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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Obelisk

  1. ok I'm on now if you're ready.
  2. I'm on now if you are. It's specifically Eustace's Vanillite right?
  3. Hi I'm doing the quest for DJ Arclight and it seems I have wonder traded Eustace's Vanillite away so if anyone would happen to have Eustace's Vanillite I would appreciate it a lot.
  4. Sorry I was playing league of legends I'm 1000% ready now. Name is the same as on the forum I'll just wait.
  5. are you on now? I'm ready.
  6. Ah sorry I'm finally here.
  7. I've heard that you can find Murkrow at the aqua base at night but that place is a park now so I don't know where to find Murkrow now I didn't manage to get one before I went off to Agate.
  8. 2 questions. 1 is this an entirely separate game? and 2 will the shared boxes mod work between the 2 games? So could I get a perfect iv snorunt or something and put it in the shared box and it would go on my original run of reborn?
  9. I've been going through the game with a less than stellar Torterra and I'm looking to upgrade it so I'd like to get a 5-6 iv Turtwig that I can train up to replace my Torterra or get a Ditto so I can get a good Turtwig on my own.
  10. Totodile if you still have it I would appreciate it
  11. Ok my name is the same in reborn as on here I will be waiting.
  12. Thank you do you need anything? I can see if I have it.
  13. Hi I'm about to head into the devon corp part of the game and I want to revamp my squad with a few pokemon I already have a Torterra but it has wood hammer and I would prefer a better physical grass type move that doesn't make me kill myself. The magnemite is just because I like magnezone
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