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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueTowel

  1. This is a modified version of Pokémon Reborn containing over 30 new alternate forms for existing Pokémon. They are mostly based around using the Arceus Plates to gently influence the direction of their evolution. The forms are generally of equal power to the normal forms, maintaining the challenge of the game while adding greater type variety and more options to explore when building a team.
  2. OUTDATED This is kept for reference for the Memeforms mod which uses an old version of the Alternate Form Pack The movesets are no longer accurate for Plates of Arceus Alternate Form Pack Information Index Alternate Form Pokédex (click links below to go to relevant post) #001 - #251 : Generations I (Kanto) + II (Johto) #252 - #493 : Generations III (Hoenn) + IV (Sinnoh) #494 - #649 : Generation V (Unova) #650 - #809 : Generations VI (Kalos) + VII (Alola) NPC & Event Guide (including LGPE Move Tutor locations) Additional Mechanics Canon Regional Forms Distant and extinct variants aren't the only alternate forms accessible via Arceus Plates. Using Plates to change forms may unlock unexpected move combinations, or simply allow access to a regional form earlier in the game than normal. Breed for the following forms with the main parent (mother, or non-Ditto if breeding using a Ditto) holding the appropriate Plate. Evolution method and Galarian forms coming in future updates. Plate & Ability Interactions Some Abilities have extra effects when certain Arceus Plates are held by the Pokémon. List by Ability name A-Z below. Pokémon Forms/Interactions Available, By Plate
  3. Pokémon Reborn Plates of Arceus, Episode 0 [E18.4.1] Pokémon Reborn: Plates of Arceus is a content mod for Pokémon Reborn. It adds: Generation 8 Pokémon, Moves, Abilities and Items from Sword & Shield, Isle of Armor, Crown Tundra and Pokémon Legends: Arceus. New Areas New Sidequests And optionally also: Hundreds of new regional variant Pokémon forms New game mechanics based around Arceus Plates (Form Shifting and Ability Interactions) Experimental PLA-style Pokémon battle mechanics FAQ Can I play with just Gen 8, no new forms or mechanics? Yes, talk to the purple NPC in the Grand Hall or Agate Circus to have a more canon experience. What happened to the Alternate Form Pack? This is the Alternate Form Pack! Since it has expanded beyond just adding new alternate forms, it seemed appropriate to rename it. Is there a wiki? Yes! It's still being updated but check it out here! Episode 0? The story of the Plates of Arceus has barely begun. New story content will come after Reborn episode 19, and it will release in an episodic format. Episode 1 when? Assuming Pokémon Reborn episode 19 releases in Spring 2022, Plates of Arceus episode 1 is aiming to release Late Summer 2022. What are the experimental PLA-style battle mechanics? Pokémon Legends: Arceus introduced a lot of changes to the main series battle mechanics. While it may only be for the spin-off, I really like them and aim to eventually implement the whole battle system. I will try to update with more of the mechanics over time with the goal of implementing the complete battle system by Episode 2, possibly as a battle mode rather than replacing main series battles completely. Stage One currently implemented: Damage calculation, stat calculation, new status effects (Drowsy, Frostbite, Fixated, Primed, Obscure, Power Shift, Splinters), updated status effects (Burn, Poison, status duration, overwriting status), reduced double weaknesses and double resistances. --- Downloads & Installation If you already have Pokémon Reborn or an older version of Alternate Form Pack, use the patch. Updated with PLA Stage One 19th Feb '22. Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 622.5 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1klnu9iqDXrUnQs_jBT8c3kK96t-iTmYH/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 162.5 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gkV3UY_u6kyAj9hPO-k9zbOaYRdtX8o7/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. Patch Installation Picture Guide For Windows 10 --- Save Compatibility Yes - Default game name "Pokemon Reborn" Want Alt Forms to be a separate save file? Use the file below! Mod Compatibility Likely incompatible with more mods following PLA Stage One addition. May cause UI glitches with Pyrolusite's UI mod. Let me know! I'll try to create and release fixes. Tested and compatible with SWM's modular modpack [E18.4.0] (Mostly Yes!) Use the scripts.rxdata that comes in Plates of Arceus. It is compatible. Set Weather causes problems. Use the version below for that specific mod SWM - SetWeather.rb (10kb, .rb) (Google Drive) Aironfaar's Mod Box [E18.1][Updated 2018-09-05] not entirely compatible (Mostly yes!) Fabulous Transformations causes problems. Use the version below for that specific mod AMB - Misc_FabulousTransformation.rb (35 kb, .rb) (Google Drive) Debug Menu does not display remote Pokémon storage. Use the files below for your convenience. AMB - AddOpt.rb (6kb, .rb) (Google Drive) AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb (42 kb, .rb) (Google Drive) DreamblitzX's Battle Music Pack (Yes!) Add the Audio/BGM/ from the music pack as appropriate, and use the trainertypes.dat linked below. trainertypes.dat (8 kb, .dat) (Google Drive) Pokemon Reborn: Sandbox Mode (No!) Not currently compatible with Sandbox Mode. Not compatible with Azery's Pokémon Memeborn. Both mods extensively alter the base game. Combination mod by Specific, Memeforms, can be found here! But it is not updated to v0.6 or Episode 0. Not compatible with Commander's Pokémon Reborn Redux. Both mods extensively alter the base game. Credits Additional Music Special Special Thanks (Seriously I would not have made this mod or gotten this far with it if not for the influence of these people) The whole Reborn team for creating this amazing game and generous mod market! Andracass, Amethyst, Azery, Cervys, DemICE, DMBY, Ghost141, Janichroma, Marcello, Mikey57, Mu7e, origami_dragon, Player_Null_Name, Pyrolusite, Specific, Swampellow, Waynolt, Reborn Discord, URPG --- Future Development Sprite Status Sprite Status spreadsheet Coming in Episode 1 New areas in main story More interaction between Reborn and Plates of Arceus story content New lategame story content Animations for LGPE and Gen 8 moves New Plate Interactions and new item system for them SOS Totems Gigantamax forms as Mega Stones More Pokémon Legends: Arceus battle mechanics More forms! Coming in Episode 2 New postgame story content More forms!! PBS Files (For modifying Plates of Arceus for personal use) (.zip) PBS (PoA Ep0) (441 kb, .zip) (Google Drive) Known Bugs Dragon Darts does not re-target in double battles. Mirror Armor does not reflect stat drops coming from partner Abilities triggered by other Pokémon in double battles correctly. It's Not A Bug, It's A Feature Rainbow Floette evolves into a random non-Meadow Florges if evolved without holding a Meadow Plate. Vulpix is... weird? Pokémon that evolve into different forms using Plates can learn moves exclusive to one form, then evolve into another! May result in intentional unbalanced gameplay.
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