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  1. ok cool getting on now

    1. Xeno_Reaper


      PM when your online

  2. Thanks,  I'll be on later tonight or tomorrow after noon  around 2. I live in Florida so i don't  know if you live in a different time zone .


  3. I have an extra one if you want it
  4. Lol just saw this now, do you still have it
  5. Trading a shiny for one - Aggron, Skarmory, Heatmor, Krookodile, Electrike
  6. Thanks for the help but i some how fixed dont know how i did it
  7. No it did , the game just stopped responding and crashed. I started the game up again and this what happened : (
  8. I did that already same result
  9. 1743 - SJ - 399h 0m - 13 badges.rxdata
  10. 1739 - SJ - 396h 31m - 13 badges.rxdata Already tried to rename it but still dose not work
  11. Corrupted save files 


  12. 484 - SJ - 257h 5m - 10 badges.rxdata
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