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17 Fledgling

About Nicocchi

  • Birthday 01/05/1998

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  1. Seel raises the topic of Huge Power mons and lists a few troublemakers. I'll throw out some more mons that are pretty strong with low BSTs: Sharpedo, Breloom, Absol, Dugtrio, Darmanitan, Hitmonlee, (Mega) Sableye It would also make Haunter and Kadabra slightly stronger than Gengar and Alakazam, if I'm not screwing up my math haha. Kadabra would end up with a spread of 65/60/55/145/95/130 (+25 in every stat), while Alakazam would have 64/59/54/139/104/129 (+9) While certain mons would become too insane (*cough* Mawile *cough*) I think blanket buffs like this make for an interesting change in dynamic, and discovering which mons (maybe unexpectedly) benefitted the most is interesting. Could see it being fun for a playthrough—it might spice up which boss fights become the hardest
  2. The folder is in the .rar-file. You need a decompression program like WinRAR or 7zip to extract the folder from the .rar-file.
  3. @QueenAriados No, this is its own stand-alone game. So it's like you did with normal Reborn: extract the folder anywhere, then just run the Game.exe within it. It'll create its own save files in your Saved Games folder.
  4. Is there anything I can do myself to 'fix' Alolan Marowak? It learns Mind Blown instead of Shadow Bone at 27, but when you hover over the move the game crashes. Is this an intentional change? Cause it doesn't learn Shadow Claw via TM either, so you don't really have access to a ghost move... Here is what happens when you go to the move relearner: And when you go down to Mind Blown:
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  7. RPG Maker games are pretty hard to make run smoothly. I've heard some people reporting improvements by running the game on only 1 CPU core. The logic being the older RPG Maker engine is more suited/optimized to run on a single core. Here's how you would make the game run on a single core: 1. Start the game 2. Open task manager and click on the "details" tab 3. Right click on the Reborn .exe that's running and select "Set affinity" 4. Uncheck all the CPU cores except for one of them 5. Select "OK" and close the task manager. You'd have to repeat this process everytime you launch the game, or you could make a batch (.bat) file for it. Try it out, and if you find that running the game on a single core works well for you and would like to create a shortcut, here's how you can make a .bat file to launch the game using only one core. Create a text file (with like, Notepad) and write this: So in my case it looks like this: The first line browses to the directory of the game file, and the second line, "start /affinity 1 Game.exe", will launch Game.exe to run using only Core 0. Save the file as a .bat, and that's it. Double click to run. I made this in my Reborn folder. Now, you can't pin .bat files to the task bar (where I like to keep my Reborn shortcut) but there's an easy workaround if you want to do that. Create a new shortcut (I also made this in my Reborn folder), and in the target location write: cmd /c "[path to batch file]" So mine looks like this: Name it and change the icon to match Reborn's icon so it looks pretty and you're done. You can pin this shortcut to your taskbar or start or wherever you have you current Reborn shortcut. Hopefully this was followable, and hopefully you see performance improvements with this. Otherwise there's not much else you can do AFAIK besides buying a beefier computer :p
  8. While it's discontinued, it's accurate as of E18. It doesn't go into specific gameplay changes, but it covers all choices that affect relationship points with other characters. As for the true ending, while it hasn't been confirmed (AFAIK) it is generally accepted that gaining maximum relationship points with Shade is what will lead to an eventual true ending.
  9. I can't believe he was ready to sac Dishsoap but lives the Iron Head... I share some others' sentiment about the death of Belly—hopefully the coming battles will be more fun/not just Stockpile-Potion spamfests. Despite the death, the Kiki battle went better than I thought it would. He absolutely did the right thing training up Karen; took out some threats! As always, good sleep turn luck and questionable AI decisions but that's to be expected at this point.
  10. I had no doubt he'd make short work of the Muk fight some were worried about, even if his confusion luck was good. I have never prophesied his undoing before, though I was surprised at how smoothly his Shelly and Shade fights went, but I have to say I'm very skeptical about the upcoming Kiki battle. I personally have never really struggled with the Cal fight so I'm sure he'll pull through but I fail to see how he'll deal with Kiki's team. I almost feel like almost any mon in the fight could be his downfall. Can't even rely on setting up Stockpiles with Belly since Medicham gets a guaranteed crit (which I feel like would be the first crit he's ever suffered in this playthrough lol). Really looking forward to it seeing this fight! One thing that annoys me is how he trains new mons. Or rather how he doesn't. Does he know about the Grand Hall trainers? But I supposed he'd be worried about losses there if he has to switch-train. Exp Share in Spinel should hopefully alleviate training new members, if he gets there. Seeing him grind in Beryl and stop at level 20-something pains me.
  11. Either the field notes text file is incorrect or there's a buggy interaction with Air Balloon and Desert Field. "Water-type moves from grounded Pokemon decrease base power x0.5 (excluding Scald and Steam Eruption)" is what the field notes say. But my Water type attacks from a Crawdaunt holding an Air Balloon are still weakened. Video: https://youtu.be/evnhyelmIyU Both attacks (before and after the Balloon pops) do the same amount of damage, so it's not just a text-box bug.
  12. Oh yeah, I always forget Psychic was immune to Ghost in gen 1. This is it then
  13. @Relinquished You say you managed to use up all your Energy Ball PP? Shadow Ball has 15PP while Energy Ball has 10. If you were weaving in some Spiky Shields or other moves there it's possible Palossand ran out of Shadow Ball PP and thus had to resort to Giga Draining your Jynx. EDIT: See Azery's answer.
  14. The best/easiest way to EV train any Pokémon who wants Speed + [other stat], in my opinion, is to use the Aqua Hideout alley in Lapis Ward. All the Pokémon there give Speed EVs, and you don't have to reset for dark spots or anything. So you start out with the other Power item (in this case Lens for SpAtk), and then switch to Anklet to finish off Speed. For the moveset, like some others have suggested I would also strongly recommend Heat Wave. It is very good, considering double battles are some of the toughest in the game.
  15. You can walk on the bottom right of the Kristiline Help Center (post-Angie).
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