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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueTowel

  1. I'm really excited for the next episodes. :) Keeping myself tamped down about it because of e19. Am working on a thing for e19 that will be extremely QoL for PoA Ep1 too though :D hehe~, so vague... Edit: Whoops, I missed answering the question! Keeping the thread updated with the forms and their information started becoming extremely difficult and timeconsuming due to loading times and such. There's a wiki now, but it still hasn't been updated with everything due to the quantity of forms and moveset information. It should be easier to automate updating it after Ep1 though! You can find it here: https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/Pokémon_Altforms_Wiki I do!
  2. I'm sorry about the Dragonslayer Sylveon! It was working fine so I'm not sure when it got broken. Are you using PBS files maybe? It looks like the PLA Pokémon spriting project on Smogon is nearly done so when that comes I'll make sure to update with bug fixes and those sprites. I'm reluctant to do multiple bug fix releases because I'm struggling with time and my health rn and working on something for Reborn e19. Also Partner Eevee (and Pikachu) cannot breed, by design. Dewpider should be able Plate Breed, though, so that needs fixing.
  3. Episode titled "STREETS OF REBORN"
  4. I'm afraid that's a bug lost in the version update differences between Radiation Reborn and PoA. It's fixed in PoA, but that fix hasn't made its way to Radiation Reborn. Well done on making it through! :D
  5. You have to go through the correct combination of door + corridor in sequence. The berries and colours of the corridors change to match types. A bubbling sound is a correct combination, a clashing sound is an incorrect combination and resets your progress through the sequence. It is in need of some more polish, so there is a solution on the wiki if you need it.
  6. Yes, although you're playing with the Radiation Reborn mod I think? The patch won't be compatible... Do you use debug? You can also fix it by turning off switch 0261.
  7. I added another one with the patch that fixed that bug, it's in SW Undernet. :)
  8. I believe this is fixed in the current release, so you can download the patch and then you can fix it within your save by finding one of the shiny Roggenrola "TMs" in the undernet tunnels and battling it.
  9. Not yet. This will definitely be a thing in Episode 1! For now, the quickest route to the Undernet Digsite is to fly to Fiore Mansion, run south and east along the bottom of Route 2, enter the Northern Undernet and go through to the Undernet Digsite.
  10. That's right! You may need this little bugfix if it's not working for you. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GVbe-zKVXIJF90Mf_ly8c5NPIcw-1UA9/view?usp=sharing Put those in /Data/ and it should work correctly.
  11. There should be a new set of doors open inside the castle, are they still closed after these events?
  12. You get one of your own after the events at Vanhanen Castle. :) You can't catch The Bad Eevee.
  13. Hi! Yes, Bad Eevee can be found in the candy shop twice, once before restoration and once after! Once you've beaten Adrienn's gym, you should be called to Vanhanen Castle if you've done the necessary prerequisites. If you haven't, go see Sula in Neo Malchous Forest and talk to her until she mentions Vanhanen Castle!
  14. Yes, the save file from this version will work in the e19 update of this mod. :D I added an automatic switch in Episode 0 to make it cleaner to update saves to Episode 1 (e19), hehe! There is a wiki that is incomplete, but it has information on a lot of things like TM locations, Plate effects, and a list of all of the forms. https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/Pokémon_Altforms_Wiki And yes, I only access the forums from my PC, but Discord I access from my phone as well. It is much easier to reach me on Discord. :)
  15. Hi! You can use most of the mods by Waynolt and Aironfaar with this one, as well as the Battle Music Pack. There's a list of mods which don't work without modification, so there's mods of those mods on the first post of this mod. Including debug! :D The extent to which this mod modifies Reborn has grown a bit over time, so there's a lot that messes up the functions of other mods, or they this one. The short answer is that the save from this won't be compatible with e19, but at least it won't immediately crash anymore! :D So you can easily change the save slot from the main menu in e19. I'd recommend starting a new save file for e19 anyway, it's great and a lot of early content is brilliantly revamped. I'll be waiting a few months before updating this mod to e19, though I'll be working on it. I'm working on sprites for new content right now!
  16. Interact with the sparkle below Grookey to hear the tune. Each side of each rock produces a different note. Try to match the tune's notes! Definitely turn off Speed Up for this puzzle.
  17. Hi! You can bypass the puzzle with Rock Climb! Until then, you can try repeating Grookey's music back at it. I haven't made a guide to the puzzle since it can be bypassed. :)
  18. Thanks for the bug report about the ability! The icon is a placeholder, it'll definitely be updated for Ep1. It is! The base stats for Caracole Accelgor are: HP: 70, Atk: 90, Def: 115, SpAtk: 90, SpDef: 105, Speed: 25
  19. Glad you're enjoying it! :D To get the Caracole Accelgor, level up Shelmet at night while it's holding an Iron Plate. For the Lapis Ward Pokémon, check out the Lapis PokéMart! To get the normal Galarian Fossils, you need to defeat Gaston in the Undernet Digsite then bring him the appropriate fossils. He'll assemble them for you! However, you cannot get any duplicates of the fossils until you've cleared the Ep0 sidestory. To defossilise the Rock-type Galarian Fossils, breed them with an appropriate Plate and a Ditto!
  20. Oops! They were bugged! Here's fixes for those! Put these in your /Data/ directory! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GVbe-zKVXIJF90Mf_ly8c5NPIcw-1UA9/view?usp=sharing That's a new scripts.rxdata and items.dat to fix that I forgot to add a plate breeding (spooky plate) for white-striped basculin, and that I had a 0 where a 1 should be on Peat Block. The PBS aren't updated with that 0 to 1 thing, so if you're using those, take a look at Black Augurite above it, hehe. ^_^; I'm still waiting for a full set of backsprites to emerge for PLA mons, will do some adjustments to the experimental battle mode at that time. That update will probably be my last one until Ep1 after e19. I have a lot of adaptation work to do for e19. :'D
  21. Hi! I can't fix this save, unfortunately, you'd have to go back to an earlier save. I can fix it from an earlier save if the same problem occurs. I'm not sure what's caused it, but I do not believe sandbox mods are compatible with this anymore. Debug is, though.
  22. A Kanto Mr. Mime will evolve into Mr. Rhyme at level 52+. A Galar Mr. Mime will evolve into Mr. Rhyme at level 42+ when holding a Pixie Plate. (And a Kanto Mr. Mime will evolve into Mr. Rime at level 52+ when holding an Icicle Plate!)
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