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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Campanella

  1. I've downloaded the patch, so how do I actually apply it? Do I put it somewhere in the Rejuvenation folder? Unpack everything and replace files in the Data and Graphics folders?
  2. Specifically V10; I'm not nearly far enough in V11 for it. And to be fair, I knew exactly what to expect and had been preparing well in advance, since early game, as I do with as many optional events as possible (although I don't research things from new versions, I play all new versions from the beginning to see all new changes blind). And it was a convoluted setup consisting of Prankster Thunder Wave and Yawn Liepard with Revive spam until it's done everything it needs to, max Agility + Baton Pass Lopunny into max Speed Drifblim with Destiny Bond, with SRing whenever something didn't work properly (Yveltal waking up early or breaking through Paralysis). Those three weren't part of my main team, and the other three members were exhausted from the Neved fight immediately before, so I didn't have much room for error, resulting in quite a few SRs. In hindsight, maybe my strategy wasn't as easy as any others on this thread. Fewer turns, arguably, but no less convoluted. In fact, the steps of breeding for moves and grinding up party members specifically for this fight made it more difficult. In other words, my original comment was full of shit.
  3. ... Y'all did it the long way, I just clicked Destiny Bond lol
  4. Currently busy about to start celebrating an early Christmas with another side of the family, so I'll have to wait till tonight to download and start, but I'm sitting here with a big grin and shuddering with anticipation (so I have one of the worst Abilities?), and my sister is looking at me like I'm an alien. Rip. And I guess this means that Reborn and Sardonyx: RTW are getting put on a long hold. Sardonyx has been on hold for a while since I started Reborn, and now Rejuvenation is here. Rip to those two games.
  5. Is the wasp smart enough to analyze and deduce the "main" plot of Rejuvenation though?
  6. The encounter at least is almost definitely gonna happen in V11, and will probably be alongside the Bladestar business. Admittedly I'm not too excited for Bladestar, but they could be connected to the more interesting plotlines by association. There are a lot of different threads to take apart in the GDC arc, and it's exciting. Makes me wonder how much of it will bleed into V12.
  7. I just wanna conclude Nim/Lora's thing going on, I hate having to fight one of the game's multitude of Best Girl's ;-; Also Interceptor and Melia lore would be a great addition to this wonderful Christmas gift
  8. Woah, Beta-Chan's going through her midlife crisis now? Time flies when you're trying to save V11.
  9. It's a matter of timing. The Mega Ring has already appeared in the story, there are obtainable Mega Stones in-game, and (if I remember right) there's a bag compartment for Z-Crystals; we all know that unless Jan changes his mind suddenly out of left field, we're almost definitely getting them eventually. But you have to time it right. If you introduce them too early, they can be OP (especially Megas, Z-Moves are arguably better balanced), but if you introduce them too late into the game, the player barely gets a chance to use them or need them. And the story seems to be getting closer and closer to its climax; time to properly introduce them is running out, and soon it'll be too late for them to be useful, and then in that case what's the point anymore.
  10. Already 20%? I don't know if I'll be able to handle it when the full version releases
  11. Beta-Chan can be given a dangerous pet and an empty Pokédex to fill up by a lazy, irresponsible old guy now.
  12. The Leavanny that I got from the early game Mars trainer battle (Sewaddle at first) also learned Slash and Burn. Combine that with Swords Dance, Fell Stinger, and X-Scissor, the thing is a beast. It was that gift Pokémon that gave me an appreciation for a Pokémon I had always found forgettable. Leavanny's now one of my favorite Grass types, and I always pick it up and use it in every new Rejuv playthrough.
  13. Oh yeah, forgot Greninja is also a Dark type. Although Protean might be annoying if Zuko can't outspeed, which he almost definitely won't since Greninja runs circles around Infernape lol. Are you a fellow Kiseki fan who gets the reference? Or does the name have some actual real world meaning that went over my head?
  14. My Iron Fist Infernape, Zuko, is ready to click Fire Punch and Close Combat all over Ren's entire team lol Plus Thunder Punch for his Honchkrow and Greninja
  15. I dunno, Episode 9 was "The City of Mysteries", referencing the beginning of the Grand Dream City arc, which was the entire last stretch of the episode, so the title could be about anything.
  16. I was thinking something along those lines too. The line "All I want is to see PC smile" makes it pretty apparent that there's at least some connection. I was thinking ancient ancestor who's showing up thanks to time travel because of her connection to Spacea and Tiempa. Although, that brings up questions about the whole Interceptor thing.
  17. I'm a personal fan of the "Madame X is Future/Other Dimension Melia" theory. Aside from Madame X's seeming lack of Shiny Pokémon (although we've only seen her Yveltal, but that could be explained as Shiny Legends not existing outside of special cases in lore), there are similar characteristics.
  18. Honestly forgot that it was possible to see some of these backsprites in-game, since you only see them by teaming up with them in a Double Battle.
  19. I might be needing a new computer due to certain physical issues with mine, and it's not really worth the hassle to bother with sharing everything on my current one with a new one, so I may need to start over too. It's tradition for me to start over whenever a new episode or version of a fangame comes out anyway though, so I would have started over regardless. Also that Angie sketch is
  20. Hmm, I personally don't know if completing the GDC arc in this Version is feasible. There's too many unknowns right now, and although I expect most (if not all) of them to be revealed, explaining and then resolving them all (plus/alongside having a tournament arc) seems like a lot of content.
  21. Well, it's confirmed to be tournament arc time, and that'll probably take up a lot of plot time, especially if something big happens in the middle or end to change things. After that, probably Bladestar stuff based on what the preview showed at the end of V10.
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