrash You don't have to worry about a Jailer. I got RNG confirmation that there is no Jailer of any form in the game. Also towncred points for you unless you somehow anticipated this information leak and bluffed HARD. So we don't have to worry about 2 deaths each night. Only one death tonight seems to help show that.
  9. Feel free to put me in but I won't be able to play for another week
  10. :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  11. It's because we're the mafia and Nicki is Town and must die for the greater good you'd know if you read
  12. Maybe we can't but there's no reason to vote anyone else if you're admitting it.
  13. Ah nevermind, I just read Jace's post clearly now. So Nicki is our Coyote. They killed Ross last night, probably because they were the Cat Lady, who would either block them or learn that they were the Coyote. In that case, she is immune to lynches right now. Because Jace blocked ECT last night, he shouldn't have been able to kill if he were a Mafia. Jace is our last way to stop the Coyote from killing someone, so I definitely do not want to see them die. Vote Nicki, please.
  14. I'm trusting Alaris's claim 100% here that those were the only members in the Mafia meetings. Meaning the only hostile roles that could keep us here are Hostile Third Parties, or Mafia Members who don't go to meetings. Most of these roles are already dead, and we've established that it's pointless for anyone to lie about their player name. So that means the ONLY possible roles that could be holding the game back are Coyote (Nicki), Politician (Jace), potentially Pineapple (also Jace), and Thief (ECT). The other Mastermind (Newt) is excluded because Alaris did not mention them once, unless they did not say anything the whole time during Mafia Chat. Seal2 was neither mentioned by Alaris nor has a role that can possibly be holding this game up, so voting for anyone other than these 4 without a reason why they could be sus is sus in of itself. EDIT: Note that Politician is NOT a Hostile role, but if they randomly realign to Mafia, then the game would still continue until either they died or they switched alignments again.
  15. I'm saying those are the only possible suspects. I agree Jace is the most suspicious of the 3, but I can't exclude everyone without definitive proof.
  16. Unless Alaris failed to mention someone from the Mafia chat while he was there, but it's safe to assume he didn't. Then in that regard, Newt is probably safe too. Newt is almost certainly Town. Bean1 being a Coyote but Town makes sense why they didn't try to kill anyone, but if Nicki were a Coyote it might explain Ros's death. Nicki might be our suspect. Jace's roles have a lot of mystery around them, and when he told everyone he was Town primary, he could have seen Politician changing, and/or lied about it. It's likely Jace could be our suspect, but it doesn't explain Ros's death. ECT could be a second Thief, who isn't part of Mafia chat. That means they would still have the factional kill, thus Ros's death. ECT could be our suspect as the last hidden Mafia.
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