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  1. Just fast travelled to route 9 with Kanon and Melia after leaving the hospital of hope (and having a chat with Damien) and get black-screened anytime I try to encounter a pokemon or initiate a trainer battle. Reverted to a couple previous older save files and was still having the issue there as well. Not sure why this is happening or what could have caused it, but it was happening prior to the cutscene mentioned above. Game.rxdata Edit: The cause of my issue seemed to be having Turbo Speed at 2.5x. Once I changed it to any of the other options, saved, then reloaded the game, I could battle fine.
  2. Perfect, and ill hatch the mons besides oshawott, either way, ive got all starters now so I can complete the quest so huge thanks to you.
  3. Thank you so much for this! Also, if I want to close a thread down because its complete what do I do?
  4. Give me one second to get my mons out of the pc
  5. Ok perfect. Ive asked the previous guy about it but do you also happen to have Charmander and oshawott? if you do that would be a huge help.
  6. Are you free to do these trades anytime tonight?
  7. Can anyone else help me get these mons? Still need them.
  8. Damn ok, if it gets any better just message this thread ill be on most of tonight
  9. Yeah I think I know which cave your talking about (the gible one) so if you would like me to get one I can try
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