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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by 「J」

  1. Been playing the game up till E18 and was really hyped for E19, but when I booted the game it says "A graphic card that supports OpenGL 2.0 or later is required." Is there any way to bypass it for older/lower specs computers? T_T If there's none I'd probably have to go to a net cafe to finish the game or something...
  2. Unfortunately... I don't Beldum is one of the Pokemon I want, but a pain to breed. Sorry
  3. Sure. Send me a trade request
  4. Oh. We can trade again, sec
  5. Give me 1 minute. Sorry. Trading with another guy his rockruff xD
  6. Hmm... seems like you're away. Ping me when you're back on
  7. Send me a trade request at Jannn
  8. Is it weird if I feel my Shiny Charm isn't working? I don't feel much difference with Shiny encounters even after getting it. 

    1. sdddf4


      Same here. I guess it's because reborn's rate for shinies is so high when compared to the normal games that it doesn't really make a difference or the difference isn't noticeable. 

  9. You can see it on the forum. At the Main Tab just hover your mouse over Social and click Reborn Discord.
  10. 「J」


    Or you can let it learn Stomping Tantrum for the meantime. Did that with my one
  11. I still have around 20+ more Absols mainly 4-5 IVs, but are physical attackers. I can trade you that, since I'm trading them away
  12. Yeah I am. Send me a trade request at Jannn
  13. Have you tried doing the other path yet? If you've just only done it this episode can try and load back to do the other path before crashing the train. If you've already crashed the train before this episode, not sure if can you still go to the other or not though
  14. You can also sell items like Stardust, Relics, Nuggets etc. Fastest way for me to farm gold is just Amulet Coin and spam battles in Grand Hall. Personally I just spam on Thursday's since Garchomp can 1v4 and its 16k gold per battle (8k without Amulet Coin)
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