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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Solaceax

  1. hi hello am back and hating samson with every fibre of my being ;w;--current team--Incineroar | 67 Charcoal Intimidate Careful- Flare Blitz - Cross Chop - Fake Out - Darkest Lariat Slurpuff | 65 Sitrus Berry Unburden Serious- Play Rough- Energy Ball- Cotton Guard- Endeavor Meowstic | 63 Twisted Spoon Keen Eye Docile- Shadow Ball- Fake Out- Psychic- Psyshock Heracross | 63 Lac Incense Moxie Jolly- Megahorn- Close Combat- Aerial Ace- Rock Blast Magneton | 63 Protective Pads Sturdy Sassy- Tri Attack- Metal Sound- Discharge- Flash Cannon Amoonguss | 61 Miracle Seed Regenerator Modest- Feint Attack- Clear Smog- Giga Drain- Toxic ---- --Other Pokemon you have in your PC-- Hawlucha | 63 Synthetic Seed Unburden Quirky - Roost - High Jump Kick - Swords Dance - Bounce Seismitoad | 63 Mystic Water Water Absorb Adamant - Drain Punch - Sludge Wave - Muddy Water - Hydro Pump Golurk | 64 Iron Fist Jolly - Night Shade - Earthquake - Mega Punch - Hammer Arm Braviary | 55 Keen Eye Timid Flying Gem - Tailwind - Air Slash - Crush Claw - Brave Bird I was training up braviary and hawlucha but man idek. I was originally using amoonguss to toxic the hariyama and could get through like half the team, but the AI is being weird now and no matter how often i retry it keeps ohkoing my poor mushroom boy :c so rude looking at it now i could prolly change meowstics ability, but outside of that idk what would help (besides catch another rufflet that doesn't have a horrible nature hrrrg). thank you in advance once again ;w;
  2. Oh, yeah, that's basically what I'm planning to do. I've evolved Joltik and Torracat, so now I'm just working on Numel haha;; I also caught a Meowth for fake out~ the Golem I have has sturdy, so I'll try to level it as well! Thank you
  3. looking for help with Shelly --current team--Joltik | 34 Compoundeyes Timid- Electroweb- Thunder Wave- Signal Beam- Gastro Acid Noctowl | 30 Tinted Lens Timid- Echoed Voice- Peck- Extrasensory- Psycho Shift Bibarel | 33 Protective Pads Moody Sassy- Water Gun- Crunch- Hyper Fang- Rock Smash Torracat | 33 Intimidate Careful- Scratch- Fire Fang- Bite- Lick Slurpuff | 30 Unburden Serious- Fairy Wind- Endeavor- Cotton Spore- Fake Tears Numel | 32 Simple Careful- Curse- Earth Power- Lava Plume- Iron Head ---- --Other Pokemon you have in your PC--Sudowoodo | 27 Golem | 26 Fletchinder | 27 Beautifly | 25 Growlithe | 25 Pidgeotto | 19 the rest are under leveled/probably not relevant ---- money available: 11998 otherwise, I was training up the sudowoodo/golem/fletchinder in hopes that would help, but I also read that a pokemon with fake out would be useful so I may go hunt down one of those, haha. Also I don't have a ton of useful held items yet ;w; thank you in advance for the help, though! ;u;
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