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This is a truly great mod that I've been still enjoying, by the way. The alternate forms seem very well-balanced. They're often useful, but not enough to be game-breaking. think it's a very good thing this thread is no longer locked. Thanks for making it!
This is a great mod. Actually, it's my favorite. I like it more than pretty much any pokemon game I've played. I was rather alarmed that it stopped being available for awhile, actually. I was just thinking people who lack my odd personality would likely tend to dislike it. Maybe I'm wrong. I did specify that I liked it a lot in my original statement. I would probably not recommend it to anyone else, because I imagine them getting angry and tearing their hair out...but if there are numerous people who share my obsessive self-destructive personality type, and want games that encourage you to tear your hair out, have fun. I'm currently enjoying kicking people's arse with my flying wigglytuff. I like how a lot of the plate-based modified mons are not usually overpowered too, but still useful. Oftentimes the plate modifications improve things just enough to make not especially useful or dull mons like wigglytuff and typhlosion more interesting, and that diversity also helps make fights with opponents less predictable and more interesting. It seems like a lot of thought was put into the modifications and battling system and I appreciate that. There are significantly fewer "trash" tier mons now, I think, and everything's more interesting in general, and nicely difficult. It's also great to have more double battles. That said, I've probably seen more comments about people wanting reborn to be easier, than comments involving an interest in it being harder. I imagine these people attempting to play this sadomasochistic nightmare and just start chuckling. I hope the creator didn't perceive my previous comment as ungrateful. This is a great mod and I appreciate their time. They should be proud of it...and I'm quite thankful, especially because it's a free game I've enjoyed more than many I've paid for. Hopefully pride in their work will be good enough payment, which they certainly deserve.
I like difficult games...so that's primarily my goal. I like the idea of making weaker mon's stronger though. I think with the un-modded game, I don't like how you can just spam healing items after buffing. I think there should be more of a place for strong attackers, and your proposed changes do that. Personally, I would like it if (somehow) the proposed changes only apply to the player's mons, rather than the A.I. opponent's mons. That's because the player can always use roar or whirlwind if the A.I. keeps spamming buffing moves...but the A.I. may not be smart enough to do that...but if you don't want to deal with that, or that's not possible this is still an improvement to me. I liked Memeborn and Memeforms a lot, that dramatically increase difficulty. I was able to set up 2 particular mons that could wipe out entire teams singlehandedly though. I won't say what they are to avoid spoilers, but their brokenness was related to buffing ability. Your changes would make that less viable.
So, I just beat the bug badge...it's third badge, but your fourth badge leader you fight (Corey...that asshat...jumps off abridge rather than giving you the badge. They need an option for urinating on his grave in this game). This game is not something that anyone with any sense will attempt. Pokemon Memeborn was like playing a game of chess designed for masochists in which the pieces randomly burst into flames. This is more like playing a game of chess specifically designed for masochists in which your own pieces randomly burst into flames, but then also come alive and start attacking you while you're playing the game of chess. There is no joy in this game, only suffering...and yet, in the same way that stars amidst the empty black sky shine stand out all the brighter because of the void all around them, when you finally complete a badge you feel like you're an Olympic Athelete who just won a medal...and the suffering becomes very joy-like. This is actually my favorite Reborn mod...because I like difficult games, and there's nothing more difficult that involves this genre. My most useful mon's have been the following: *My desposable army of Raticates, Seakings, Lumineons, and Skuntanks. None of them have any names. They don't need names. They have life spans of about four seconds a piece...however they're probably the best, easily available early mons you can get that can deal a decent amount of damage, during the one or two hits they can take before they crumple like paper. *Vespiquen with defend order, heal order, substitute, and fury cutter, and the item metrenome, and the ability "pressure." This thing won me two badges almost singlehandedly, but it needed a lot of help to get set up first. The "pressure" ability is vital. That's about half its usefullness alone. It's extremely fragile at first, but once it gets going it's pretty much invulnerable. *Zoroark with nasty plot, night daze, extrasensory and...whatever else you want because the fourth spot's useless. Just spam night daze and it'll beat many things. It's one of the few good, fast attackers you can get early on. It collapses immediately if so much as a mosquito lands on in though. *Ledyba with barrier, light screen, agility, and baton pass. *Swalot with Yawn, acid, and stockpile and...whatever else. The fourth slot doesn't matter much. *Butterfree with compound eyes and sleep powder and whirlwind. Whirlwind is useful because you can put something to slip, whirlwind it out, then put something else asleep too...and just kind of slide through the ranks like that putting as many opponents as possible to sleep before it finally dies. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I rate this a 1 out of five...and that's because I don't think anyone is going to play it for longer than five minutes except me. You have to do everything possible in order to succeed in any way possible. You pretty much require EV training for just about everything....and you can't get the EV increasing items until after Corey's badge...so you're just kind of screwed and your only solution is to bang your head against a wall for awhile until a genie comes out of your skull and grants you a wish that allows you to make it through the damn game. That said, this is my favorite Reborn mod, because it has a lot of difficulty...and the creativity of Memeborn and several (but not all) of the new types of the alternate forms mod. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I think this game can be summarized by describing one of the more odd fights in it. Rather than a more traditional fight...the new pokemon fight this game replaces that fight with consists of a giant mob of Blissey's running up to you and exploding. It doesn't really make any sense...and it's great, because it's totally unpredictable, and it wipes out your entire team without warning, and there's a somewhat easy way past it, but you've got to use a bit of creativity to find it. The game, like those Blissey's, hates you and wants to hurt you, and it's willing to destroy itself in order to hurt you. Your job is to outsmart it and avoid being blown up by exploding Blisseys that exist for no reason. Actually, I think the exploding Blisseys were from memeborn, nut the analogy applies here well.
I appreciate the amount of work put into this. I'm playing Memeforms now. It's definitely "tear your hair out" level difficulty. The main thing that makes it so difficult is that you are prevented from using any items except held items. The first poison badge gym leader, (who doesn't give you a badge) and the grass gym leader are particularly difficult because you don't have access to items that let you gain EV's faster until after beating these two gym leaders. In this game, you depend on EV's. In order to make this game more desirable to play for most people, I'd either set up an option that allows players to use items, or remove the item ban altogether, or find a way to give those EV-increasing items to players at the game's start. Also, if there's an option to have all pokemon get pokerus and keep it permanently, that would make accumulating EV's very quick, which I'd like. You'd remove a lot of grinding while not decreasing the difficulty.
SPOILERS BELOW So, what's been working pretty well so far has been starting off with Venusaur using sleep powder and leech seed, or something else using yawn. Or, something that can set up barriers or with thunder wave works okay too. Sleep powder and leech seed usually work best. Then I switch into a baton passer or something that can buff itself up. I haven't found anything with strong offensive buffing abilities yet though, like swords dance or nasty plot, so I'm not sure how that would work. Then I buff up that, and it usually takes out a couple opponents until they do a critical hit and knock it out. For this reason, I usually need two sweepers that can buff themselves up and two mon's that are like venusaur - ones that can hinder their opponent somehow with sleep powder, yawn, leech seed, thunder wave, or something like that that can give the sweeper more time to build itself up. In some fights though, building up sweepers just won't work and I'm best off just winning as quickly as possible. Fortunately, that's not most of them because my usual team isn't any good at that. For my fifth and sixth, I'll have some combination of baton-passers, revenge killers, or entry-hazard setters. I don't find spikes or stealth rock too useful...but I love toxic spikes and sticky web. My main team consists of the following so far, with replacements here and there depending on what I find and what opponents I'm up against: Lonely (Cofigrigus) with hex, protect, toxic spikes, and will-o-wisp. Hex doubles the power of attacks on enemies with status afflictions. It usually makes a good starter. Between will-o-wisp and toxic spikes it gets status afflictions on about everything. Protect increases the damage from toxic spikes by making things take longer. It'll usually knock out a couple opponents and leave behind toxic spikes set down, and sometimes a burned mon before it goes. It's definitely a good physical tank, and burns from will-o-whisp can render physical attackers not-too problematic, so It'll sometimes give me the chance to switch into a self-buffing sweeper. I had to breed toxic spikes into it. Void (Venusaur) with leech seed, sleep powder, nature power, and synthesis. It has the item black sludge (you can find them fairly early). This is almost always my starter. I mostly just use it for using sleep powder and leech seed, then switching out into some kind of self-buffing sweeper. Abomination (shuckle) with knock off, power split, guard split, and struggle bug. In a few more levels I'll be able to replace struggle bug with sticky web. Once that happens it'll be more useful in single battles. Right now, it's mostly only useful for double battles. Its first move is usually power split, which averages your attack and special attack with that of the opponent. Shuckle's extremely low attack and special attack means the move basically halves the attack and special attack of the opponent until they switch out. After that, in double battles, I can use guard split on my other mon in play, averaging its and shuckle's defenses, decreasing shuckle's defenses but increasing it's partner's defenses by a lot. I'll then either switch out or use knock off or struggle bug on opponents until shuckle faints. I had to breed knock off into it. Saturn (claydol) with cosmic power, power split, extrasensory and earth power. Right now it's my best sweeper. Power split results in its low special attack seldom being much of a problem. They'll usually haver at least one mega evolution or other strong special attacker I can use that on to boost its special attack to something worthwhile. Lorn (swalot) with stockpile, yawn, acid, and sludge bomb. It has the item black sludge. Yawn can make it useful early for putting opponents to sleep so that it, or another sweeper, can build itself up. Stockpile lets it become something of a sweeper. Acid reduces special defense and sludge bomb deals pretty good amount of damage after an acid or two. Witch (vespiquen) with fury cutter, defend order, heal order, and substitute. It has the item metrenome. It's only useful for double battles, but it's very useful in double battles that don't involve many mon's with moves its weak against. I'll partner it with something with sleep powder or yawn and start using defend orders until all possible have been used. Then I'll use substitute and start using fury cutter. Fury cutter increases in power each time you us it consecutively. Metrenome also increases the power of moves used consecutively. There's a limit, but it's a pretty high limit. Its partner can either use a move to put an opponent to sleep, or I can use their turn to use a healing item on vespiquen so it doesn't have to stop using fury cutter. After it gets going it can one-shot most things, but it takes a long time to get going. I just got the fifth badge. I use up a LOT of healing items and often don't win an important battle on the first try. Cain's nidoking tends to one-shot most of my carefully crafted team after one nasty plot. I dread meeting something that actually has impressive special attack and nasty plot. This game is not a Pokemon game. Pokémon games are carefree children's games that you play when you want to just turn your brain off and do something with all the mental challenge of watching a butterfly flitter about for a couple hours. This is more like a game of chess specifically designed for masochists who want the additional challenge of their pieces randomly bursting into flames. If anyone wants to waste a huge chunk of their life on a goal with all the likelihood of success of a penguin flapping its wings fast enough to fly...try playing Memeborn without healing items, except for held items. No full heals or potions or anything like that. I want to see how well you do. Please stop if you begin to tear your hair out...seriously. I want to see how far you get before reaching that point. I bet you'll beat the first two gyms...and then you'll be about at the tearing your hair out point.
Thanks for the game. I like ditto for breeding early...but with some of the tougher single enemies that it could transform into, I suppose getting one early could make the game too easy.
In the normal Reborn, you have an opportunity to get a ditto as a special encounter. In this Memeborn, the steps I've taken in Reborn to get the ditto didn't work. I'm not sure if it's planned that way or a glitch. To get the ditto I downloaded Reborn, started and saved a new game to create a save file folder, moved my Memeborn save file to the Reborn save file folder, deleting the old Reborn save file, so that I could bring my Memeborn pokemon and location data to Reborn. I caught the ditto in Reborn, saved the game, exited it, then moved the Reborn save file (that used to be the Memeborn save file) back into my Memeborn save file folder. I now have a ditto in Memeborn. It doesn't have perfect stats like other Memeborn pokemon do though. I'll be curious about whether or not this creates glitches or makes pokemon I breed with the ditto lose their perfect stats. If Azery doesn't create an updated version of Memeborn that has a completed version of the game, I'll try to transfer my save file back to Reborn to finish the game that way and see how that works too. I'll let people know if I experience any problems. If anyone's interested, I can describe the exact process and area for getting ditto in the regular Reborn, or describe what I did in more detail. I don't want to reveal unnecessary spoilers if nobody asks though, and I know elsewhere on the forum describes where to get ditto anyway...although not in a huge amount of detail, when I looked at it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Okay, so I've bred an egg from the ditto, hatched it, and entered into a fight with the ditto. The creature that hatched from the egg had the same perfect IV states as all the others in Memeborn. No glitches while entering a fight with ditto either.
Bug is probably one of the better types to use....lots of baton passers and support types. That's definitely my favorite type.
never played redux...but this is the hardest pokemon game I've played. It's probably a little harder than playing the normal Reborn with no items, which I've tried. In this version I've gotten the third badge. You'll probably lose many of the major fights the first time after the first two badges. It does force you to be a bit creative.
Thanks for making this. This is awesome. It's nicely tormenting. I like other changes too - the pokemon you've added and the lucky egg and exp share in the beginning.
So, I just found the additional mods option for Reborn. I have no more complaints about Reborn. I'm going back to play it again now. It gives you some additional options, including the option to have hard level caps that give no more experience until your next badge is gotten, as well the option to get more or less experience, and the option raise the likelihood of encountering pokemon during fishing, headbutting and rock smashing. I like that a lot. I'm using it to get rid of a lot of the grinding I don't like, and adding in the level caps I do like. It's easy to use too...just a nice, simple list of additional options in the game screen.
I didn't know that. That's an improvement. You still can't just, permanently not worry about it the way you can in rejuvenation though. In rejuvenation, I got that item that gives experience to your whole team, and doesn't seem to remove experience from the party member who won the fight to get the experience...so it does nothing but give more experience to your whole team. I love that thing. It makes grinding pretty much unnecessary. It gives your whole team EV's too, so you can do EV training six times as fast as you would otherwise. You need a hard level cap for that to be very useful though. Because of that, rejuvenation had less irritating being concerned about going over the cap, and pretty much zero grinding, which I think is a big plus. For me, that concern about not going over the soft level cap is a pretty big deal. Maybe I'm just more anal retentive than most people. I don't like being basically forced to either not constantly use the group I like to use, or frequently using level reducing candies. For it's like, what potential disadvantages come from hard level caps also might make the game more enjoyable through making it harder, by preventing people from evolving their team a bit early. I just stopped playing reborn after awhile because I got so annoyed by that. I might go back to that eventually. I'm playing Insurgence now. I don't think it's nearly as good of a game as Rejuvenation or Reborn in most ways. The plot, in particularly, isn't nearly as good and the world-building isn't nearly as creative. The only reason I'm playing it, and stopped playing Reborn, is because I think those hard level caps are so great. But I can understand disagreement though. you know what? never mind. Damnit...nobody's supposed to have dissenting options. Everybody's supposed to agree with me, lol. HEY! NOBODY READING THIS THREAD LISTEN TO ANYONE EXCEPT ME AND MAYBE GuineaPigJones. ONLY OUR OPINIONS MATTER! ALL NEW GAMES SHOULD HAVE HARD LEVEL CAPS! EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES IS OBJECTIVELY WRONG AND SHOULD PROBABLY BE SENT TO RE-EDUCATION CAMPS, WHERE THEY WILL BE TAUGHT THE "CORRECT" ASPECTS OF LEISURE ACTIVITIES TO ENJOY.
*I'm hoping to find protect somewhere. That with venusaur, with leech seed, leftovers, and sleep powder, along with the call ability to raise accuracy of sleep powder should make it pretty much invulnerable. *Umbreon with bite and confuse ray can make a good annoyer if you have something with thunder wave or glare to paralyze the thing. Probably Umbreon, Venusaur, and either magnezone or lanturn, depending on what I get first. I don't know what else though. I like those types of slow, insidious teams best. I kind of like to watch pokemon beat themselves unconscious while paralyzed and having their life steadily stolen away with leech seed, and I like watching how any progress they making damaging my team is made useless through leftovers and them seldom being able to land a successful hit on anything. For most people, pokemon games let them go into an imaginary, cute, friendly world with adorable little creatures and no real problems. For me, it's probably more of a relatively healthy outlet for my more sadistic impulses. I like to think of my most consistent starter, venusaur, as less like a cute and friendly green doglike pet, and more like a voracious fungal vampire thing, who wants to slowly suck the life from stuff. The only bad thing about this game is it won't let me attack humans. I don't need no psychologist. Children's computer games work better.
A hard level cap is what is in Rejuvenation, where until you get a new badge you won't gain any more experience once you've reached a certain level. For example, you won't be able to raise the levels of any of your pokemon past level 20 until you earn the first badge. You can still gain EV's. If you have an experience all, other pokemon who haven't reached the level cap can still gain experience from that. You can still raise your pokemon's level past the cap through rare candies and the daycare center. You just can't raise your pokemon's level past the cap through battle-earned experience. A soft level cap is what is in Reborn. This is where you can raise your pokemon's level however high you want (up to whatever the maximum level is...usually 100) and they just cease obeying commands after they've passed the soft level cap, until you get a new badge. Many pokemon games have a soft level cap for traded pokemon. However, that doesn't affect things much, given that it's just for traded ones. In both Rejuvenation and Reborn the level caps begin at level 20 and each badge only raises it by five more levels. The great thing about level caps is that they're a way to make the game harder without the typical method of raising the levels of gym leaders ultra-high, which just encourages endless hours of repetitive grinding. Level caps also encourage the player to use multiple types of Pokemon, rather than just relying on one party, at least in the early game. I like that because it results in me feeling more like the hundreds of other pokemon that aren't in my main party serve some kind of a purpose. Level caps reward creativity rather than just grinding away. The problem with soft level caps, though, is that given that badges raise the level caps by so very little, you're constantly in danger of passing them in the middle of a fight and having your pokemon disobey. You can feed your pokemon candies to reduce their level, but that can get irritating. I see no real advantage to soft level caps over hard level caps. Anybody else agree or disagree? *In another post, I saw one person mention that hard level caps makes it feel like the experience lost was wasted: So then...you can always just stop using that pokemon if you're concerned about wasting valuable time. Use a lower level one instead. You'd be doing that with a soft level cap anyway. *In another post I saw someone talking about how hard level caps make the game seem less realistic. Oh really? Well, you're playing a game where my pets can ignite other people's pets on fire, and their owners don't really mind because it doesn't do any long term damage. You just take your dog to the doctor or give it some medicine and the affects of the multiple fireballs to the face heal right up in about two seconds. You can also store your dog in a pocket dimension that you can carry around in a ball, and these pocket dimensions cost about as much as a can of soda. I think realism left these games before...well...with the first of these games. I think hard level caps make Rejuvenation one of the best games out there. It makes a pokemon game challenging and more interesting, and as a result I think Rejuvenation is one of the best games I've played period, pokemon games or otherwise.