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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wevrand

  1. Wevrand


    Is Stunky available on east Gearen as of V12? I've been looking for one for a good while now and I can't seem to find one. Just asking as I really want one.
  2. Hello there, just wanted to know.. Where can you exactly purify a shadow pokemon? I have an Alolan Grimer ready to purify but it seems you can't purify it with Dr. Jenkel in V12, did they change it, or do I have to wait until later game?
  3. Haven't checked on this forum for nearly a year, curiosity got me into this place. As i'm replaying Reborn.

    G'day to you all.


    1. doombotmecha


      G'day to you too! Good luck on your run!

  4. Hey there, i want to change my Type: Null's nature but the psychologist won't let me do so, i have a heart scale on my inventory. No idea of what i'm doing wrong, can someone help?
  5. Wevrand

    Sun Stone?

    Heya, i'd like to know if i can get a Sun Stone before Aya. I really need to evolve my Helioptile.
  6. I kinda agree with Pokemon Reborn being set on an alternate timeline of sorts. (Mainly because of how dark the game's lore is.)
  7. Wowie, 10 posts. Cool.

  8. What a weird sidequest, thanks for letting me know.
  9. Like the title of the topic says, i'd like to know if Type: Null is obtainable or not, i'd love to use one.
  10. I have a Marshtomp to cover Masquerain's rock weakness, so i should be good for now. Thanks for the replies. (I am also not really interested into EVs for now.)
  11. Hey there, i just caught a Surskit and i really want to use it. But i want to know if it's a good option to use, thanks.
  12. Really considering skuntank or carvanha right now, thanks for the replies.
  13. Howdy, i'm looking for a good dark or ghost type for my team due to my team having a great weakness to psychic, can anyone help?
  14. Wevrand

    I'm lost

    I've checked there, no one is in the tower. Not even Narcissa as i expected.
  15. Wevrand

    I'm lost

    Meeting with Narcissa in the door to her gym right after getting to Goldenleaf Town.
  16. When i first played Rejuvenation, i hated 'em. But i got used to it after realizing Rejuvenation goes for a harder difficulty than other Pokemon Fangames, still not the biggest fan of 'em though. Still wish they weren't so.. 'strict'.
  17. Wevrand

    I'm lost

    Howdy, i need help with where to go next. I just fought Agent C and did the Dimensional Gyarados rematch, but i'm pretty confused on where to go next, can anyone help?
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