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Everything posted by BlueTowel
v0.5.3 New Sprites Iron Blastoise, Mega Iron Blastoise, Shiny Iron Blastoise, Shiny Mega Iron Blastoise, Draco Serperior, Earth Crustle New Plate Interactions Slow Start interacts with certain Plates to provide stat boosts at the end of every turn: Flame Plate causes Special Attack and Speed to rise. Fist Plate causes Attack and Speed to rise. Stone, Icicle and Iron Plates provide stat boosts only to Regigigas with Slow Start. Long Reach interacts with Dread Plate to provide two stages of critical hit rate and a 20% accuracy bonus. This works with both normal and Dread Decidueye forms. Bug Fixes and Tweaks Flame Infernape once again has Slow Start, with no Base Stat increases this time. Instead, try it with a Flame or Fist Plate! Mega Zap Blaziken now has Reckless instead of Speed Boost. However, Zap Blaziken itself still has Speed Boost available as an Ability. Mr. Biggles is no longer accidentally an Earth Garbodor. The last Partner Eevee event puzzle can no longer be brute-forced, and a couple more clues have been added to it. The Plate Event in Neo Reborn's Malchous Forest no longer requires the Plate Event from Beryl Bridge to be accessed. Talk to Sula at the above event after reconstructing the Railnet if the last Partner Eevee event hasn't activated for you.
Maaaybe! If there are appropriate sprites for these already, then I'd include them in some way for sure. At the moment, I'm reluctant to add anything that needs more art when the art is already behind. :'3 --- Little update on how things are going: Sprites for Zap Combusken, Rainbow Castform, Toxic Spritzee and Aromatisse, and Fist Primarina are done. I'm aiming to do a sprite a day myself, and sprites are still coming in from the others when they have time. I think I'll do a Decidueye one next for tomorrow's weekly sprite release. The plan right now is to get the main sprites sorted, followed by icons, then shinies, then shiny icons. I'm also looking to re-release Alt Infernape sometime this month, hopefully sooner rather than later, with a new Plate interaction with Slow Start. This will also work with the currently unavailable Regigigas. There may also be additional Plate interactions with weak or underpowered Abilities that will be released in v0.5.x updates. I've been looking at doing something with Liquid Voice... I'm still trying to decide what I want to do with this project long-term. The main goal has been to learn programming and project management, so I'd like to do more complicated things with the code and game design towards this end. I'm currently thinking about trying to rework the Type system a bit, maybe as part of v0.6, maybe as part of a later version, maybe as a separate mod. I have a few ideas on what I'd like to do with it, but I have to examine the code more to determine what may be most achievable and rewarding.
I think a dedicated Discord server might be too much at this time. The Reborn Discord has appropriate channels for these, and the forum too. It is a Reborn mod, after all. I had wondered if trading and battling would work without modifications to the system, but I guess this partly answers it. I should ask the server owner if it does anything funky to it server-side! Glad to hear you're enjoying it.
Little update on release schedule: Aiming to get this out on Sunday (GMT), hopefully towards the middle of the day rather than the end. My week turned out to be more eventful than anticipated, so I haven't had as much time to work on it as I'd like, but I said 2-3 weeks and gosh darn as much as I hate deadlines I'm going to try to stick to one if given. So what's the bad news? There won't be as many sprites, even recolours, with the first release of v0.5, but what I'm going to do is release a few new sprites each week, a little pack of what I've done and what's been contributed ( love to the artists ) , which can be added simply. I also won't be giving a deadline for v0.6 - I'm going to be working on other stuff besides this project, and I'd also like to take my time to increase the quality of my work and learn more. I'll be giving updates on how it's going, though! There isn't a dedicated one for it. Should there be? Maybe, maybe... At least right now, I'm using the "Reborn, Evolved" Discord server to occasionally talk about it, in the pokemon-general, pokemon-reborn and sprite-edits channels.
I'll squeeze it in to Alt Forms v0.5
Hey! I thought you guys might like an update, let people not on Discord know that development continues! So here's what's coming in v0.5, which I'm aiming to release sometime around 2-3 weeks from now: Bug Fixes and Tweaks Defossilised Amaura and Aurorus learning Twister by Move Tutor! Earth Dodrio learning Rock Smash by TMX! Toxic Mightyena gaining Poison Jab by TM! Earth Purugly swapping Sand Veil for Sand Force! Spooky Shedinja funneling its SpAtk into its Atk! Musharna losing a bunch of Atk and Speed for higher memes! It also loses Unburden for Insomnia! Defossilised Tirtouga and Carracosta lose Solid Rock and swap it for Strong Jaw! New Forms Castform gains new forms: Windy, and Rainbow! Two new Wormadam forms! Two new Sableye forms, four if you count Megas! Another alternate form for Drapion! Onix and Steelix forms! Donphan! Boldore and Gigalith! Spritzee and Aromatisse! All the remaining starters! That's Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Decidueye, Incineroar and Primarina! New Plates Just Zap this time! But Plates inaccessible after restoring the city will be available in Agate Circus! New Events Partner Eevee's sidequest will conclude! It will be accessible after returning to Reborn City and gaining the Amaranth Badge! And, of course, more new sprites! After that, work may begin on a combined Alternate Forms and Memeborn mod!
SWM - TypeBattleIcons.png Needs the graphics to display.
I guess Unburden does work better as an English-language pun, huh? Only didn't go for 420 BST because Unburden on a low Speed Pokémon seemed fun. Boost Speed and consume an item for a radical change! High Musharna is about to lose a lot of Attack and Speed... Seems like a logical choice for a Flame Infernape shiny. I'll try to include it in the next version! Thank you for your support! May it bring joy to the land!
v0.4.3 is up! The Eevee Events should be less difficult to beat when you first come across them. Levels have been reduced, and some EVs. Bad Eevee now has more custom sprites! Yay for Player_Null_Name! Earth Dodrio has new sprites, and Pixie Altaria now has backsprites! And there's a new Event with a new Form, if you're meme enough for it...
That sounds like a really strong Pokémon! If it gained Head Smash, it might outclass both normal Staraptor and other physical Rock/Flying types. It would be cool to have a Pokémon that doesn't take recoil from Brave Bird, though! Since Staraptor is already a strong Pokémon, I'd want to give the combination to something else that might like raising. I could even give Flying type to something that has Rock Head via Sky Plate! There's only two Sky Plate forms at the moment. Sure! There's a list in the Sprite Status spoiler in the first post! There's a lot of inappropriate shiny-swaps, and shiny-swaps that need the original Reborn shinies changing to visually differentiate the forms. Let me know which ones you'd like to do and I'll mark them as WIP to minimize accidents! --- Hey so while I'm posting, here's some news! I'm working on a v0.4.3 patch with a few tweaks. The first and third Eevee events seemed to be too difficult for those times in the game, so I'm reducing their levels a little. 27 -> 24, and 75 -> 65, respectively. The first event will also have reduced EVs. It will also contain a new event and Pokémon form in Glitch World by popular request via Discord. What is it? Good question! There will also be a few new sprites! For v0.5, I'm looking at adding more Castform forms, as well as more Fist, Icicle, Meadow and Sky Plate forms! Probably another Plater too, but mostly looking to polish up with this version.
v0.4.1 is now out! It fixes a lot of bugs, including a few game-breaking ones from v0.4 that involved the game locking up after some of the Plate events! New sprites for Flame/Icicle Vulpix are included! - Please update at your convenience! The Pokémon Information is now fully updated, and there is a new section below it for the NPC and Event Guide! if it keeps screaming it'll reach a level beyond!
Hey! I just made the deadline in time! Oof. I don't have time to update the thread tonight so here's a breakdown of what's new: Bug fixes Pyrous Golem now has Steamroller! Ciel no longer uses Toxic Gliscor! Defossilised babies no longer get inappropriate Rock moves! Flame Infernape can no longer learn Role Play! Mind Darmanitan has a Pokédex entry! Tweaks Earth Typhlosion now gets Earth Power at 48! Splash Feraligatr now gets Fire Fang and Thunder Fang by move relearner! Icicle Empoleon now gets Icicle Crash at 36! Iron Hakamo-o now gets Iron Tail at 63! Iron Kommo-o now gets Clanging Scales at 75, and Iron Head upon evolution! Meadow Meganium's BST lowered back down to 525, base stats now 120/82/90/83/90/60 Fist Samurott's base stats now 95/108/85/70/70/100 - fast and physical, like the Pokédex suggests. Icicle Beedrill (and Mega) base stats now 65/80/40/90/45/70 (Mega: 65/80/40/150/15/145) - fragile and deadly both physically and specially. New Forms Partner Pikachu - find it at Nyu's House in North Aventurine Forest off of Route 1! Want to know the secret? Look for the 3 black straight X sparkles to learn it the new moves: Floaty Fall, Pika Papow, Splishy Splash and Zappy Zap! Clefairy -> Clefable Vulpix -> Ninetales Dodrio Noctowl Ampharos Politoed Grumpig Altaria Absol Luxray Purugly Gible -> Gabite -> Garchomp Munna -> Musharna Garbodor Sawsbuck Durant New and updated Trainers and Events I'll update the thread tomorrow with a mini walkthrough but for tonight: Badge 1: Bob in Opal Ward Badge 2: Bob in Obsidia Ward Badge 3: Sula in Beryl Ward Badge 4: Monthelm with the Mining Kit in Grand Stairway Badge 5: Temperance on Apophyll Beach Badge 6: Uriel in Pyrous Mountain Badge 7: Black X sparkle outside Underground Railnet in Chrysolia Region (see Partner Eevee events below) Badge 8: Monthelm in Chrysolia Forest Badge 9: Temperance on Apophyll Beach Badge 10: Santiago in Tanzan Cove Partner Eevee? Is really strong! If you want one, you'll have to wait a little longer and work for it or cheat. Check out the black X sparkle in Sweet Kiss Candy Shop in Obsidia Ward before and after City Restoration for events to build up points towards getting a Partner Eevee in a later version. Completing the first of these events activates the Badge 7 event for a Plate! Okay, have fun and have a happy Christmas!!! Have you saved recently?
I'm thinking I'll swap its Attack and Special Attack to make it a more Special-heavy mixed, but kinda like Pyroar in that it has abilities to boost the physical side. Also giving it Dark Pulse, and more coverage with Dazzling Gleam and Flash Cannon, since part of the design inspiration is from X-rays so light makes sense to me. It is not, I'm afraid. Both mods alter many of the same files. Maybe a later version could have a download of both combined. I'd like to improve the quality of Alt Forms first. --- I'm aiming to release v0.4 on the weekend of the 22nd-23rd December. Upcoming changes include: Bug fixes. New sprites for Venomoth, Aerodactyl, Gastrodon (backsprites), Spiritomb (shiny), Carnivine (shiny), Golurk (shiny), Florges (shiny), Hakamo-o (shiny) and Kommo-o (shiny). Movelist refinement for Beedrill, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Empoleon, Hakamo-o and Kommo-o. Base stat refinement for Beedrill, Meganium and Samurott. The start of Partner Eevee appearing as a recurring enemy. Partner Pikachu available to acquire. New Alternate Forms, including Luxray and Absol.
Yeah! I've set myself an arbitrary number of 100 Alternate Forms by v1.0! At least 5 uses for each Plate, whether that's new forms by evolution or breeding, or a special effect in certain circumstances! I am already considering an Electric/Dark type! Luxray seems like an easy fit for it! I'll try to make sure I include it with v0.4! Partner Pikachu will also be available in v0.4 - it's what I'm working on right now! - as well as some new scripted events! (Partner Eevee will be in but unavailable until a later version!)
Absolutely! It's a whole learning project. It's hard to maintain a consistent quality. Suggestions are very welcome! I agree! While doing the Pokémon Information page I'm noticing a lot of Pokémon could do with some movelist refinement. It's a definite maybe! I want to say yes. I have my own set of guidelines when designing forms. I would ask that any submissions at least loosely bear them in mind, and I may or may not refuse or alter a design to fit with the rest of the project. I hope this is reasonable. Alternate Forms should be relatable to the original - not new species, but ways in which the same species might vary in another region, period in history or other environmental circumstances. Alternate Forms should take inspiration from an aspect of their original design wherever possible, rather than add new elements. Alternate Forms should not make Pokémon Reborn too easy. For example: The Surge abilities, while interesting for multiplayer battles, trivialize most gym and boss battles. Alternate Forms should not be a clear upgrade over the original, except when the original is PU tier or similarly underpowered like Meganium or the inevitable Regigigas Alt Form.
v0.3(.2) is now up! Fun new features include breeding Defossilised Pokémon; a way to get a Defossilised Aerodactyl, and the start of the beginning of the commencement of the introduction to the Plater story. A few Plates are now accessible through NPC interactions. You'll have to battle a secret elite to get them, but they're a friendly bunch. Currently available are Toxic, Icicle, Earth, Stone, Fist and Flame Plates. The combination of Meadow Plate and Truant will now restore 1/3 of a Pokémon's health on the turn they are slacking off. Some bugs were fixed too. Mud Poliwag and Poliwhirl are now correctly pure Ground types, and Mud Poliwhirl and Poliwrath are now found during the Day on Azurine Island. Wailord is similarly now pure Flying, and has gained a little weight, as have Sky Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff. They were a bit too light. Girafarig now spawns with Girafarig in Vanhanen Labyrinth. For balance tuning: Fist Greninja now has Technician instead of Adaptability for Hidden Ability, and Low Sweep and Aura Sphere have been swapped out for Double Kick and Jump Kick. It still has access to Low Sweep by TM. Defossilised Cradily now gains Whirlpool instead of Water Pulse on evolution, which seemed redundant with its natural Brine. Zap Klinklang has had its stats modified to make it into a balanced mixed attacker, as well as a small Base Stat Total increase to balance out gaining a quadruple weakness. Piranha Carnivine now has access to Fire Lash instead of Inferno. It's not like Heatmor was using it anyway. Can it make up for a low BST? Meadow Meganium's base stats have been shuffled around to make it a little more bulkier. Make sure to account for the increased size when watering yours! Finally, I'm going to spend some time this week making the Pokémon information in this thread more detailed and readable. If you want to be able to find out how to evolve new forms without being spoiled on the details, don't worry, I'll put the data into its own spoiler tag.
I like this more than an NPC that sets them, risk or no. Could be a little too grindy, but sometimes it's fun to climb a mountain. Pokérus and Power items would cut the grind down a lot, so maybe it's fine.
That's great! I've never sprited before so I was going to go for recolours and minor changes. Are you on Discord? I'd be happy to discuss this further. Alternatively, I was planning on expanding the Future Development section with a list of custom sprite status/plans/requests when I post v0.2 sometime over the weekend. Stone Plate Emboar does have altered base stats. I took 5 from Attack and Special Attack, and 10 from Speed, to result in a 110/118/75/95/75/55 spread. I can see it being more physically inclined as Rock, so I could shift another 5 points from SpAtk to Def.
I couldn't find Grassium-Z on here. It's from Azurine Nature Reserve breeding pairs quest.
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Most of them have the shiny sprite swapped for the alternate form sprite. A couple have custom sprites. Some look the same because the shiny sprite looked less like the new form than the normal sprite. Some fit perfectly. They all have some combination of different typings, moves, abilities and base stats.