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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueTowel

  1. Hi! TL;DR: How can I increase the Ability limit without breaking the game? I couldn't work it out in a timely manner, and may work around the issue by combining identical abilities with different names. While testing new Abilities for Alt Forms v0.6 with 8th Gen, I reached Ability #256 "Steely Spirit" and discovered it was blank. I checked Ability #257 "Wandering Spirit", and it was Ability #1 "Stench"! So I asked on pokecommunity for advice on this problem, and Vendily (<3) pointed me towards a thread where the problem was in the Compiler assigning but one byte, or 256 entries, for the Ability index. So I edited the Compiler, changing def pbCompilePokemonData 's optionaltypes={ "BattlerPlayerY"=>[0,"i"], "BattlerEnemyY"=>[0,"i"], "BattlerAltitude"=>[0,"i"], "EggMoves"=>[0,"*E",PBMoves], "FormNames"=>[0,"S"], "RegionalNumbers"=>[0,"*w"], "Evolutions"=>[0,"*ses",nil,PBEvolution], "Habitat"=>[7,"e",["","Grassland","Forest","WatersEdge","Sea","Cave","Mountain","RoughTerrain","Urban","Rare"]], "Type2"=>[9,"e",PBTypes], "Abilities"=>[29,"eg",PBAbilities,PBAbilities], "HiddenAbility"=>[40,"eggg",PBAbilities,PBAbilities,PBAbilities,PBAbilities], "WildItemCommon"=>[48,"*E",PBItems], "WildItemUncommon"=>[50,"*E",PBItems], "WildItemRare"=>[52,"*E",PBItems] } to optionaltypes={ "BattlerPlayerY"=>[0,"i"], "BattlerEnemyY"=>[0,"i"], "BattlerAltitude"=>[0,"i"], "EggMoves"=>[0,"*E",PBMoves], "FormNames"=>[0,"S"], "RegionalNumbers"=>[0,"*w"], "Evolutions"=>[0,"*ses",nil,PBEvolution], "Abilities"=>[2,"EG",PBAbilities,PBAbilities], "Habitat"=>[7,"e",["","Grassland","Forest","WatersEdge","Sea","Cave","Mountain","RoughTerrain","Urban","Rare"]], "Type2"=>[9,"e",PBTypes], "HiddenAbility"=>[40,"EGGG",PBAbilities,PBAbilities,PBAbilities,PBAbilities], "WildItemCommon"=>[48,"*E",PBItems], "WildItemUncommon"=>[50,"*E",PBItems], "WildItemRare"=>[52,"*E",PBItems] } in order to match later versions of Essentials which don't have the same Ability limit. I also changed the # Ability entry in PokeBattle_Pokemon to use pbDexDataOffset(dexdata,@species,2) instead of pbDexDataOffset(dexdata,@species,29) and changed all the fgetb to fgetw, but it didn't work. Full #Ability code before and after in spoilers below. Abilities still worked correctly, but each Pokémon had two instances of its first Ability, and four instances of its Hidden Ability, which occurred in both the debug menu and when catching a sample of wild Pokémon (8 Abras, 3 had Synchronize, 5 had Magic Guard). So I tried just importing the whole section from Essentials v17.2, code spoilered below, and changing self.fSpecies to @species in the pbDexDataOffset because Reborn doesn't have fSpecies... But this just straight up broke Abilities, with Pokémon having blank Ability entries and lists. Frankensteining bits of each together accomplished nothing either. So I cycled back to looking at fgetw to see how it differs from fgetb, read up on arrays a bit, and I can see that they differ in more than just byte sizes, so I'm not sure how to go about changing the code to increase the Ability limit. I was recommended to work around it rather than try to change it, so for now I'm folding Libero into Protean and Propeller Tail into Stalwart. But I thought I should ask, is this an easy problem for anyone to solve?
  2. Not a new version, but here's an update on how things are going because it's March: Delays! Work and health issues have cropped up again (not coronavirus but if that makes its way into this house there'll probably be even more delays), and I don't think March is at all likely for a new version release. I'm going to aim for April, but I'll definitely have to cut out some of the planned content and release it after v0.6 - I'll be including them in v0.6.X versions.
  3. Not yet. I'm not sure how much work would be involved, so I don't know how long it'd take. Alternate forms in it are handled slightly differently to Reborn, so it wouldn't be a clean copy-over. I do have plans to: It'll be the focus of version 0.7. I'm currently working on version 0.6, which includes new altforms, some more balance changes, new plate interactions, 8th gen Pokémon, moves, abilities and some items, 8ish new areas accessible from after Florinia's gym with 8th gen wild mons and wild altforms that are unlocked throughout the game, and team changes for NPCs to include 8th gen mons and altforms where appropriate. That'll probably take me until late March, with importing the 8th gen stuff to save time. After that I'll probably spend a couple of weeks or so working on sprites and bug fixes before any new forms and adapting it for Rejuvenation, aka v0.7. So maybe April/May?
  4. General Kenobi! Hi! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it! There is a deficit of Meadow Plate transformations, so expect at least some new Grass-type sun users in v0.6. I think I can come up with a non-Grass-type sun user or two too!
  5. No trainers have been edited to have alternate forms from the mod as of v0.5.12.1 - but this is changing in the next version. Currently only the additional trainers added have any alternate forms on their teams. In Memeforms the alternate forms have been added to many characters.
  6. Thanks! It's meant to be Dragon/Fire, and that's on the Memeforms side - it was too powerful and was replaced with the Dragon/Ghost Moon Salamence in Altforms itself. I'll let Specific know!
  7. Hi! I would but I'm also updating to add in Gen 8! I think I'll get everything out sooner if I keep it to one update! The original plan for v0.6 was to add in several new areas to the Reborn map containing wild Alt Forms, but this is slightly revised to include wild 8th Gen mons as well as some wild Alt Forms. The first will be accessible from after the 2nd Gym, and more are unlocked throughout the game! I'm estimating a release date of sometime around February/March! It's a lot of content! There will also be a series of v0.6.x versions afterwards to add more new Alt Forms and sprites!
  8. Hi! It does seem to be a tricky one! I've made it a little easier in the next version, but since that's probably not coming out until February/March it doesn't help you right now. I gave the following advice to someone before, I hope it helps:
  9. Hi! Patch version! v0.5.12.1 Bug Fixes Floral Ninetales now has access to Nature Power by TM. Moon Bagon is now correctly bred using Spooky Plate, not Flame Plate. Earth Glameow is now correctly bred using Earth Plate, not Pixie Plate. Dread Noivern now correctly has Dark Pulse and Boomburst by level-up at 70 and and 75 respectively. Tweaks Mega Moon Salamence now has Technician instead of Adaptability Mega Positron Metagross now has Neuroforce instead of Adaptability A Ditto is no longer necessary to breed for a Wormhole Cloak Wormadam. Stinging Goomy, Sliggoo and Goodra now have Filter instead of Poison Point. Telepathic Deino and Zweilous no longer have access to Calm Mind, learning Work Up instead by level-up. New Sprites Shiny Mud Poliwag, Shiny Mud Poliwhirl, Shiny Mud Poliwrath, Shiny Mud Politoed (M&F) Shiny Earth Cyndaquil, Shiny Earth Quilava, Shiny Earth Typhlosion Iron Gulpin (M&F), Shiny Iron Gulpin (M&F) Shiny Gemstone Roggenrola (M), Shiny Gemstone Boldore (M), Shiny Gemstone Gigalith (M) Defossilised Archen Egg, Defossilised Archen, Shiny Defossilised Archen, Defossilised Archeops, Shiny Defossilised Archeops New Form Toxic Remoraid Hopefully no more bugs! Also, the wiki is a lot of work! I don't think I can do it quickly on my own, but I've created pages there for fully evolved new forms that came with v0.5.12. I'll be adding information for new forms in future to the wiki instead of the posts here, so information is split for now. I may do additional updates to it along with new forms that come in v0.6 next year. Check out https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/Version_0.5.12 for blue links to forms!
  10. Hi! I've added links for the PBS files for v0.5.12 of Alt Forms into the first post! There's also a zip file containing just the changes made to the PBS files, to make it easier to incorporate them into fangames made using Reborn as a base. Feel free to use them, but please remember to credit! Don't forget the artists for any sprites used! While I'm here, how about some Altforms news? I'm working on a wiki for Altforms to make it easier to update and track information about new mechanics and new forms in the mod! Right now it only has Bulbasaur and Flame Plate listed, but I'll be working on adding all the Altforms Pokémon and Plates and other information post stuff before I continue working on the mod itself. It's found at https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/ Speaking on working on the mod itself, I've decided I'm going to add 8th gen mons, moves and abilities with v0.6. This means it's unlikely to release this side of the New Year, but you never know! This also means v0.6 will still end up adding more Pokémon than any version before, even with so many forms getting released in bugfix updates. Wew!
  11. Hi! New version! v0.5.12 Bug Fixes Engine Koffing and Engine Weezing should now breed and evolve appropriately. It also now has the correct move exclusions and can no longer learn Thunderbolt, Thunder or Shockwave. Iron Swalot should no longer revert to normal after battle. Assorted bug fixes lost to poor notekeeping. Pokémon Tweaks Spooky Venusaur now has Poison Heal for its third Ability, and Mega Spooky Venusaur now has Berserk. Draco Charizard now has Levitate instead of Solar Power. Sky Onix no longer learns Dragon Dance by level-up (or at all). Mud Poliwhirl gains Dig on level-up, and both Mud Poliwhirl and Poliwrath gain access to Stomping Tantrum by Move Tutor. Poliwrath and Mud Poliwrath both gain access to Superpower by Move Tutor. Mud Politoed now has access to Psyshock and Trick Room by TM, and Trick and Skill Swap by Move Tutor. Meadow Meganium now gains Sappy Seed by level-up. Zap Donphan no longer has access to Endeavor. Draco Ampharos now has Illuminate instead of Static, and gains access to Aurora Beam by level-up, and Dazzling Gleam and Flash Cannon by TM. Mega Draco Ampharos now has Fluffy as its Ability, and has had a small base stat change (-10 Special Attack, +10 Attack). Insect Flygon learns Dragon Pulse instead of Dragon Claw by level-up, and also has had a small base stat change (-10 Attack, +10 Special Attack). Rhybombee now has slightly higher base stats. Bubble Reuniclus has had a small base stat change (-10 Defense, +10 Special Defense) and its ability Magic Guard has been changed to Water Absorb. Armaldo now gains Compound Eyes as a third Ability, and Defossilised Armaldo has had a base stat change (swapped Speed and Special Attack, making it faster but less able to use Special moves). Stone Emboar gains access to Rock Polish by TM. Splash Feraligatr now has Skill Link instead of Strong Jaw, and has had its level-up moves changed to make use of this. Stone Claydol gains access to Focus Blast by TM, and has had a base stat change (-15 Speed, +15 Special Defense). Cybertank Hydreigon has lost access to Charge Beam and Work Up, and has had a base stat change. (-20 Speed, +10 Attack, +10 Defense) Telepathic Hydreigon has had level-up movepool changes (Calm Mind -> Mind Reader, Psychic Terrain -> Calm Mind), has lost access to Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Heat Wave and Flash Cannon, and has had a base stat change. (-5 Attack, -5 Defense, -20 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed) Pixie Altaria has gained access to Water Pledge and Fire Pledge, and Mega Pixie Altaria has had a base stat change (-20 Attack, +15 Special Attack, +5 Special Defense) and now has Cloud Nine for its Ability. Positron Metagross now has access to Shadow Sneak by level-up, and has Magic Guard instead of Filter. Mega Positron Metagross now has Adaptability instead of Levitate. Earth Crustle has had a small base stat change (-10 Defense, +10 Speed). Electric Chandelure, Lampent and Litwick now have access to Dazzling Gleam and Flash Cannon by TM. Dedenne and Meadow Dedenne have gained access to Dazzling Gleam by TM. Iron Golurk now has access to Smart Strike by level-up and TM. Darkness Sableye has had a base stat change (New spread: 35,35,35,95,75,105), has gained access to Parting Shot by level-up, and now has Shadow Tag instead of Prankster. Mega Darkness Sableye has had a base stat change (New spread: 35,35,35,145,75,155) and now has Intimidate instead of Prankster. Wormhole Cloak Wormadam no longer has access to Quiver Dance by level-up, learning Magic Coat instead. Additional Mechanic Tweaks Floaty Fall, Pika Papow, Sizzly Slide and Veevee Volley have better luck with the High Striker on Big Top Arena. Synchronoise will now cause a 3-turn Psychic Terrain effect when used, unless an Everstone is held. New Plate Interaction Illuminate + Iron, Pixie or Zap Plate = increases the effect of Light attacks by 30% Relevant moves affected: Aurora Beam, Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, Power Gem, Signal Beam, Solar Beam, Solar Blade Also affected: Doom Desire, Judgement, Light of Ruin, Luster Purge, Photon Geyser, Prismatic Laser, Techno Blast New Forms Spooky Bulbasaur, Spooky Ivysaur, Icicle Weedle, Icicle Kakuna, Earth Doduo Dread Gastly, Dread Haunter, Dread Gengar, Mega Dread Gengar Earth Quilava, Splash Croconaw, Mind Hoothoot, Draco Flaaffy, Zap Phanpy Dread Snubbull, Dread Granbull, Toxic Octillery Pixie Skitty, Pixie Delcatty, Sky Wailmer, Insect Trapinch, Stone Baltoy Moon Bagon, Moon Shelgon, Moon Salamence, Mega Moon Salamence Spooky Shellos (East, West), Earth Glameow Stone Pignite, Crystal Roggenrola, Earth Dwebble, Earth Trubbish, Iron Golett Desert Yamask, Desert Cofagrigus, Pixie Vanillite, Pixie Vanillish, Pixie Vanilluxe, Stone Druddigon Flame Clauncher, Dread Noibat, Dread Noivern Dawn Lycanroc New Sprites Icicle Abra Egg, Icicle Abra, Shiny Icicle Abra, Icicle Kadabra, Shiny Icicle Kadabra, Icicle Alakazam, Shiny Icicle Alakazam, Mega Icicle Alakazam, Shiny Mega Icicle Alakazam Draco Mareep Egg, Draco Mareep, Shiny Draco Mareep, Draco Flaaffy, Shiny Draco Flaaffy Dread Snubbull Egg, Dread Snubbull, Shiny Dread Snubbull, Dread Granbull, Shiny Dread Granbull Pixie Skitty Egg, Pixie Skitty, Shiny Pixie Skitty, Pixie Delcatty, Shiny Pixie Delcatty, Shiny Windy Castform Positron Beldum Egg, Positron Beldum, Shiny Positron Beldum, Positron Metang, Shiny Positron Metang, Positron Metagross, Shiny Positron Metagross Moon Bagon Egg, Moon Bagon, Shiny Moon Bagon, Moon Shelgon, Shiny Moon Shelgon, Moon Salamence, Shiny Moon Salamence, Mega Moon Salamence, Shiny Mega Moon Salamence Stone Turtwig Egg, Stone Turtwig, Stone Grotle, Flame Chimchar Egg, Flame Chimchar, Flame Monferno, Snow Buneary, Flame Mienfoo Stone Druddigon Egg, Stone Druddigon, Shiny Stone Druddigon, Desert Yamask Egg, Desert Yamask, Shiny Desert Yamask, Desert Cofagrigus, Shiny Desert Cofagrigus Stinging Goomy, Stinging Sliggoo, Stinging Goodra, Dread Noibat Egg, Dread Noibat, Dread Noivern New Icon Stone Spiritomb The following Pokémon can now be selected as Forms with the ChooseStarter mod and Sandbox mode, and also will breed and evolve into Alternate Forms without Plates if their main parent is an Alternate Form: Sprites to come over time. Gotta head off for the evening, but will update the Alt Dex posts over the next few days! Have fun! Edit: I haven't forgotten about sharing the PBS files either. Will post them with notes over the weekend!
  12. Hi! This appears to be a bug on Memeforms, as it's working fine on my end. I'll let Specific know and see if we can get it fixed soon! Also for some more general news, v0.5.12 is nearly ready. I have a nice long PC session right now so I'm hoping I can release it sometime this week. Bug fixes and new forms, yay!
  13. I don't think the sequence is broken. I think you entered the black corridor! That is the sound of success! The cracks and arrow looks like this when done: And, of course, exist reversed in the opposite direction.
  14. You're not the only one having difficulty! I keep hearing about people having trouble... So I'll redo it a bit in v0.6 to make it more intuitive. Until then, how about some guidance? The aim is to find the correct sequence of door + corridor combinations. It's key to note that: - The corridors loop back around if you continue running all the way left or right. - The corridors have a colour + plastic potted plant association. - The corridors go blue-aqua-green-yellow-red-pink-purple-black-purple-pink-red-yellow-green-aqua-blue. - The corridors reverse when you go through a door, correct sequence or not. - You can change corridors going left or right without affecting the door sequence. - Once the sequence is completed, an arrow will appear in the floor tiles that points the way to go next. It is also important to remember what you are chasing after.
  15. Hi! Not a new version yet, but it's been a few weeks and I felt I should really give you guys an update so as to assuage any worries that this project is dying. Work has been pretty constant and I'm not really getting any time to myself. That's about it. Updates will probably be much slower for a while, but I have an idea of what I want this mod to be like when it's done. I'd hoped to get out v0.5.12 by the end of the month, and v0.6 by mid/late-December, but I don't think that's a realistic timeline as things are right now. That bug is fixed for the next version at least! I think I may have caught that one in the bug fixes I made without noting down what they were... You'd need the PBS files for Alt Forms and RMXP/Gemini to edit the MultipleForms script where Mega Pixie Absol lives and recompile the game with the changes. I'll post those with v0.5.12, since it's incomplete right now and will bug out the games a bit without the rest of the changes and I haven't been keeping copies of older Alt Forms versions' PBS.
  16. Quick status update: Not having as much PC time lately due to work, so it may be another week or two before I can finish part-coded forms and release a v0.5.12. I had a go at doing a quick bugfix with an older version, but I don't have an old version copy of the PBS (which I've been editing for v0.6), which is stopping it from compiling in RMXP. So I guess Engine Koffing + Weezing won't entirely work properly for now. For a workaround: If you use debug you can set the form to 2 and it'll work mostly correctly - it will be able to use some moves it shouldn't have access to, and you'll have to set it again after evolution. With sandbox mode you should be able to get an Engine Weezing from the Pokémon generating NPC.
  17. The links should be directing you to the appropriate post, where the information is in spoilers in order of generation. I had a lot of trouble getting the links to work consistently before, but I thought I'd fixed it. Are they still playing up for some folks? Kinda! I think Blaze Kick is supposed to be a martial arts kick. All the Pokémon that learn it are also martial arts themed Fighting types. Oops! I set Engine Koffing and Weezing to form 2 in one script to leave room for a future alternate form, but left it as form 1 in the breeding and evolution scripts. I fixed a few more bugs recently but I forgot to note them down, so I'll finish up the coding I've been working on (full species line forms and a few new ones) over the week and try to put out a v0.5.12 around next weekend. Edit: I haven't had a recent try at fixing Plate evolution to only consume the Plate after completing the evolution process - I had a try at it back in v0.2 or v0.3 and couldn't find a clean way to change it - but I've gained a little more experience since then, so I'll see if I can get it to work properly for v0.6. Edit 2: This means that Sun Salamence will no longer be available from v0.5.12, as the replacement is one of the new forms part-coded that I'll finish before uploading a new version. I won't spoil what the new forms are until posting the update, though.
  18. In Reborn, the Mega Evolution forms are in the PokemonMultipleForms script, later in the file than the Alolan Forms and other form changes. It's fairly simple to change them from there. I'm not sure if later Essentials versions have them somewhere else, since I'm to understand Ame and her team added 6th and 7th gen changes independently of the Essentials project and may have done it differently. Also dropping this bombshell early: Sun Salamence is gonna be going. I had to give it a quick nerf already because Solar Power made it pretty much unstoppable. I've tried to find ways to make it interesting and unique, but there doesn't seem to be a good way to make it anything more than Better (Alt) Charizard or Better Turtonator. The concept and design isn't working so well. The good news is that there's a new Alternate Form for the Salamence line coming in the next version, which will be v0.6 and is a while away - probably in time for Christmas, maybe earlier, hopefully not later. So enjoy Sun Salamence while it lasts! Or play Memeforms, coming very soon. Sun Salamence lives on there, where everything is more extreme.
  19. Quick bug fix update, no new forms in this one, unless you count the Beldum line working properly. v0.5.11.1 Tweaks Insect Flygon now has Sand Rush instead of Sand Veil. Sun Salamence now has Intimidate instead of Solar Power. Bug Fixes Megas of Flame Slowbro, Sky Sceptile, Sun Salamence, Positron Metagross and Snow Lopunny now change type appropriately. Positron Beldum, Metang and Metagross now correctly have Electric/Psychic typing. Sun Salamence and Positron Metagross now always gain their Mega Ability upon Mega Evolution.
  20. Answered on Discord, but in case anyone else is wondering: Yes! Alt Forms and Sandbox Mode (E18 version) can be installed in either order. Edit: Didn't want to double post. Info posts are now updated with the v0.5.11 forms. Will add references to the new babies and evolution tricks another day.
  21. Quick update for the form types and methods while I slowly update the info posts over a few days, 'cause I won't be around as much for a week. Floral Vulpix: Grass, via Meadow Plate breeding Floral Ninetales: Grass/Psychic, via Floral Vulpix + Leaf Stone Engine Koffing: Poison/Steel, via Iron Plate breeding Engine Weezing: Poison/Steel, via Iron Plate evolution Lava Staryu: Rock/Fire, via Stone Plate & Flame Plate breeding (together, one on each parent) Lava Starmie: Rock/Fire, via Lava Staryu + Fire Stone Smelter Magmar: Fire/Steel, via Magby + Iron Plate evolution Smelter Magmortar: Fire/Steel, evolve Smelter Magmar Spooky Natu: Ghost/Flying, via Spooky Plate breeding Sky Grovyle: Grass/Flying, via Sky Plate evolution Iron Swalot: Poison/Steel, via Iron Plate evolution Positron Beldum: Electric/Psychic, via Zap Plate breeding Positron Metang: Electric/Psychic, via Zap Plate evolution Positron Metagross: Electric/Psychic, via Zap Plate evolution Mega Positron Metagross: Electric/Ghost, via Metagrossite Sun Bagon: Dragon, via Flame Plate breeding (no sprite yet, but can learn Flare Blitz by breeding) Sun Shelgon: Dragon/Fire, via Flame Plate evolution Sun Salamence: Dragon/Fire, via Flame Plate evolution Mega Sun Salamence: Dragon/Fire, via Salamencite Clown Timburr: Fighting/Fairy, via Pixie Plate breeding Clown Gurdurr: Fighting/Fairy, via Pixie Plate evolution Clown Conkeldurr: Fighting/Fairy, via Link Stone or Trade Cybertank Deino: Dragon/Steel, via Iron Plate breeding Cybertank Zweilous: Dragon/Steel, via Iron Plate evolution Cybertank Hydreigon: Dragon/Steel, via Iron Plate evolution Telepathic Deino: Dragon/Psychic, via Mind Plate breeding Telepathic Zweilous: Dragon/Psychic, via Mind Plate evolution Telepathic Hydreigon: Dragon/Psychic, via Mind Plate evolution Thanks! If I'm uploading a new version with bug fixes, then I'm including what I've been working on in the meantime. I like making game stuff, it's fun! I just tend to work on things in compartments. First I'll do the new forms, then I'll do the prevos for old forms, then I'll do plate interactions, then I'll do ... you get the picture. I can code one-handed easily enough. Once I start doing something involving a lot of copy-pasting, though, then I get impatient and start doing it two-handed, which sets my hand off after a short while. I've also been pushing to get some forms in to help Memeforms balance. That's pretty much done now, so once the thread is updated I'll be working more relaxedly at the rest of my list of things I'd like to include in this mod before moving on. Pokémon and Reborn both have had a lot of thought and emotion put into them, and I'd like to reflect that in my weird little exploration of programming, game design and project management. I think that's about all I have time for today, so uh, enjoy the forms!
  22. Hi! An update! New forms, new sprites, bug fixes, big hugs! No more bugs now, yes? Memeforms coming next, v0.6 coming after! Yay! v0.5.11 New Forms Floral Vulpix, Floral Ninetales, Engine Koffing, Engine Weezing, Magma Staryu, Magma Starmie Smelter Magmar, Smelter Magmortar Spooky Natu, Sky Grovyle, Iron Swalot Positron Beldum, Positron Metang, Positron Metagross, Mega Positron Metagross Sun Bagon, Sun Shelgon, Sun Salamence, Mega Sun Salamence Clown Timburr, Clown Gurdurr, Clown Conkeldurr Cybertank Deino, Cybertank Zweilous, Cybertank Hydreigon Telepathic Deino, Telepathic Zweilous, Telepathic Hydreigon New Sprites Floral Vulpix, Shiny Floral Vulpix, Floral Ninetales, Shiny Floral Ninetales, Icicle Abra Engine Koffing Egg, Engine Koffing, Shiny Engine Koffing, Engine Weezing, Shiny Engine Weezing Magma Staryu, Magma Starmie Spooky Natu Egg, Spooky Natu Zap Torchic Egg, Zap Torchic, Iron Swalot (M&F), Shiny Iron Swalot (M&F), Sandy Castform Icicle Empoleon Pirate Sandile Egg, Pirate Sandile, Shiny Pirate Sandile, Pirate Krokorok, Shiny Pirate Krokorok, Pirate Krookodile, Shiny Pirate Krookodile Shiny Normal Munna (M&F), Shiny Normal Musharna (M&F) Cybertank Deino Egg, Cybertank Deino, Shiny Cybertank Deino, Cybertank Zweilous, Shiny Cybertank Zweilous, Cybertank Hydreigon, Shiny Cybertank Hydreigon Telepathic Deino Egg, Telepathic Deino, Shiny Telepathic Deino, Telepathic Zweilous, Shiny Telepathic Zweilous, Telepathic Hydreigon, Shiny Telepathic Hydreigon Meadow Dedenne Egg New Icons Spooky Venusaur, Mega Spooky Venusaur, Partner Pikachu, Spooky Clefairy, Spooky Clefable, Sky Jigglypuff, Sky Wigglytuff, Flame Slowpoke, Flame Slowbro Tweaks Mr. Biggles can now be hugged. Slow Start Infernape with Flame/Fist Plates no longer gains stat boosts that turn if the last move it used was Substitute or Protect. Nosepass can now evolve into Probopass in the Byxbysion Hideout and Gym, and anywhere inside the Abandoned Power Plant. Breeding the following Alternate Form Pokémon now yields a baby that looks normal (for now), but will evolve into said Alternate Form: More Alternate Form Pokémon can now evolve into their normal forms with Plates, enabling some transfer of exclusive moves between forms: Bug Fixes Rhybombee Defense now has the correct amount of defense for an average of Rhyperior and Ribombee. Shedinja and Wormadam no longer reset their forms and Spooky Guard after switching. The Ringmaster should no longer turn invisible during the Samson battle if Indra's sidequest is completed before the gym. Edit: Updating info posts on Monday. Hand hurts too much.
  23. I had to separate the Alt Dex into multiple posts. It was getting difficult to edit in new information with it all in one. That post now links to the posts with that gen's new Alt Forms. A King K. Rool styled Shiny Pirate Krook sounds good! Gotta go with classic pirates for the normals, I think. Alt Dex pages are now updated for v0.5.10, and the first post has accepted the edits with the new links and information. So that's sorted! Looks like I'll be doing a v0.5.11 before v0.6, which will contain a few more forms and sprites.
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