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Since the Zygarde cells are seemingly going to become more important I feel like I should ask this now. There's currently 1 Zygarde cell that is completely missable, in goldenwood park during specifically phase 2 of the restoration quest. There's another cell available in the park after you complete the quest which leads me to believe this might be an error, but as of right now they are two separate cells, and if you don't grab the phase 2 one you can't get it anymore. Will this cell be possible to obtain another way and/or will there be another cell elsewhere so that anyone who missed this one can still obtain the full 150 later? It would suck to miss out on something important like this just because you completed the restoration quest before double checking.
The drip is immaculate, Aevis in particular with the crazy upgrade. Thank you Zumi for once again giving us thos beautiful art. Looking forward to everything to come. Wish you and your family all the best Jan!
Sorry for not responding earlier (scarlet and violet releasing in the middle of exam season is very distracting), but regardless I think there's something like that in game already as well. It's been a while so I don't remeber everything exactly, but I believe you can do something similar in the pokemon hospital in GDC. If I remember correctly you can go there and have an appointment with a nurse, and she can mess with the iv's and ev's of your pokemon. I only really used it get perfect iv's on my pokemon, but if I remember correctly she can also max out the ev's on one of your pokemon's stats, and the rest are all reset to 0. I believe this is just something you can do after progressing the story a bit, but I don't remember when specifically.
If you mean things like the berries that reduce your EV's but boost friendship, those are already available in game. You need to progress the orphange quest by akuwa town a bit (so finding the children and donating money to upgrade the place), then one of the kids will be selling those berries. Wish I remembered exactly how much you need to do but I'm sure you can find a guide or something for it, I remember it being pretty easy, and I'm pretty sure you can finish it before going to GDC.
Unless plans have changed I believe they plan on having 16 versions, so after 13.5 comes out we still have V14, V15, and then V16 will be the final version. This is also exactly how many gym badges we have left to obtain, which makes sense given that we've been doing one badge per version for a while now.
Loving everything I'm seeing yet again, but also dreading eventually forcing myself to do renegade route, becuase 1) emotional damage, and 2) it will force me to skip help quests, and that goes against my very nature (I just want to do all of the things, is that so wrong?). Also yeah, fuck the progress bar, it is by nature, never going to be accurate, and you guys shouldn't have to think about it.
Rejuv dev team knocking it out of the park again. The new music absolutely slaps, thank you Zumi and Glitch for continuing to bless us with these fantastic tracks. New aevian form looks awesome, my gut is telling me Bronzong but I might be wrong there, and I can definitely see why it's a favorite of Jan's. I gotta say I'm lloking forward to the new boss fights too, I like the idea of multiple health bars much more that shields, and between that and the effects when a health bar goes down they feel like they're going to be much more intersting to strategize around, and hopefully feel all the more rewarding when we beat them. Keep up the great work you guys, and don't forget to take breaks when you need them!
Frostbite actuallly already halves special attack, so assuming we get a will-o-wisp type move for it, it's essentially an ice type burn that cripples special attackers instead of physical. This is actually huge too given that there's very few ways to actually cripple special attackers specifically, compared to physical which is countered by burn, intimidate, etc.
I lean towards yes. Freeze is basically a game ender if either side gets it, since it pretty much stops the frozen pokemon from having a turn for who knows how long, whereas frostbite is essentially burn, but it cuts special attack instead of physical, which is still big, but not a game ender. Plus from a balance perspective, frostbite also acts as a way to counter special attackers, which is huge since there's not very many ways to do that otherwise, especially compared to physical attackers which are countered easily and consistently by things like burn or intimidate. Honestly I'd like to see frostbite replace freeze in the main series as well, plus maybe a will-o-wisp type move, but with frostbite instead of burn.
V13.5 (or V13 part 2 I guess) is mostly going to focus on sidequests and events, since the devs planned a bunch of them out, all of the main story content for V13 as a whole will be in the first part. I'm assuming that's what you meant, and not "will the ending of V13 be a cliffhanger?", as I don't think the devs plan to spoil the ending of the next segment of their game.
These songs are so good, I'm so looking forward to hearing these in game. Feels kind of like a factory theme to me, but I could also see it being for some icy area too.
Honestly I have to agree with the majority here, splitting it into two parts will probably make for an overall nicer release, V13 will let us continue the story and stuff like Ana's quest, then V13.5 will give us the other content later on, which will probably help make V13 come out better, less stress on the dev team is always good, and we get what will probably amount to an overall smoother experience of the new content. Much love to everyone on the dev team, it's been a crazy year but if we all take of ourselves and each other, then we'll make it through.
Might as well throw one in for my boy, Alolan Raichu: Treats it like it's on electric terrain (triggers surge surfer and buffs electric moves, also can't fall asleep since those are the effects) or activates electric terrain on entry, whichever works. Maybe a 1.1x or 1.2x boost to special attack as well.
Pikatube changed their profile photo
It is now thank you, i thought i had downloaded the most recent one but i guess i forgot to download 10-2, i downloaded v10 but not the patch, thank you, sorry for not checking beforehand
the pieces of wood are just above me in this screenshot, at the very top right above me and the oshawott, that's why i have the problem actually, i got confused when i couldn't surf and started running around to see if there was another path, and then the game autosaved before i realized i wasn't able to do it.