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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Quasar47

  1. Ok, so here is my team : - A lvl 8 Zigzagoon (just a slave) - A lvl 21 Wormadam (currently griding to keep it at its best) - 2 lvl 25 Noibat and Loudred - A lvl 26 Prinplup - A lvl 27 Kricketune I only have one badge, and currently battling against all the second gym members before the champion. So, you're basically telling me that if I want to continue playing the game without an handicap against a champion who already had beaten up my team for my first badge, I have to willingly handicap my pokemons so that they're not too overpowered for my future matchs ? This is the most stupid way of introducing challenge I've ever seen in a Pokemon game. I mean, ok, maybe I am not supposed to grind in this game, but... Undoing all of my progress just to give a chance to a guy I'm supposed to beat... Heck, why should I give him a chance, I'm supposed to beat him ! And more importantly, if it's so easy to grind in this game, why not make that part of the game more difficult, or strengthen up my enemies' pokemons in gyms ? Why should I waste pokedollars and progress in order to give me a chance of loosing ? I mean, look at my team! If I don't use a Common Candy to weaken them, none of them will obey me, and I'm gonna get destroyed again and again by the same guy over and over... and I'm barely at my second badge, so what is it going to be when I am halfway through the game ? I don't want to use Common Candy. I don't want to do something I'm not supposed to do to play "fair". I've already sold each Common candy I've found to gain a bit of money to spend for pokeballs and potions. Is this system telling me all this progress was lost ? I mean, I'm still at the beginning of the game, so I haven't got that much progress, but is it going to be the same for all gym leaders ? And what if my pokemons aren't strong enough to beat them, even though they're just at the limit ? This is not even bad game design, it's stupid. I want to hear the reason why this system was implemented, because it's ludicrous.
  2. Hi everyone, I managed to reach the city named Onyx Ward with my lvl 26 Prinplup (my starter) and a full team, including a lvl 26 Kricketune I've received at the start of the game. For some reason, even though I haven't traded any of them, both refuse to obey me sometimes, take naps in the middle of a battle (that's funny to watch tho), etc... I know this is supposed to heppen for traded pokemons, but why does it happen for my starter / offered pkmn ? Is it a bug ?
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