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  1. Thank you so much , now its all down to grinding and beating Blake
  2. no i didnt , whats ur id ill try trading you instead
  3. im ready now im just waiting , ID SilentSturm
  4. is moonblast possible , sorry for asking this of you
  5. its fine im currently grinding to try and help me with beating him , just message or respond when your good
  6. any possible way it could have those 2 moves , not gonna lie idk if they are egg moves or not. if not and he just learns it then ill grind him myself . thank you so much for the help my ID : SilentSturm , and ill be waiting
  7. im at the point of the game where you have to beat Agent Blake and his snow squad, i am currently running a dragon heavy team and lack a way to deal with his team, i know that an alola ninetails with ice beam and freeze dry can do well against him, sadly i dont have an ice stone to give him. The other fact that the guy who used him had the best IVs. so I'm begging some to help me get an alola ninetails.
  8. i had a blackscreen , so i reset
  9. yah now would be perfect. im on now waiting for the trade
  10. yes, if you down to trade my ID is SilentSturm. and tell me what you want for them
  11. Yes i know they are currently not available but i am currently looking to run all dragons and was hoping to run both of them in my team.
  12. +++++ REP this man, if that was a thing, he was patient through my absolute lack of knowledge on how to trade
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