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5 Fledgling


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  1. Agreed, I voted for Amber, Tesla, and Aelita. It made me tear up when she said that a room in her house was our room from now on and wanted them to be a member of her family when these things were over with. She's like the one whom was willing to accept a new child and gave them a new meaning on what true family is.
  2. Where do I find the 5 dreamscape fragments since I know you have to get them in order to get the Mega Ring.
  3. It is true that they changed the location to it and the answer is the evolution area is in an abandoned steelwork factory in North Celia. At the Northwest area, you have to talk to a guy with a cyndaquil upon interacting with the door of the factory and a girl near the door who talks about it and the owner. After you talk to the guy he says he'll allow you in if you pay 17 credits to get in.
  4. Hey there guys! First of all congratulations to Posty and Ruby for becoming a part of one of the three big Pokemon titans!! (Pokemon Reborn, Rejuvie, and Desolation.) I know with their help the game will explore to even bigger heights than ever before!! Now I only have about.. 2 or so questions which any member of the team is willing to answer if they like. First one is something I've always been curious to know. That would be when you had the choice to either give the stone to either shiv or Crescent. Which did you go with and why? The second one I feel is somewhat similar to the first, Which is character development! If you could choose only one character in the WHOLE game which one did you think was the most shocking but had the best character development and change in how they operated (Basically how they think of situations, how they executed their actions, etc.). The last one is the music.. I feel it's one of the essential things that can really tell a story for the characters like how Hardy's theme was kind of a soft and hot rivalry before it changed into a more rock and roll and feeling that you wish there was another way until things come up and pull the rug from under you. Will the music change to really symbolize these moments in the story or will they stay the same with only a re-done melody? I would like to once again to thank you for taking time out of your schedules just to help keep one of the biggest fangames to date stay alive and really drive it to the top of the MOUNTAIN!! **FIND GREATNESSS AT THE TOP OF THE PEAKK!!!!!!!** And to thank you for answering the questions of this curious fan of this game since I've played through it alot of times and enjoyed it ~~Although I rage quitted after I couldn't beat tristan the first time which was for a whole year cause I couldn't get past the wigglytuff since by the time I got by his pokemon mine were either at red or yellow.~~ I also hope you have a wonder day. ^_^
  5. Taka does state in toumaline desert that even if you made your decision of whether or not to fight him, he'll be killed either by the good guys or by lin's forces so he's aware that he's going to die whether its on screen or off screen.
  6. This is just what i found so far but its final fanatsy (whatever number cloud is in) jenova.
  7. You evolve it when you get your hands on a prism scale then level up feebas during the daytime from Etherean City. Etherean city has all of the items required for evolving pokemon like electabuzz, rhyperior, milotic, scizor, etc. In their marketplace. Just a heads up the evolutions will be influenced by the time, some will be at night while some may be in the day.
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