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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Salomon

  1. As the title says I am looking for Honedge, I don't care about IV's or nature. In return I can offer you some shiny breedjects of Charmander, Yungoos, Pidgey, Swinub, Foongus, Comfey or Solosis.
  2. That didn't work.. I'll try again, ok?
  3. That would be great! Are you on rn? and whats your in-game name?
  4. Hi, I started a new file and would like to start breeding as soon as possible. It would be much less tedious if I had a 5 or 6 IV Ditto. Does anyone have a spare one they could give me, although I can't offer much in return?
  5. Thank you! And you're welcome
  6. Correct, I'll be waiting for your request
  7. Hey there! I found out you get these two mons pretty late in the game, and was wondering if one of you had a spare one of these. Preferably Female, so I could breed them, since I don't have Ditto Thanks in advance!
  8. I'm not getting a request
  9. That'd be awesome! I'll be waiting for your request, my ID is Salomon (same as here)
  10. Hi, I'm quite early in the game, but I would really like to play through with a Magikarp, so if you have any spare breedjects I would really appreciate it, if you traded one with me Thanks in advance!
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