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    Overwatch,Pokémon,Dragon Ball,Pokémon Rejuvenation

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  1. It's me that I wrong bad or Erick,in v12,has a Magneton(machine)?I made a new run in v12 and I fought someone with that mon other than the Machines...
  2. I know your pain,because I had problems with Angie,but it's all strategy(Honestly,I find Southa a bit harder than the other two): -Crawli: I choose Charmander like starter,but I captured Rockruff-Lycanroc,so 3 of his 4 Pokémon were down with Rock Slides -Angie: Here,in last versions,she has double Battle with a fast Beartic and A-Ninetales with Aurora Veil,so take a Pokémon with Thunder Wave,Brick Break and something to change the field in a normal Rift Field. -Ryland: Take Water-Grass Types and a Pokémon with Knock Off,for Rhyoerior,for example(this I fought one time)
  3. In my run,I used Mom's Sylveon,boosting it with Calm Mind,meanwhile using my second Pokémon's turn for heal,so I beat Ralts and Kirlia with 2 Moonblast and attacking Gardevoir without problems.
  4. In Terajuma Jungle,there is Gloom...in previous chapters,there was a Sun Stone(or in rocks),so evolve it in Bellossom. It helps me in one of my runs.
  5. I had a problem with Bladestar Transimission,so I have to install the patch 12-1...but,I'm stuck:when I start the Save File,the game show that there is the Roulette showing Bladestar T.,but there is the Player-Adam-Amber dialogue before the Battle and there is a infinite Roulette sound,and the scene is blocked... How can I return to a previous save?I have 1 Backup.
  6. How can I look to the save file?I've a problem with Bladestar Transimission,so I have to install the patch 12-1...but,I'm stuck:when I start the Save File,the game show that there is the Roulette showing Bladestar T.,but there is the Player-Adam-Amber dialogue before the Battle,but there is a infinite Roulette sound,and the scene is blocked... How can I return to a previous save?I have 1 Backup.
  7. He only appeared in Chapter 3,trough a Dimension...but,in our time,he doesn't appear normally. Plus,why Nymiera had an Angie's picture in her base?(and a Registeel,but I don't think it's important)
  8. Ah... So,Nymiera and Indriad are the same woman and man in the "Original Entity/Arceus's story"?
  9. If that "Prisoner"Anju isn't the same Anju we know?She didn't know us when she saw us... Moreover,now Hazuki seems very old,so,honestly,I don't know if we can see her again.
  10. In Axis High University,there is a NPC that switches your Character in the others non-selected,and it demands you if you want the original version.
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