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5 Fledgling

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  1. Been playing the game up till E18 and was really hyped for E19, but when I booted the game it says "A graphic card that supports OpenGL 2.0 or later is required." Is there any way to bypass it for older/lower specs computers? T_T If there's none I'd probably have to go to a net cafe to finish the game or something...
  2. Unfortunately... I don't Beldum is one of the Pokemon I want, but a pain to breed. Sorry
  3. Sure. Send me a trade request
  4. Oh. We can trade again, sec
  5. Give me 1 minute. Sorry. Trading with another guy his rockruff xD
  6. Hmm... seems like you're away. Ping me when you're back on
  7. Send me a trade request at Jannn
  8. Is it weird if I feel my Shiny Charm isn't working? I don't feel much difference with Shiny encounters even after getting it. 

    1. sdddf4


      Same here. I guess it's because reborn's rate for shinies is so high when compared to the normal games that it doesn't really make a difference or the difference isn't noticeable. 

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