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  1. On Pokemon Rejuvenation my character is frozen and I cant movie it but people are moving and the water is moving?

    Does anybody know why & how to fix it?


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    2. Abyssreaper99


      Hi Nebula, I don't know if anyone has sent a direct message to ya or you've sorted it but for any future bug reports for Pokemon Rejuvenation, make a post in this section: https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/forum/189-troubleshooting/


      And don't forget to attach your save file too so people involved with Rejuv can take a look at what's happening. 

    3. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      This may be a daft question, how do you upload your save file?


    4. Abyssreaper99


      When you're typing in something in your content box, below that is a hyperlink that says choose files. It will load your my computer up, then just find the saved games folder and go into the rejuv file in there. Your save.rxdata file should be in there. 

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