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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SushiFlavouredNoodles

  1. Can you get a shiny starter in Pokemon Spork?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Yes; starter Pokemon have the same chances of being shiny as other Pokemon (which in Spork is raised to the same chance as Reborn and Rejuvenation). 


      (also, the best place to ask questions about Spork is in the thread itself, since I keep up with it regularly and get a notification every time someone posts there, whereas I don't always check the status bar and might not see statuses or other places)

  2. I really need a second Dusk Stone on reborn!

  3. In rejuvenation how do you get Misdreavus? V11.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SushiFlavouredNoodles
    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      It... might require you to be done with the area's story? I don't remember there being any spawning requirements for it, and all of the resources I've found do nothing to clear up the situation, so I'm pretty much useless from here on out. Sorry.

    4. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      ok....thx. I have completed the entire story that there is (v11)

  4. On Reborn my SR button (F12) does not work.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      How do I remap the key?

    3. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      I fixed it.

      thx everyoe.

    4. Wolfox


      glad I could help, if my advice even did anything

  5. Is it possible on Rejuvenation V11 to get shiny pokemon from NPC trade?

  6. Is there an easy mode for Reborn?... because I keep on dying.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CURIE


      Well for what it's worth, there's a Sandbox Mod.  Lets you get any Pokemon you want, with whatever level/nature/IVs you want, has an infinite money generator and shops that sell every item in the game, basically it lets you do anything.  Except raise the level cap as far as I'm aware, you'll have to at least deal with that.

    3. Candy


      ye EV training drastically decreases game difficulty, especially early on when the opponents don't have full teams of EV-trained teams. Idk if I'd recommend Sandbox for a first playthrough (I'm assuming it is?) though just cause it wouldn't be as "fun" if you have everything at the tips of your fingers 😛

    4. LeoYT


      I believe some1 said that a beginner mode mod would be made after the games completion

  7. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! I feel kinda dumb for not realizing that... haha.
  8. Whenever I go to the house in which Mareep is in Mareep is not there? Can it only appear at a certain time of day or...
  9. On Reborn whenever I open my bag an error pops up an the game closes automatically.

    Is there a way to fix it?


    1. Vinnie


      Make sure you have the latest version, check your mods if you have any, and if all else fails try and redownload it. 



  10. Hello! Does anybody know were to get Aquamarine Ore?
  11. I'm in the Sheridan Wastelands... to get Ralts. It says you have to get 3 Cell Baterrys and 1 Metal Powder... and of course the Pokeball. But where do you find the Cell B's and Metal P? Thanks.
  12. Hi, so I can't beat Sirius in the Belrose House. After you beat the two doctors. This is my team. I'm especially stuck on the Tyrantrum. Ampharos: Confuse ray, Thunder Wave, Light Screen and Discharge. Blaziken: Brave Bird, Blaze Kick, Fire Pledge and Strength. Musharna: Calm Mind, Hypnosis, Psychic and Zen Headbutt. Drifblim: Cut, Payback, Shadow Ball and Hex Gogoat: Rock Smash, Aerial Ace, Bulldoze and Seed Bomb Seaking: Waterfall, Soak, Aqua Eing and Horndrill Annd... nearly all my attacks miss.
  13. I can't beat Sirius in Belrose Mansion, has anybody got any advice?

    Much appreciated. 


    I can't beat his super OP Tyrantrum 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      Its my first time how do i make a thread?

    3. Abyssreaper99


      Once you've got into the Team Showcase, above the listings of all the topics there should be a button called 'Start new topic'. From there you just enter your title and put in all the deets in the larger box underneath. There should be a button underneath all this to create your topic once done. Hope this helps 🙂

    4. SushiFlavouredNoodles



      Here... Thank You Very Much!


  14. On Pokemon Reborn. Before you battle Aya. You fight Fern but. When I fight him and beat his first Pokemon an error comes up and I cant continue playing can someone fix this plz.


    I think this is the file...




    Im on EP18.

  15. Hello, i'm stuck and can't move. I can quick save though. P.S It might be the wrong file... By Rejuvenation SG Files are to cramped. 396 - Ervin - 46h 3m - 12 badges.rxdata Try one of these and see which one it is, thank you and please Game - 414 - Ervin - 43h 5m - 12 badges.rxdata
  16. On Pokemon Rejuvenation my character is frozen and I cant movie it but people are moving and the water is moving?

    Does anybody know why & how to fix it?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abyssreaper99


      Hi Nebula, I don't know if anyone has sent a direct message to ya or you've sorted it but for any future bug reports for Pokemon Rejuvenation, make a post in this section: https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/forum/189-troubleshooting/


      And don't forget to attach your save file too so people involved with Rejuv can take a look at what's happening. 

    3. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      This may be a daft question, how do you upload your save file?


    4. Abyssreaper99


      When you're typing in something in your content box, below that is a hyperlink that says choose files. It will load your my computer up, then just find the saved games folder and go into the rejuv file in there. Your save.rxdata file should be in there. 

  17. This rejuvenation link has been down for over a month now...


  18. when i try to go on the pkmn rejuvenation download page it comes up with a sorry you have no permission to view this page.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      is it because V11 is coming out!?!?!? 🤔😱

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      No, V11 won't be out soon. The links are down temporarily for a different reason, and we were requested to not go into detail about it. 

    4. SushiFlavouredNoodles
  19. Who knows when Pokemon Rejuvenation V11 is coming out? 



    1. Alisae


      When it comes out

    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Some point in the vast temporal reaches we mere mortals call "future".


      ...Realistically, i don't think even Jan knows the answer to that question quite yet.

    3. SushiFlavouredNoodles
  20. Who knows when Pokemon Rejuvenation V11 is coming out? 



    1. Zarc


      Pokemon Rejuvenation , Pokemon Desolation , Pokemon Full Moon ( the three are similar to reborn , same graphisms , difficulty etc ) 

    2. SushiFlavouredNoodles


      okay thx. I was playin' Pokemon Spork... got bored. Might try Full Moon.

  21. Who has got any good Fan Made games to play... dark and heartbreaking story.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Angelkitsune


      Nicely said Zarc (*^▽^*) the whole community can try to help you just ask a question and we will try  to find the best answer for you d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b

    3. Zander


      Reborn is generally impossible if you haven't played competitive pokemon. I'm pretty sure at least 80-90% of the users on this site including me have good knowledge of competitive battling including best movesets, natures, EVs and general strategies on how to deal with a specific pokemon or a situation.

      Obviously there are players who struggle because they don't have that knowledge. But that's what this forum is for. You could make a post asking for help for every single gym leader and constantly share your team. There'll always be people who'll help you get better. 

    4. SushiFlavouredNoodles
  22. Is Episode 18 Reborn out?


    1. Zarc


      yes :




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