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Everything posted by BlueTowel

  1. Sorry for the late reply! Locations in spoiler below! Ah! It would help if it had sprites, but it's the usual thing with this mod for graphics to lag behind a bit! I've been pretty busy, but hopefully I can get back to at least sorting placeholders for everything soon.
  2. Could be interesting! I'll note it down and look into it as a possibility for a new v0.7 form! Glad to hear you're enjoying it! I had a look through the code and don't see any reason for an Ice Larvitar to have Sand Veil. It definitely should have Guts and Snow Cloak as its abilities. Are you using v0.6.5? Are any other forms displaying incorrect data? I can confirm that Ice Tyranitar is primarily Physical in offense, and Space Tyranitar is primarily Special in offense.
  3. But MOST IMPORTANTLY that I forgot to say is THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FEEDBACK! I love this stuff! It helps the project grow and improve! My hand is pretty much alright now, it's my brain being a pain... --- Main (V0.6.5) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vI-Wq2M6fjReBjA6767YahfmCpfa-CPl/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.5) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 94 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o0SBBVcpaArPGoR9Cd2WtoqsJwaa3iyM/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. v0.6.5 Bug Fixes Lead Pokémon with Cute Charm or Synchronize should no longer cause an error and crash when encountering wild Pokémon. The items that fall from the Giant Steelix should no longer float over the chasm tauntingly. The Rock Climb in Secluded Jungle should now work correctly. Ser Verity and Ana should for serious no longer unnecessarily block paths now, and you don't even need to ask them to move. Orbeetle now correctly learns Psychic at level 36, and After You at level 40. Tweaks Wandering Spirit + Spooky Plate interaction now provides a 34% damage reduction on hits taken instead of Leftovers-like recovery, to better suit the ability. The Giant Steelix is now a bit slower. New Sprites Spooky Caterpie Egg Spooky Paras, Parasect, Egg --- Fixed 'em all in v0.6.5! Download the patch and it should all work now, I hope? Not sure which NPC that introduces the entire crew is causing problems, so I had a look around the whole digsite and tweaked some.
  4. Fixed some more bugs, tweaked a couple of altforms and added some new sprites. Main (V0.6.4) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G34Hp98Yrj0GBKD9Tj9YyJIZZyGV92kf/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.4) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 93 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/102COUyCwxXBQEFUPFieAYFR9gxDGsNpp/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. v0.6.4 Bug Fixes Bob should no longer disappear if you lose your battle with him in Obsidia Ward. ZMoves should no longer give error messages relating to pbEffectAfterHit. Pokémon will no longer try to evolve after every battle, regardless of result. Skorupi and Drapion (and forms) now correctly learn Poison Fang at level 9. Rattled now works correctly with Intimidate. Tweaks Insect Drapion base stats change: -10 Def, +10 SpAtk. Insect Drapion level-up movepool changes: Toxic -> Taunt, Cross Poison -> Throat Chop, Crunch -> Lunge. Draco Serperior Ability change: Dazzling -> Multiscale. New Sprites Spooky Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree Dread Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Mega Gengar Shiny Flame Infernape --- I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'd been putting off tidying up the Battlers folder for a while, so it's been a good reason to do so. I've fixed and added sprites where I could. I still managed to miss one though, the incorrectly named Beedrill shinies. 882 doesn't have a proper sprite yet because it's a tougher one to sprite. I'm not sure how to go about spriting it at the moment, so it has a placeholder recolour. 888_2, 889_2 and their backsprites are so the player will still be able to enjoy those legendaries changing form during their attack animation while using those signature moves. I've taken on your suggestions to tweak Insect Drapion's level-up moves and given it access to Lunge, and changed Draco Serperior to Multiscale. Bug Buzz on Alt Escavalier is a remnant of normal Escavalier's level-up moves, so it's retained accordingly. It does still get Megahorn by breeding and (unavailable) TM. I don't think Long Reach would suit Insect Drapion very well. It can still make use of Sniper, but I will see about tweaking it some more in a later version. Dazzling I am intending on adding a Plate Interaction for. It's simpler now that only Psychic-type Pokémon have it. I'll also look into tweaking Light Ball with Partner Pikachu! Yes, I'd noticed it too but wasn't sure what had caused it and there didn't seem to be any harm in keeping it in. After investigating, it turned out to be caused by Galarian Farfetch'd's evo method calling for an evo check after every battle! So I updated that code and all was well once more. I updated it with a custom shiny just for it! Took me long enough to get around to it.
  5. Can you confirm that normal Pokémon Reborn 18.4.1 Fruit Edition works correctly for you, please? I don't have access to a Mac to experiment with, and I can see no difference between Altforms v0.6 and 18.4.1 Fruit Edition in PokemonLoad.
  6. ...which turned out to not work correctly! So v0.6.3 Bug Fixes An error that sometimes occurred when battling or inspecting Galarian Corsola has been identified and fixed. Arctozolt and Arctosaur now correctly have Slush Rush, not Sand Rush. The entrance to Southeast Undernet has been fixed and no longer deposits the player halfway up a mountain. SpookyGuard interaction no longer damages on change. Belly Drum is now affected by Contrary. Galarian Yamask -> Runerigus evolution is now Location-based and occurs in Central Northern Undernet (the area around the thing). Verity and Ana shouldn't unnecessarily block paths now. If they were before updating, try talking to them again. Tweaks Galarian Corsola now has a third Ability: Anger Point. Cursola does not. New Sprites Shiny Draco Serperior --- Main (V0.6.3) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xeiM8QTo-oaYwBtsmoLSXs4azw5VRI-4/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.3) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 93 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1anba6eg3JM49r6Eky3hk9hc9Jb1p-ylq/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
  7. Thankfully this was discovered in testing! I made an exception for the SpookyGuard Plate interaction.
  8. Late but Blaze becomes Slow Start, Iron Fist becomes Berserk. It is not compatible at this time. I'm not sure if this is because of being based on Reborn 18.4.1 or changes I've made. I cannot give an estimate as to when I can look into this, unfortunately.
  9. New patch to fix bugs and stuff!! Main (V0.6.2) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zd_N50AimGGL46bR2JC37D3yBz5q5rOm/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.2) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 93 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oX-FHUbDdnozQ416ipUp4LzRXgUuctya/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. v0.6.2 Bug Fixes Daytime and Nighttime Happiness evolutions are working again. Clauncher can once again Plate Evolve into Flame Clawitzer. Tweaks Flame Infernape now has two Abilities: Slow Start (works great with Flame/Fist Plates), and Berserk! Fist Greninja no longer requires a special location to Plate Evolve. Not a new tweak, but neither does Stone Torterra! Drake Fossil and Bird Fossil locations have been swapped. Dracozolt can no longer be acquired before you can Surf. New Event After receiving your starter, leaving the Grand Hall and heading out of Opal Ward, an event will occur in the street that rewards an Arceus Plate based on your starter! Now you can Plate Evolve it at the beginning of the game! If you can no longer reach the old Opal Ward, an NPC in the Undernet Digsite will give you the Plate instead. Patch Installation Picture Guide For Windows 10 Grookey Event Guide
  10. v0.6.1 with bug fixes and Alcremie backsprites is now available. Main (V0.6.1) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/11f9yRMjl5ZbRyJOBvdo8Wk_Jw5cOKzwn/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Patch (V0.6.1) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 93 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mhlDwYHeCaWrQ7y3cOafRoOPoFO58OTp/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) v0.6.1 Bug Fixes An error that sometimes occurred when battling Galarian Farfetch'd has been identified and fixed. A few Alternate Form Pokémon would revert to normal forms after battle, which has been fixed. Affected Pokémon: Abra, Slowbro, Tyranitar, Manectric. Electrike bug where it wouldn't Plate Evolve has been fixed. Hybrid Vulpix should no longer randomly be pure Fire-type, but will still change form when presented with a Fire or Ice Stone without the opposing element Plate. Tweaks Galarian Farfetch'd now has Defiant as a third Ability. However, Sirfetch'd does not. New Sprites Alcremie backs. All 68 missing Alcremie backs.
  11. Glad you got it sorted! I'm sorry there's some awkwardness going on with SharedPC. I haven't been able to reproduce this error, SharedPC from the latest SWM is working fine for me. I'm running Windows 10, and using Altforms v0.6 with Reborn e18.4.1. It does not, but Gible does have a very long hatching time. 10455 steps! I've fixed a few bugs that have been made known to me, so I'll get out a new version tomorrow morning (Around 11am GMT+1) with them and the missing Alcremie backs. Known bugs fixed for tomorrow: Battles with Galarian Farfetch'd sometimes cause an error and break the battle they're in. Alt Forms of Abra, Slowbro, Tyranitar and Manectric revert to normal forms after battles. Electrike's Icicle Plate Evolution is not working at all.
  12. Yes! Breed or Evolution with Icicle Plate! It is also in the wild at the following location, if you don't mind the spoiler. I'm not sure if the patch contains everything needed to upgrade v0.5.12.1 Altforms to E18.4.1. It might be that you need to add the v0.6 patch to Reborn 18.4.1 - or get the full version. Saves are kept elsewhere, so it shouldn't impact them. Are you using any mods? E18.4.1? Unfortunately I didn't have anyone with a Mac to test it. It works on Windows and Linux for sure. We'll have to puzzle this out together!
  13. Hi! I couldn't reproduce this crash! Which version did you download, and are you using Windows, Mac or Linux? ALSO I should mention for everyone's benefit do not load other versions of Reborn while you have 8th Gen Pokémon in your party because trying to load the party summary on the main screen with non-existent Pokémon will crash your game! Change your party or load another save first.
  14. Pokémon Reborn: Alternate Form Pack, Version 0.6 - now with Gen 8TM! Downloads for Reborn 18.4.1 Patch (for Windows, Linux and Mac!) (.zip, 93 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YOBek-jD72u0conXfYfaCxNeJ5w1Bbm/view?usp=sharing Full (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 565 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z_gfKG6tgh6op3WSwl63545lSsqHyFTF/view?usp=sharing What's New Tweaks Bug Fixes Using Imposter or Transform on a Shedinja or Wormholemadam while holding a Spooky Plate is no longer a path to immortality. Movepool Changes Too many to list! ALL Pokémon have had their TM availability updated with leaked data from Pokémon Home. All Pokémon currently available in SwSh and Isle of Armor have had their level-up movepools updated. All Altforms of Pokémon currently available in SwSh and Isle of Armor have had their level-up movepools updated. Misc Changes Amaria's underwater gym theme now stays active throughout the gym after diving and surfacing. Geodude can now evolve into different forms of Graveler while holding Earth, Flame and Zap Plates. Sandshrew can now be bred into normal or Alolan forms while holding Earth or Icicle Plates. Tanzan Depths Steelix battle has been altered. Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish Egg Group changed to Monster, but they still cannot breed. Fennekin is now available by trade in Calcenon City. Terrains have had power boosts reduced from 1.5x to 1.3x, 1.3x to 1.2x, and 1.2x to 1.1x where appropriate. Starlight Arena and New World unchanged. Terrain moves and Surges may have reduced duration or outright fail, depending on the pre-existing terrain. For details, see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wVmSISczPBEb4abUWA6o2-lnaXidj5l6bav79qNsaP4/ New Items New Moves Base SwSh. Functioning but not entirely correctly: Dragon Darts, Teatime. Isle of Armor moves to come in v0.7, probably Crown Tundra too. New Pokémon Meltan, Melmetal, base SwSh. Not available list: Melmetal, Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus. Isle of Armor Pokémon and forms to come in v0.7, probably Crown Tundra too. New Abilities Base SwSh. Merged due to Reborn's Ability limit: Protean/Libero, Stalwart/Propeller Tail. Functioning but not entirely correctly: Mirror Armor. Isle of Armor Abilities to come in v0.7, probably Crown Tundra too. New Sprites Too many to list! But not everything has a sprite yet. Small updates with new sprites will follow over time. New Forms New Plate Interactions New Areas New Sidequests After defeating earning the Canopy Badge at the Onyx Trainers' School, a staff member has a request. Find and defeat the bosses in the new areas and collect the keys to a super secret ...! Be careful, the following moves will always fail against them: Curse when used by Ghost-types Destiny Bond Perish Song Nature's Madness Super Fang Endeavor Fissure Guillotine Horn Drill Sheer Cold Wild 8th Gen Pokémon Locations (warning: spoilers)
  15. Hi! Yes, the sprites are free to use as long as credit is given! Check out the sprite status spreadsheet for more information on who made which sprites! While I'm here, status update! Health: MRI done, EEG next weekend. Nothing yet, which is good! But sucks! It's not anything dramatic like a stroke or aneurysm or brain tumour, but the mystery deepens! Altforms v0.6: It's currently being tested! I had hoped to get it out on Friday, but it was too confusing to have half USUM movepools, half SwSh movepools, so I'm updating every Pokémon that I can with their SwSh level-up movepools and adjusting corresponding altforms to match. So now it's three-quarters SwSh and one-quarter USUM, because all the move tutors and old TMs are staying, and also egg moves are combined so like... less confusing! Besides that, needs some graphics, needs some polish, as always, but seems to be working okay now? Fingers crossed! Hoping to release THIS MONDAY! Or Sunday, if everything is done and looking good.
  16. Alrighty, status update time! Eventing is well underway. All of the TMs that will be available this side of e19 are placed. Today I finished making the sidequests/puzzles for the Galar starters. NPC events are largely done, but I still have what is for me the difficult task of giving them dialogue, and placing lore around. I'm 99% sure of releasing in August! Maybe early, it depends how much needs fixing in the testing stage. Health-wise, I've had an MRI and I'm waiting for the results. Working on this mod has been pretty hard-going lately, so I'm really hoping for something helpful out of it. There's an EEG booked too, but not sure when it's happening. Anyway, here's some previews!
  17. Hi! Another delay, I'm sorry! Here's the status update: I now have more regular time to work on altforms, but not as much time overall. Before I'd spend a few days working on it a lot, then a few days off, now I'm spending a couple of hours per night on it. Mapping was going very quickly with the earlier work pattern, but is not so quick with the new one. Mapping is allllmost done. I tried to cut corners and keep it minimal for purposes, but I also didn't want to make something terrible or end up in a situation where people don't want to update for shorter travel to the wild areas. For the last few maps, I think what they're intended to be would have been lost if I'd tried to do them quickly and basically. What am I talking about? I'm saying I had to make some new tiles, some just recoloured, and some from scratch because I couldn't find anything suitable elsewhere. Here's a sneak preview! Which leaves eventing and teambuilding to do in July. I'm really hoping to get it out by the end of next month, but it seems like every time I give a timeframe it ends up slipping. Probably by the end of July, though.
  18. Hi! So I'm onto the mapping, events and teambuilding now. Leaving the sessions to fix gen 8 code until after that, it'll be the last thing to do before about a week of testing to catch bugs. Reason being: I've heard that a gen 8 public project for reborn/rejuv versions of essentials is close to being released, and it would be more time efficient to use better code from that, and have a little extra time to work on the rest of v0.6's content. As it is, I'm leaving out a bunch of stuff I'd like to include in the Altforms mod so that I can get the new version out sooner, it's been quite the wait already compared to previous versions, and add the cut content back in over 0.6.X versions. v0.6 is, after all, only a tenth over halfway. Still looking at a release towards the end of June!
  19. The original forms are supposed to remain, yes! The other forms are mostly acquired by using Arceus Plates along with evolution or breeding, at least at present. Some are available in the wild, and in the next version (probably coming next month) most will be available without Plates. It does not work with the randomiser, I'm afraid. Both mods modify the same file, scripts.rxdata, and would need a combination mod made. Otherwise whichever you add last with overwrite the other. I absolutely intend to work on this after the next version releases. Add another couple hundred Pokémon to the randomness! Quick update on the next version for folks since I'm posting: AI is done, pending testing. Adding the new altforms now, currently at 40 out of 69 done. Absolute coincidence of numeration. Then I'll have a couple of sessions trying to get moves and abilities that weren't working correctly to work, then it's onto the mapping, events and teambuilding. Anything that's not working correctly at that point may likely stay that way until the next version of Rejuv releases and I have access to some compatible code - Reborn uses an older version of Essentials than the Essentials Gen 8 project, so a lot of the code for that doesn't work. I think late next month seems a likely release time.
  20. Alright, status update time! It's May!! Since last time, I've updated the tm.txt with new Pokémon and new TMs (and TRs, which will be TMs in-game), including for old Pokémon, including all the ones dexited! Which is thanks to the TM/TR listings for those Pokémon being leaked through Pokémon Home databases. I've also added in the new items and new Plate + Ability Interactions, and I'm partway through updating the AI - which is a much larger task than I realised, but this whole thing has been a learning experience. Some new altforms have been coded, most still need to be. The count for new forms is now at 60. No wait, 61. Not including sprite-only form differences. Including some 8th gen altforms. Not the starters, though, they'll be coming in v0.6.1 (or .2+ depending on bugs). Speaking of bugs, I'll also be putting it through a week of testing before releasing! Because with so many changes being made, there are surely to be a lot of bugs, and I think it'd be best if I stomped a few on the smallscale first. I'm hesitant to give an estimate on the time of release, since it keeps slipping. Healthwise, scans are on hold as non-urgent until the crisis eases up, which could be a long while. Frustrating but, non-urgent. I work a bit each day, if it's a bad day, I work on something simple. Once I have the AI done* and I feel like I'm in the home stretch of adding maps, events and updating NPC teams, I'll make sure to post an update. *Haphazardly cobbled together from what came before.
  21. Hi! I thought I should reply on this subject here instead of the altforms thread. An issue with implementing gen 8 into Reborn is a lack of space to accommodate all the new Pokémon and TMs/TRs - part of why I decided to try to implement gen 8 into altforms is that I'm already adding in new areas that would have enough space for new item rewards and Pokémon. Some of the new areas will have more gen 8 Pokémon than altforms, some will have more wild altforms than gen 8 Pokémon. For keeping them bundled together, it's mostly to reduce the amount of work I'd have to do with either rebalancing the entire game twice for two sets of additional Pokémon, one with new moves and abilities and TMs/TRs and one with new mechanics, as well as keeping two sets of new maps to accommodate keeping everything accessible in-game. I don't have as much time as I'd like to work on this kind of thing. It's also worth mentioning that the Essentials gen 8 content is for Essentials 17.2, whereas Reborn uses a much older version, with a lot of mechanics coded differently and necessitating a lot of adaptation and rewriting to get things to work. It's also not entirely finished, and I've helped out a little where I could. That said, if gen 8 with altforms is too far from some folks' tastes, I am keeping my changes separate enough that I can more easily create a gen 8 standalone mod afterwards. But for now, it's much easier for me to work on one combined mod.
  22. At the moment it adds a few altforms to wild encounters and adds extra mechanics based on the Arceus Plates, as well as all the altforms available via Plate Evolution/Breeding mechanics. No plots change, but a couple of sidestories are added. Neither are complete and both are subject to minor changes as they're developed - I don't like radically changing a story once it's started being told, but sometimes improvements have to be made. There are a couple of additional maps at the moment, unlocking a door in Vanhanen Castle and a puzzle leading off from it for acquiring a Partner Eevee. The only NPCs with altforms are added NPCs that can be entirely skipped without any notice. In fact, they're too easily skipped, and a common problem people have is that they never knew there was a sidestory because the only non-optional reference to it occurs during the ticket sale at the very start of the game! In the next version, I'm changing the game a little bit more, but trying to avoid impacting any of the pre-existing story. Some NPCs related to the altforms mod sidestories will approach the player, but will still be able to be skipped if preferred. Many NPCs throughout the game will have relevant altforms added to their teams. More areas will have wild altforms, but a majority of them will be found in a set of new areas connected by a network of underground tunnels, featuring a hub area, accessible from various points spread around the region.
  23. The mouse mod does break, unfortunately, with an error related to there being no mouse. No idea if a touchscreen mod is possible, but I would've thought so.
  24. Still not a new version, but here's an update on how things are going! Because it's April! 8th gen: Pokémon - All are in (Meltan to Eternatus), except Dynamax because no. Moves - All are in, two don't work correctly and in all probability still won't by v0.6 release (Dragon Darts because it has very complicated targeting in doubles but works fine in singles, Teatime because, well, I don't know why, but not all berries work with it). Abilities - All are in, two don't work correctly and there is some possibility they will by v0.6 release (Mirror Armor is working fine on moves and Intimidate, but I'm having trouble finding a way to more generally identify Ability-induced stat drops (may add MA exception to all relevant abilities, may leave it half-working, I'll come back to it later), and I haven't tried to get Neutralizing Gas to work yet). Items - Not adding all of them, but Blunder Policy, Eject Pack, Heavy-Duty Boots, Room Service, Throat Spray, Utility Umbrella, fossils and evo items are in and are untested. Changes to old Moves - Half are done, still need to update Terrains to reflect the changes, and not updating Defog to remove Terrains. Changes to old Abilities - All done. Changes to old Pokémon - All done. Changes to old Berries - All done. Dream Ball implemented. Still to do for 8th gen: Update AI with new and updated moves, abilities and items. Add new TMs (not TRs though, for balance purposes). Update tm.txt with new moves for old Pokémon. Update tm.txt with new Pokémon. Mapping type stuff for wild 8th gen Pokémon and v0.6 content: 10/24 maps are done, and 2 are WIP. Will probably cut out 2 or 3 maps to save time, those maps being related to legendary Pokémon altforms. Eventing type stuff: Barely started. I hope you're looking forward to chasing Scorbunny around a desert on a bicycle! You have the bicycle, not it. Unless... v0.6 altforms: Sprites for old forms - HUNDREDS OF THEM (at the moment, 228 Battlers and 27 icons with more being submitted regularly!) New forms - 40 listed, many with sprites already, almost all designed but none coded. 8th gen forms - 7 listed, 1 coded, no sprites yet. New items(?!) - 2* *not counting keys and the like Health: Trying to get an MRI and an EEG without getting COVID-19. Nothing urgent, but hopefully will lead to significantly improving my quality of life. That's all for now, I think? STAY SAFE OUT THERE! Or inside. Stay safe inside. And don't forget to eat, and sleep, and exercise, and try to get some fresh air, maybe out the window or if you have a garden. Um. Maybe take up meditation. Discover new hobbies. Be excellent to yourself. Also others. Cats...
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