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14 Fledgling

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  1. Hi. I've just defeated Luna and gotten the crystal keys. I was thinking I would need the crystal keys to get the glimmet encounter in the Chaorite Grotto, but the key isn't working. I don't know how to get the glimmet or navigate certain parts of the grotto, could someone help? What am I missing?
  2. Thank you! Loving the mod so far btw!
  3. How to access access the Azurine Deepsea? I've seen on the info document it says "Dive spot in Azurine Island" but I can't seem to find one, and I've checked all the surrounding dive spots between Azurine and Apophyll. I am at the point where I've just defeated Ciel and returned to the post-restoration Reborn city. Not done the Devon arc or beat Adrienn yet.
  4. https://bigjra.github.io/rejuv.html#pearl-route Use this guide to help you.
  5. You're lacking a ground type, so I'd say maybe Aevian Golisopod is really good (found in Rysterine, east of Sashila). It packs a punch and it's slow as heck but gets access to First Impression AND sucker punch. Plus gets a good ability in skill link. Also where did you get Hydreigon?
  6. If it's any consolation, Wyrdeer can make use of the Stantler crest. It gives a nice 50% boost to its attack and accuracy which means 90% accurate hypnosis, 100% accurate megahorn. Not the best but not terrible either.
  7. We know there are certain 'spirit' butterflies that can be encountered and fought daily, like Keta in Amethyst Grotto and Jenner in Aquamarine cave. So Xara and Jean are the butterfly spirits in the Axis High grounds and it's reccommanded that we be Lvl 90+ for them. Has anyone actually beat them and if so, what's the reward like? Also is it a 6 v. 12?
  8. Oh yeah there's no shot for 100% or even 50% potentially right now because you need a zygarde core, and there's one core available where you need to get the 10% one and then he says he can't find a signal for another one (or at least as far as I've progressed in the story).
  9. Yeah after you get a 10% Zygarde he asks for 120 cells, so there's gonna be more.
  10. - One received for free from the Mall Attendant -One received as reward for completing the Virtual Badge quests -One received from a Hiker in the audience after gathering all the Kimono girls and beating them in battle at the Rose Theatre - One received from a member of the Culvier Clan after defeating her in battle (in Zone Zero) - One received from another member of the Culvier Clan after defeating her in battle (in Aquamarine Cave, requires Dive since she's underwater) - One received from Crescent-MC's date at the Somniam Mall (only after defeating Saki and entering .karma files) -One received as reward for the Classified Information help quest in GDC -One received as reward for completing the lengthy Narcissa-Dufaux haunting quest There should be one more, but I'm forgetting where it is. There's only 9 in the game so far, I think.
  11. I got the Frisk+Compound Eyes+Thief combo going on the mushroom pokemon in Darclight woods. Got like 6 Big Mushrooms in 20 minutes.
  12. Flame Orb is definitely available, but not sure where I got it, I think the labyrinth?
  13. I've got a Duraladon and Aevian Gyarados sitting around without any stab special dragon moves. Anyone know if a move tutor exists for these moves as of 13.5 or if either are TMs?
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