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  1. You can win this fight, and pretty much nothing change.
  2. Flygon: swap attack and sp. attack + bug version of Aerilate OR some "bug" ability, like compoud eyes, tinted lens.
  3. To avoid bugs, switch back to your OG scropts.rxdata after changing your pokemon.
  4. You need debug mode for that. Its not a part of this mod pack. Learning egg moves via move relearner is a part of v12.
  5. You can also do it first time you travel in time. When Melia is forcing Venam to change hair color.
  6. You can do it with debug mod, its not the part of the mod pack.
  7. The golem is just the other gender. Its the same pokemon in this fight.
  8. Sashila village, you can use your boat there.
  9. Well, if you have debug mode, you can see it. Its pretty cool.
  10. Good lord, i have a lot of shiny pokemons, but i give up after 1-2h after not getting good IVs(if its an egg, if its just normal encounter tho, ill keep going) Just to show few: (dont judge the EVs, i just feel like they need this so they trained it) I also have almost perfect IV shiny Silvally, only 29 in speed, but its Undiscovered Egg Group so its not that hard.
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