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  1. My v10 game is on medium but I'm still getting the same error screen Edit: No worries, I figured out how to fix it.
  2. Hey guys! Whenever I try to load up the game from my save file, I get this error message. I've already tried loading up older save files, and I get the same error. I am in Carotos Mountain after fighting Texen and I am saved right in front of a mining rock. Also, before I saved I put my screen size on full screen rather than large (the size I always play on) and I believe this is why I am having problems. But even when I load older save files that have the large screen size saved I get the same error message. Does anyone know how to fix this? Note: This is V11
  3. Edit: I finally beat Charlotte, but I guess while this post is here does anyone have any suggestions for what pokemon I can add to my team or have in reserve? Blaziken: lvl 65 @ Wide Lens Ability: Speedboost Nature: Impish -Sky Uppercut -Blaze Kick -Brave Bird -Bulk Up Noivern: lvl 64 @ Silk Scarf Ability: Telepathy Nature: Mild - Air Slash -Boomburst -Dragon Pulse - Tailwind Mamoswine: lvl 65 @ Never-Melt Ice Ability: Thick Fat Nature: Naughty -Rock Smash (ik I have to change this move, but idk what to change it to) -Earthquake -Ice Fang -Ice Shard Mismagius: lvl 65 @ Rock Incense (thinking about changing it to a Rock Gem) Ability: Levitate Nature: Timid -Psybeam -Power Gem -Shadow Ball -Perish Song Manectric: lvl 64 @ Lax Incense Ability: Static Nature: Mild -Electric Terrain -Discharge -Charge -Thunderwave Roserade: lvl 64 @ Rose Incense Ability: Natural Cure Nature: Timid -Nature Power -Petal Dance -Giga Drain -Toxic Spikes --In Reserve-- Donphan: lvl 50 @ None Ability: Sturdy Nature: Brave -Giga Impact -Rock Smash -Earthquake -Strength Ursaring: lvl 49 @ None Ability: Quick Feet Nature: Impish -Cut -Slash -Feint Attack -Strength Floatzel: lvl 46 @ None Ability: Swift Swim Nature: Brave -Pursuit -Surf -Aqua Jet -Aqua Tail Thanks in advance!
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