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Everything posted by BlueTowel
Hi! There were more bugs and some new sprites, so here's another update that includes some new forms and tweaks with the bug fixes and new sprites. v0.5.10 New Forms Icicle Abra, Icicle Kadabra, Icicle Alakazam, Mega Icicle Alakazam Pirate Sandile, Pirate Krokorok, Pirate Krookodile, Bubble Solosis, Bubble Duosion, Bubble Reuniclus, Toxic Eelektrik, Toxic Eelektross, Electric Litwick, Electric Lampent, Electric Chandelure Meadow Dedenne, Stinging Goomy, Stinging Sliggoo, Stinging Goodra New Sprites Flame Slowbro, Shiny Flame Slowbro, Mega Flame Slowbro, Shiny Mega Flame Slowbro Flame Slowking, Shiny Flame Slowking Electric Litwick, Electric Lampent, Electric Chandelure Leafy Skrelp, Shiny Leafy Skrelp, Leafy Dragalge, Shiny Leafy Dragalge Meadow Dedenne, Shiny Meadow Dedenne Splash Solosis, Shiny Splash Solosis, Splash Duosion, Shiny Splash Duosion, Splash Reuniclus, Shiny Splash Reuniclus Sandy Castform Tweaks Mind Noctowl now has Analytic instead of Insomnia, and Tinted Lens returns as its Hidden Ability. (or just Ability #3 in Reborn) Pixie Drapion has had a base stat redistribution: it now has a little less Special Attack and Speed, and a bit more Special Defense. Stone Torterra has also had a base stat redistribution to better reflect its design: a little less Special Attack and Speed, and a little more Defense and Special Defense. Toxic (or Plague) Aromatisse now has the Ability Triage instead of Healer. Bug Fixes Mud Poliwag can now be acquired by breeding using an Earth Plate, and normal Poliwag by breeding a Mud Poliwag using a Splash Plate. (This was meant to be included in v0.5.9) Defossilising Tyrunt via breeding now correctly uses Dread Plate, not Draco Plate. EV yields were corrected for Alternate Forms with Base Stat changes: Beedrill, Electabuzz, Dragonite, Meganium, Girafarig, Dunsparce, Torterra, Carnivine, Samurott, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Durant and Rhybombee now reward EVs appropriate to their stat distribution. I've found I can generally avoid serious pain if I keep two nights between sessions on the PC, besides the times it gets painful for no apparent reason, so development continues. I'm out of time to finish updating the thread, though, so for the new forms not in the Info Pages: Toxic Eelektrik is via Toxic Plate + Level Up. Eelektross as normal from there. Electric Litwick line can be gained via Zap Plate + breeding or Zap Plate + Level Up Litwick into Lampent. Meadow Dedenne is via Meadow Plate + breeding. Stinging Goomy line can be gained with Toxic Plate + breeding or Toxic Plate + Level Up Goomy. I'll finish updating the Info Pages on Monday. Edit: First post not updating when edited, maybe this one will? Here's links: Main (V0.5.10) (516.0 MB, .zip) https://mega.nz/#!z2whnQJZ!qnf_Dm-VJLa7Ath7kQ9QJ4481j_YF6TwPVAjCjXJ2eo (Mega Upload) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TIcq_LiM8jdkSFz6Z6TyteGLJKZX7zSt (Google Drive) Patch (V0.5.10) (33.1 MB, .zip) https://mega.nz/#!a7olTaSA!bSjOUo2hTaGA7dIFC_mOfLIPLt7f0t-IPlYc5W2RRos (Mega Upload) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HQ647LrkkMnfNLdXmJQjXZh-BuiF8P5O (Google Drive)
Hi! Sprites and bug fix update! Notes below! v0.5.9.1 New Sprites Shiny Storm Dragonite All the Dunsparce, Shiny All the Dunsparce Draco Ampharos, Shiny Draco Ampharos, Mega Draco Ampharos, Shiny Mega Draco Ampharos Sky Sceptile, Shiny Sky Sceptile, Mega Sky Sceptile, Shiny Mega Sky Sceptile Tweaks Storm Dragonite now has Lightning Rod instead of Rain Dish. Bug Fixes Clefable now has Cursed Body instead of Unaware, matching Clefairy The Dunsparces, Flame Slowbro and Flame Slowking now have the correct level-up moves. Defossilised Kabuto now has Scratch at level 5, and not an extra instance of Absorb. Now back to working towards v0.6! Let me know if there's any more bugs!
NPC & Event Guide Plates Throughout Reborn there are others who know the ancient secrets of the Arceus Plates. These Platers, as they are called, will give you an Arceus Plate from their collection if you can prove yourself in battle. Their locations and rewards are listed below. Eevee There is a powerful Pokémon in Reborn. One capable of reaching legendary levels of power! Prove the strength of your mind and heart to earn one of your own. Event locations are listed below. Partner Eevee Move Tutor Locations Pikachu Another Pokémon possessed with mysterious power exists in Reborn. It is said that one-in-a-million of this species will have strength and abilities beyond that of its peers. The path to it is listed below. Partner Pikachu Move Tutor locations ??? Deep within the Glitch World lies a reference to a meme of a social experiment gone viral. Within that meme lies a reference to a meme of mysterious origins. Whence came it? Only the scholars know. Follow this clue if you seek power, but do not use it lightly or you may spoil your run.
Please pardon my spam while I separate the Alt Forms info post into multiple posts to make updating easier.
Hi! Some bugs were brought to my attention, so I went ahead and added the currently coded (and some sprites) for content that was planned for v0.6. I've also updated the sprite status spreadsheet with preliminary placeholders for sprites for upcoming forms, but I've spent a bit too long on the computer today and won't be able to continue updating the spreadsheet or the Alt Dex post until later in the week. In the meantime, here's the notes: v0.5.9 New Forms Flame Slowpoke, Flame Slowbro, Mega Flame Slowbro, Flame Slowking Storm Dragonite Toxic Dunsparce, Earth Dunsparce, Sky Dunsparce, Insect Dunsparce, Spooky Dunsparce, Draco Dunsparce Snow Buneary, Snow Lopunny, Mega Snow Lopunny Flame Mienfoo, Flame Mienshao Leafy Skrelp, Leafy Dragalge New Sprites Flame Slowpoke (front only), Storm Dragonite Snow Lopunny, Mega Snow Lopunny Flame Mienshao Tweaks Defossilised and Alolan Pokémon can now be acquired by breeding their other forms with Plates! List below! Bug Fixes Partner Pikachu can no longer evolve if it knows any of the Partner Pikachu exclusive moves: Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Splishy Splash, Pika Papow. It can still evolve as normal into Raichu or Alolan Raichu. Partner Pikachu and Partner Eevee can no longer breed, with each other or otherwise. Defossilised Pokémon will no longer eat held items when evolving. ...and some notes! Flame Slowpoke is acquired by breeding for a Slowpoke egg while the main parent holds a Flame Plate. Flame Slowbro and Slowking both evolve normally from there. Storm Dragonite is acquired by evolving a Dragonair via level while it holds a Zap Plate. The Dunsparce forms are acquired by breeding for a Dunsparce egg while the main parent holds the relevant Plate: Toxic, Earth, Sky, Insect, Spooky or Draco. Earth Dunsparce may also be seen rarely in Grand Stairway B3F! Although it may be hard to tell until there is a sprite... Snow Lopunny is acquired by either breeding for a Buneary egg while the main parent holds an Icicle Plate (for a Snow Buneary), or for a normal Buneary to hold an Icicle Plate while evolving via happiness and level. Flame Mienshao is acquired by either breeding for a Mienfoo egg while the main parent holds a Flame Plate, or for a normal Mienfoo to hold a Flame Plate while evolving via level. Leafy Dragalge is acquired by either breeding for a Skrelp egg while the main parent holds a Meadow Plate, or for a normal Skrelp to hold a Meadow Plate while evolving via level. Have fun and see you later!
Hi! What happens when you try to run Alt Form? Do you get any error messages? EDIT: After checking Discord, the problem seems to have been with the v0.5.8 full version, and has been replaced with an updated v0.5.8.1 zip. You can fix the problem using the patch version and applying it to either the v0.5.8.1 or patching Pokemon Reborn. I've also added a new Game.ini file that renames the game to Pokemon Reborn Altforms for save compatibility - that way you can play Alt Forms without affecting your normal Pokemon Reborn playthrough.
Little update on my health I guess? I can have a physio appointment in October for free or pay to have one sooner... Resting up more doesn't seem to have helped a lot. An hour on a keyboard and mouse and my hand hurts a lot for the rest of the day, however I try to adjust my posture. Currently 8/35 for new alt forms coded, not including sprites. 11 new plate interactions designed but not coded. Yeah! I noticed that even without mining mods it's easy to end up with an excess of Plates. Makes 'em a little exciting to get extras!
They're a mix of sprite edits, recolours and placeholders (of either no change or the shiny sprite swapped for the regular), by myself and others. I'd been working through with a plan of making them all into sprite edits that reflect their new elements in the end, but since my arm/hand started acting up I've decided to shift back to doing coding for v0.6 here and there instead. I'd be happy to add Battle Bond Greninja if there's an available sprite for it, even moreso if there's also some code for the ability laying around... I've found some for Meltan and Melmetal that I'll be using, permission willing, in v0.6. It's probably not going to be too soon. I've received medication for the pain but I have to wait for a physio appointment which may be up to a few months away before I can spend a lot of time on a keyboard and mouse again. Looking to the future of this project, I'm intending to stick to new forms (and Meltan/Melmetal), some more plate interactions and an area or two of additional map content for v0.6, and for v0.7 it will be mostly creating a Pokémon Rejuvenation version of this mod. I'd intended to wrap Altforms up at around this time of year, aside from updating for e19 compatibility, but due to the health-related delays it's taking longer to get it to a state where I'm happy to leave it. But, I gotta try to turn learning programming into money. So after v0.7 it'll likely be a v0.8 to update it for Reborn E19 at some point, and future updates for new Rejuvenation versions, while I get to work on a new project. v0.7 will also include releasing the PBS files and text files containing all the code for the mod if anyone might want to use it as part of their own fangames or mods.
Quick information update! My hand is still hurting after using the computer for a little while and medical support is slow. I tried coding instead of doing graphics, and 4 forms in my hand started hurting quite badly again. I have a doctor's appointment on the 9th to see what else can be done, and until then I'm seeing if resting it longer once it's feeling okay helps more. Re: Fire/Steel type, I haven't had one planned but Magmortar makes for a possibility. Electivire has an Alt Form and they kinda pair off. I've added it to the list. There is a Weezing Alt Form on The ListTM for v0.6, which is a Poison/Steel type where it's composed of combustion engines and exhausts.
Thanks for the compliment and the idea! It's a bit strong for my tastes, but thank you nonetheless. There is a Noivern alternate form on the list for v0.6, which is coming once I've caught up on the graphics. It's Dark/Flying and a little stronger than the normal form, so it'll be available late in the game. There's an Avalugg one as well to add to the 6th gen forms. Sure! I'm trying to avoid copying ideas from other games and creatives, but a Grass/Fire Sunflora is super obvious.
I've uploaded a quick and lazy fix for the Pikachu problem - Partner Pikachu can now be evolved into Raichu and Alolan Raichu. It's not as big a balance change as allowing Partner Eevee's moves into the Eeveelutions, since the moves aren't as powerful and the Raichus aren't as different to Partner Pikachu as the Eeveelutions are to Partner Eevee. It's a pretty pesky bug, at least for me. The form change is triggered before the item is used, and I haven't been able to work out a simple way to make it change the form afterwards. Kantonian, Alolan and Hybrid Vulpix, and Meadow Florges, have a similar problem, but for them I made it a feature - Vulpix can become a hybrid by cancelling the stone use, and attempting to evolve a hybrid without a Plate causes it to randomly turn into a Kantonian or Alolan Vulpix (also featurising a bug with Vulpix in normal Reborn where it sometimes randomly has the ability of the other form), and Floette can change the colour of its flower by cancelling the stone use or the evolution process. Now that I think about it, Fire-type to Ice-type is a pretty drastic change in type for a regional form. I wonder how closely related Vulpix is to Eevee? Maybe I should add another variant? I'm glad you worked out how to evolve Venonat! I'll make sure the Alt Dex is up-to-date with the appropriate method. No other updates yet, still having problems with a trapped nerve so arting is slow as to avoid exacerbating it.
Hi! New version! v0.5.8 New Sprites Defossilised Omanyte, Defossilised Omastar, Defossilised Kabuto, Shiny Defossilised Kabuto, Defossilised Kabutops, Meadow Meganium, Splash Feraligatr, Shiny Splash Feraligatr, Mind Noctowl, Shiny Mind Noctowl Updated Sprites Boss Pikachu, Shiny Defossilised Kabutops, Shiny Meadow Meganium, Dread Sableye, Mega Dread Sableye Tweaks Icicle Beedrill and Mega Icicle Beedrill have had stat changes - they are now fast mixed attackers. They have also been updated to include more special attacks in their level-up movepool. Defossilised Omanyte and Omastar have gained access to Octazooka via breeding, as fossils suggest the creature they're based on had ink sacs much like modern octopuses! They have also gained Signal Beam via Move Tutor to help make up for the loss of most of their Rock-type moves. Splash Feraligatr has had a design change, and is now based a little more on the caveman element present in Croconaw - Splash Feraligatr is now a burgeoning tool-user, carrying around simple weapons that it uses to gain type advantages in battle. Draco Ampharos has gained access to Draco Meteor via Move Tutor. Always-Zen Darmanitan now has a lower BST to match normal Darmanitan, but the Un-Zen Mode form now has a higher BST to match normal Zen Darmanitan! It has also gained access to more special moves in its level-up movepool. After some thinking, a bit of discussion and some time with a damage calculator, I decided not to go for this. Drought would make it very clearly the best non-legendary sun-setter, and Solar Power isn't that bad on Draco Charizard - it can cause a lot of damage with mixed sun sets.
Glad you like it! The Hidden Ability and Mega Zard Y ability aren't as synergistic as normal though, so I may alter those in an upcoming update! These are Alternate Forms of Fossil Pokémon, achieved through the power of MagicTM! There are many theories as to why Fossil Pokémon are all Rock-types. Maybe only Rock-types fossilised in the geological strata, or maybe prehistoric Pokémon were all Rock-types, or maybe - my favourite theory on it - that the minerals composing the fossils are tainting the revival process and the resulting Pokémon produced are not perfect reproductions of the species. The defossilisation concept is that these reproductions of the ancient species can be used to produce the original species. The appropriate Plate is used, add a little primordial energy, and the evolution process corrects out the Rock-typing like DNA repair. Like with other forms, I look at the Pokémon's design elements to work out how they might be different. An example is Omanyte. Omanyte is based on ammonites, with ammonites being considered most closely related to octopuses and Omastar's Ultra Sun Pokédex entry referencing this by calling Omastar a distant ancestor of Octillery. I look at Octillery and it's a pure Water-type. I look at shelled Pokémon - Blastoise, Shellder, Krabby, Samurott - and there's no type linked to having a shell. Pure Water seems appropriate. The Rock-typing is from the fossilisation, so I should take away most of its Rock-type moves too. Ink is reportedly preserved in some fossil specimens, so Octazooka may be an option for it to gain something back. It currently has a placeholder sprite, but I've been working on them recently so here's a sneak peek.
Thanks! I really appreciate that! I didn't want to reply until I had an update to the thread! On that note... v0.5.7 New Sprites Partner Pikachu Shiny Charizard, Shiny Mega Charizard X, Shiny Mega Charizard Y Updated Sprites Draco Charizard, Mega Draco Charizard X, Mega Draco Charizard Y Fist Electivire Bug Fixes Fisherman Santiago in Tanzan Cove should now be battleable if you've already completed his sidequest before installing the Altforms mod. After mulling over a few different colour-schemes and designs for Draco Charizard, I decided to go with Reborn's shiny sprites for it as the forms! Rule of thumb for them, blue flames = dragon-type! I've included replacement shinies for normal Charizards in the patch. They're the canon shiny colourschemes! I was surprised to find out that both Megas have different colours to the normal! Mostly this patch was to fix a bug with one of the Plate Battles. Let me know if you find any more bugs!
Hey! New update! v0.5.6 New Sprites Stone Torterra, Mind Incineroar, Shiny Mind Incineroar Updated Sprites Earth Crustle, Dread Decidueye, Fist Primarina New Plate Interactions Iron Plate: Light Metal (Speed +1 on entry), Heavy Metal (Defense +1 on entry) Splash Plate: Liquid Voice (causes 1 turn of Whirlpool on the target, preventing them from switching and dealing extra damage at the end of the turn) Toxic Plate: Sniper + Poison Attacks (100% crit rate!) Too tired for words. Enjoy! More coming!
Hi! My hand is feeling much better and I'm back to working on this! v0.5.5 brings three new sprites - Shiny Pixie Rapidash, Pixie Chansey and Pixie Blissey! I'm working on sprites for Stone Torterra and Mind Incineroar, and for v0.5.6 I'm looking to get in a few more Plate Interactions with Abilities!
Tiny update this week. My hand's been hurting, making spriting slow, and I took a few days break to see if it improved, then I got kinda busy... Oof, life. Only a patch for this version, since the changes are minor. More next Sunday~ v0.5.4 Tweaks Fist Plate battle slightly harder. Partner Eevee event in Chrysolia Region is slightly easier by way of your party being healed between rounds.