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Everything posted by DrParasek

  1. can someone tell what to do with this aloan vulpix at the grandhall? is there a sidequest?

  2. sorry you are talking about what? I think I have overseen this whole sidequest, where do I find it?
  3. thanks a lot! heavy slam and earthquake made the fight
  4. So I have my problems with Hardy This are my avaiable pokemons(level 80-90) (if necessary I would level them) Amphoros Item: Megastone Attacks: Thunder, Cotton Guard, Echoed Voice, Electric Terrain Charizard: (at the moment at the box) Fly, Strength, Inferno, Flametrower Rhyperior: Earthquake Rocksmash Megahorn Stone Edge Dusknoir: item: Left overs Curse Shadow ball will-o-wisp trick room Garchomp Dig Crunch iron head Dragon Rush Drapion crunch bugbite toxic spikes cross poisson and I have an Aggron, Steelix (+Megastone), Scyther (with eviolite), Volcarona, Hydreigon I have tried to defeat him with surfer, but I need to hit each pokemon of him 5 times, there is no change to stay a life so long. The flinching is a big problem. About the items: I think I have most of the avaiable battle items, some Z and Megastones are missing. And I have no idea what moves should I teach my Hydreigon. At the moment I am not using Z-moves, should I change this?
  5. E18 gym seems to be really tough

  6. DrParasek


    thank you very much
  7. Maybe someone has an idea, I can`t win the fight in the or can I make the gym leader before? or is this not possible? my team: (all at level 90) Amphoros Item: Metronome Attacks: Thunder, Cotton Guard, Echoed Voice, Electric Terrain (Combination with Echoed Voice and Metronome works well) Charizard: item: Shell Bell Fly, Strength, Inferno, Flametrower Rhyperior item: Assault Vest Earthquake Rocksmash Megahorn Stone Edge Dusknoir: item: Left overs Curse Shadow ball will-o-wisp trick room Garchomp item: left overs Dig Crunch iron head Dragon Rush Drapion item: black sludge crunch bugbite toxic spikes cross poisson
  8. I have the same problem: Maybe someone has an idea, I always loose the 3rd battle Can I make the gym leader before? or is this unpossible? my team: Amphoros Item: Metronome Attacks: Thunder, Cotton Guard, Echoed Voice, Electric Terrain (Combination with Echoed Voice and Metronome works well) Charizard: item: Shell Bell Fly, Strength, Inferno, Flametrower Rhyperior item: Assault Vest Earthquake Rocksmash Megahorn Stone Edge Dusknoir: item: Left overs Curse Shadow ball will-o-wisp trick room Garchomp item: left overs Dig Crunch iron head Dragon Rush Drapion item: black sludge crunch bugbite toxic spikes cross poisson
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