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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by VagusY

  1. Well he has 2 dragon types, and Dragalge is great for that gym, as long as he sets up trick room. I think the Flying type gym will cause him more trouble.
  2. Heads up: Anything weak to flying will be decimated on the Circus Arena Field(and I see lots of flying weakness) so Ampharos is a must on the team. Mamoswine will help you immensely(I can't imagine my playthrough without Mamoswine). I think you can do the Beldum sidequest before Agate but considering how the Fire, Ground and FIghting gym are coming up, Metagross will be useless. Keep a pokemon in your party that knows Trick room (you can catch Bronzor in Agate) and a pokemon with Wide Guard for any annoying double battles. All and all your team is great and you won't have any trouble. Personally I think that Agate Circus is the best part of Reborn, so enjoy it
  3. The aesthetic is giving me Pokemon Insurgence vibes. Seems an interesting premise. It'd be great if decisions you make during the playthrough affect who you battle on the tournament(Pokemon Desolation-like) and Field Systems would be great(I mean, after reborn, I crave for more field effects). Also, I'd lose the volt absorb on Mega Luxray and make it Magnet Pull, making it a buff Magnezone. P.S. no fighting type on Mega Infernape and Rattled ability, hmm , interesting choice.
  4. @Champion Charmander I have the same issue when entering Malachite City. I even tried answering no countless times, but the game won't let me.
  5. Blastoisinite is available as of ep 18. You can download the Mod Pack for Reborn and you can use Fly without teaching it to a Pokemon, as long as you have the HM and the badges for it.
  6. Well, I think you need a dark type, to take care of Venusaur's psychic weakness and Delphox's and Medicham's ghost weakness. Get a Krookodile instead of a Golurk. A pure water type like Blastoise would be good because you need a fire/ice resist(venusaur, krookodile, dragonite), and Venusaur covers Blastoise's weaknesses well. But removing Ampharos for Dragonite means you lose your flying resist( Venusaur, Medicham are weak to it), so maybe a Tyrantrum instead of Dragonite?
  7. Joltik and Galvantula can be found on night time at the old man's garden in Peridot (left and up the pokecenter). It's a wild encounter.
  8. So I finished the main storyline of v10, and I was walking around, and everytime I try to enter route 7 from Grand Dream City, I get this(pic below): I did finish the Oshawott quest ( I have him on my pc) but this appears now and I get stuck. ( the text keep repeating, I can't move, I just have to exit the game). So for now, route 7 is inaccessible to me
  9. Oh, I didn't know. I just started playing last month. Now I have to battle him again (that shaymin though )
  10. So I was battling Florin, the Grass Gym Leader, and we were down to my Blaziken versus his Mega Sceptile. I flare blitzed the Sceptile and Blaziken's hp went zero due to recoil (so did Sceptile's), but Blaziken fainted first and the game told me I had lost. As far as I'm aware, it's the other way around, that is, Sceptile should have fainted first and I should have won the game. Is this a bug or is it like this because I'm playing Intense mode, so it's made harder for me?
  11. Mrs Craudberry is evil and you're not done ruining her day Yeah, the gangs are necessary to progress, and I dont think theres a reward for not stealing the pokemon.
  12. Hey. I can trade you the bounsweet, lilipup/herdier I dont have a spiritomb though
  13. Nope, that's why I don't even have a growlithe. The police don't think fondly of me apperantly
  14. He tells me Halt Trainer and won't let me through. If we're thinking about the same police officer. Plus, I've completed all restoration events.
  15. Yep. What do you need in return? My username is Vagus
  16. Yeah, I encountered it only once the day before yesterday. I should have just thrown a pokeball at it. Because of it, I leveled up a Decidueye as my false swiper instead of Gallade. Yeah, I'm willing to wait. Thanks
  17. So this is my first time posting a thread so be gentle. The Title is pretty self explanatory lol. I'm trying to finish the pokedex and there are some mons I've either killed during their event or chance is not on my side. The most notable being Dunsparce. My Railnet is closed, and in a week I've only encountered one Dunsparce(who killed himself from recoil from Take Down after I False Swiped him, stupid me) and I've had it so I'm willing to beg. Edit: Dunsparce recieved, one kidney saved. Other mons I'm missing: 1.Growlithe family- Obtained 2.Slowpoke family- Obtained 3.Tyrogue family(obviously because of dunsparce)- Obtained 4.Scyther family- Obtained 5. Kabuto family-Obtained 6. Maril family-Obtained 7. Smeargle- Obtained 8.Skitty family-Obtained 9.Minun-Obtained 10.Spoink family-Obtained 11. Rampardos / Bastiodon family- Obtained 12. Drifloon family-Obtained 13. Happiny (No luck incense for me )-Obtained 14. Munna family (can't find the ingame trade for the life of me)-Obtained 15. Sawk (I know, seriously, my luck's bad)- Obtained 16. Sigilyph-Obtained 17. Cincin family-Obtained 18. Emolga- Obtained 19. Joltik family-Obtained 20. Spiritomb (as you noticed thus far, mining won't give me no fossils and odd keystones) 21. Tynamo family (won't appear on the alleway)-Obtained 22. Litleo family-Obtained 23. Binacle family (I smashed rocks for hours, changed multiple weathers)-Obtained 24. Passimian-Obtained 25. Phione ( I don't know why I even bothered fishing with my luck)-Obtained Phew that was a "hand"-full. So kind people of the forums, if you're willing to trade any of these, PRIORITY ON DUNSPARCE(I'm seriously fuming over it), I'll trade with you any mon that I have, great ivs and egg moves, I have some shiny gibbles, larvitars etc (not good iv though ), some rare items like Deepsea tooth and Deepsea scale, or whatever you need right now. Thanks for taking your time reading all of this :))
  18. Every double battle in Reborn is beatable if you have a pokemon with Wide Guard. you can breed a male ralts, Evolve him to level 50 with exp share from grand hall double battle(it takes 2-3 battles) and buy some rare candies/ 20 k each so around 600k if u plan to get him to level 80.(you get around 30k with amulet coin in the double battle af Grand Hall) Gallade learns wide guard leveling up. The AI always tries to use double targetting moves if it can ( dazzling gleam, heat wave, blizzard etc) , and even if you use wide guard in succession, the AI refuses to do anything different. The other pokemon next to Gallade can set up and win after battling Charlotte, I realised Wide Guard is a must in this game
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