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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ookamishadows

  1. I write articles on anime for an online anime magazine. I am also the main editor. Since I do not want to come across as advertising for my work, I will only share the url to the magazine if asked out of respect to this forum. I also am a poet and published 3 books in my country. I also have a website where I write poetry, stories and sometimes tales of my travels.
  2. Ummm... if you are like most people in my country (South Africa) you will find this weird: I love to eat Banana and Mayo on bread (oh, with margarine or butter of course). I find the combination creamy and the mayo gives the banana a real edge. The banana I just slice into disks and then I dress it with mayo. An extra slice on top is optional.
  3. Currently playing Pokemon Spork and loving it!

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  4. Wow, that is so generous of you! No need to though, I am so addicted to this beautiful game that I immediately went back into the game after reporting the bug to you and I caught another one. Thanks for your generous offer though. You guys, like your game, are an awesome bunch!
  5. I really love this game and I love Touhoumon Faith & Prayer (I hope you will finish it, it is brilliant). I hope you will continue making Touhou and Pokemon games, I really like the energy and flow of your games and thanks to you I found a lot of Touhou games (all Hacks) and now I am a Touhou fan. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing. I just wanted to encourage you. You rock.
  6. Greetings. First, congratulation on making a fun game, I am really enjoying it. I encounter a strange bug when I was training up my crew in the third EV/IV room in the hotel. I was fighting a Bonsly with my Weedle, it wounded my Weedle and I went for a potion after I healed my Weedle, Bonsly went for a Copy Cat attack and ... he got stuck. It kept on repeating the same message (That Bonsly is attacking with Copy Cat) over and over without the attack happening. I sadly had to close the game (and lost the cute little Cricketot I just caught *sigh*) It was rather strange and I thought I should just mention it to you. Just in case...
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