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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hiven

  1. Whiscash also got a crest, nullifies grass type attacks and boosts attack if hit by one, but I can't remember where I got it, probably in Sashila but I cant be sure at all
  2. Ability capsules can get you secret abilities in this game, but I know for a fact that a lot of abilities are banned, Libero might be part of em.
  3. Don't forget to look at the number of Zygarde cells you have, ther may or may not be something linked to that
  4. Hey, I'm part of the pretty big number of people who (almost) never post on the forums. Just wanted to say the whole team has our support, keep up the great work, the amount of visible support you get is small compared to the amount of invisible support (people who don't post stuff like me but who still enjoy the game anyway). That's why I wanted to post this, even tho y'all probably know that, remember that a ton of people support you, even if they don't express themselves much. Keep up the great work and take as much time as needed. I personaly think releasing V13 in two parts is an amazing idea which you should probably use for the next versions if you feel they take too long to come out. (Just to clarify, I'm not complaining about that, I'm just saying releasing the version in 2 parts is a wonderful and smart idea).
  5. If I were to add a few crest, here are the ones I would add: Luxray crest: Adds a Dark type to Luxray, boosts its STABed attacks by 10%. Toxapex crest: Swaps its attacks with its defenses (Only a "stat change", yes, but it could change the pokemon's gameplay). Heracross crest: adds the flying type to Heracross. Sandslash crest: when Sandslash enters the battlefield, summon a sanstorm for 5 turns. Grumpig crest: adds the abilty Simple to Grumpig (on top of its other ability). Delcatty crest: Delcatty's attacks all hit as "normal effectiveness" (Not "super effective", not "not very effective"), even on pokemon immune to it (as well as shedinja). Delhmise crest: +20 Def ; +30 Sp.def ; -50 Atk ; Adds the steel type to Delhmise. Starmie crest: All of Starmie's attacks use its Sp.Atk and hit on the enemy's Def stat (like Psyshock) (Only relevant if flip turn gets added in the next update, I haven't followed enough to see if it will). Tropius crest: Under sunshine, increase the effects of Solar Power (2x Sp.Atk, but takes away 1/6 of its health insead of 1/8). Dunsparce crest cause this pokemon really sucks: Dunsparce becomes Flying/Ground, adds 10 to all of its base stats except speed, adds 40 in speed. Everytime Dunsparce uses the same attack in a row, its power is multiplied by 1.25 (a la metronome). Electivire crest: Magmortar's Sp.Atk is multiplied by 2 if both pokemon are on the field. Magmortar resists Electric-type moves. Magmortar Crest: Electivire's Atk is multiplied by 2 if both pokemon are on the field. Electivire resists Fire-type moves. Zangoose crest: Seviper's Speed and Sp.Atk are multiplied by 1.5, but Zangoose loses 1/8 of its HP at the end of each turn. If Seviper is KOed, the effects end, then Zangoose's Atk is multiplied by 1.5 until KOed or switched out. Seviper crest: Zangoose's Speed and Atk are multiplied by 1.5, but Seviper loses 1/8 of its HP at the end of each turn. If Zangoose is KOed, the effects end, then Seviper's Sp. Atk is multiplied by 1.5 until KOed or switched out. Unown crest: Randomize Unown's base stats before each fight, between 1 and 150 for every stat. Unown's hidden power now makes it use a random move (like metronome) instead of its normal effect.
  6. Just wanted to congratulate the devs for this amazing game. It really does compare well to Reborn and Rejuv, which probably makes it like a 9/10 on my list. One thing that I noted is that the "fakemons" are well balanced, mega-mightyena for example isn't overpowered which I think is important for a fangame, so props for that as well, not many fangames have this advantage. I just have one question though:
  7. Everything looks great, I look forward to playing that stuff. That said though, have you thought of reducing the ingame lag? Idk if it only happens to me but the game can get really laggy or even have some sort of latency, for example when I try to scroll through the items in my bag.
  8. I can only find 8 children of the Lost Camp quest. I checked every locations, even the ones that have changed (like the kid in Akuwa town) and I still can't find them. If I remember correctly, I didn't have them all during updates prior to v11 so my guess is that the child disappeared in v11, which means I can't find him. If I'm not mistaken, this kid is Dylan, the one in Goldenwood cave. I apologize in advance if i'm just blind and his location changed, but I'm pretty sure he just disappeared. Also I don't have any screenshots of this, but when you use fly to go to Texen's House, you just land inside a worker. You can then access the house, and leaving it will put you back inside the worker.
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