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Everything posted by BlueTowel
There is not! You can try to learn its movement pattern to see where it loops around to catch it, or you can try to chase it down on a bicycle! Definitely turn off game turbo for this one, and Max Repels and maybe a high level pokemon with intimidate at the front of your party can help a lot to minimise wild Pokémon interrupting your pursuit.
Hi! Bugfixes!! :D Breeding Mr. Rime and Sirfetch'd should now result in the appropriate eggs! Galarica Cuff and Galarica Wreath should now correctly work like evolution stones! Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 621 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SRXlYd1Hx0UAAdWDx6upEQErpNew3l_O/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 161.1 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dlP9seV0uvWSQGFxY6vN7BvLj4qacW9V/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. You'll also need a new copy of the PBS if you've been using them! Thanks for the bug reports! Both are now fixed! :D Oh my goodness! That would be a lot of new sprites!
Hi! Some more bug fixes! Tweaked a Totem that misses moves a lot! Made the Bad EGG event crash messages clearer Flower Sweet in Isolated Farm now accessible on arrival and not after getting Surf More Sweets in Isolated Farm Burning Jealousy error message fixed Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 621 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1liQK9E2GGUlRfJobI24IJSPdfYFO8j1b/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 161.1 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WEmtMrxIhMXdmKDHeaLLL5JvqdegihQp/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
Hi! Galarian Slowpoke evolves with the Galarica Cuff and the Galarica Wreath items. The Wreath is available at the end of the sidestory and at the 11th floor of the Department Store. The Cuff is also available on the 11th floor of the Department Store, and one is available on the ground in the world ... somewhere. I don't seem to have noted down where and I don't remember where I put it. :'D EDIT: The Galarica Cuff is in Adrienn's gym in Coral Ward after Restoration! :D The Alcremie Sweets are available from the Sweet Kiss Candy Store after Restoration, as well as two being available on the ground in the world, one which I've just realised isn't accessible until after Restoration anyway and I'm going to note down to fix that with the other bugs at the weekend, and the other... I also don't remember where I put it and don't seem to have noted it down. :'D I'm so sorry!
Hey! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Starter altforms being a bit overpowered is a-okay, after all vanilla Blaziken can almost solo the entire game. @_@ I can make alt Dusclops a little later in Ep1 using the maps maybe. Definitely going to balance up their availability then! Related to maps, the defossilisation works in maps that have a lot of Unown! The lower Grand Stairway floors and Citae Astrae. I wonder why that would be... Bug report-wise, thanks for the bug report! That's not a bug though! It's a feature! I'll note down to make it clearer with the error message given!
Hi! Small bugfix patch for a crash and softlocks. Crashing Magikarp encounter in Obscure Oceanfloor Softlock caused by approaching the Totem in Rock PokéSpot from the north Accidentally extra gold key fragments from a couple of Totems if you'd already beaten them before patching Also removed the turnback tiles from Rock and Oasis PokéSpots Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 621 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/14unROp1RI7WhDWSECt2nA2SZxRMPEHjy/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 161.1 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/18wCbJmbHhnTmbm4iBOUogZ1MwYWmY-PP/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
Hey! The Monster House sidequest starts from Onyx Trainer's School after defeating the gym leader there! For the debug scripts, put them in a folder like /Pokemon Reborn/Data/Mods/ You may need to create a Mods folder yourself For the sidequests, there's a little summary on the wiki and there are pages that help with each one but no formal sidequest guides. Leaving the train station in the opening scene, the ticket vendor whispers a cryptic message to meet someone under a bridge and a pass phrase to use. Someone who will teach you about the Plates of Arceus as your journey unfolds. A new rival awaits the player in Sweet Kiss Candy Shop in Obsidia Ward. (Must start before Agate Circus) Wild Pokémon are forming teams underground and causing problems for those living nearby. (Monster Houses) And a group of elite Pokémon Trainers are excavating in secret a buried shrine. For the Monster Houses, see https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/Monster_House_Hunt Thanks for the bug report! That is odd. I need to fix that one for something else so I'll make sure to try to replicate that issue!
Hi! 1. Yes, the Pokédex is also updated with gen 8 mons! 2. With the altforms and plate mechanics disabled, you still have access to the new sidequests, and most of the new trainers uses normal Pokémon. Two sidequests still feature alternate form Pokémon on enemy teams, though! And I feel I should elaborate on the plans for this when Reborn Episode 19 comes! This version of the mod will not at all be compatible with Pokémon Reborn, Episode 19 when it comes out. When Pokémon Reborn, Episode 19 does come out, I will not be immediately updating this mod out of respect for the game and its creators, to reduce confusion over Episode 19's content and to give people a chance to enjoy a clean experience of Episode 19. So Plates of Arceus, Episode 1 will come out at least a few months after Reborn Episode 19. The hypothetical release of Reborn E19 is in Spring 2022, so the hypothetical release of an E19 version of Plates of Arceus would be late Summer 2022 with PoA Episode 1.
It occurs to me that I did add an area that could justifiably have respawning mining stones in, but it would be at the end of the current game anyway. :'3 Definitely adding a few before then in Ep1. You can get guaranteed Plates from the Plater battles throughout the game, at least. Bug-wise, I can't find what's causing that bug with Vulpix forms. It seems to be in normal Reborn too, it inspired the Hybrid Vulpix form. It only seems to affect that line! And I can't find why! hahaha! It's terrific. Of course, more hybrid Vulpix to come thanks to this... For the other one, I think I'll see if that happens in Ep1 as well. I'd like to focus on other things, and I think I may have caught all of the gamebreaking bugs now? I am super looking forward to the next major update to this mod too. Reborn e19 and Legends Arceus are undoubtedly going to explode my mind with more ideas to merge with the previous creative brainstorms!
Hi! Another bugfix update, but also some tweaks! Fixed some tiles in The Under Ruins that could be walked on but shouldn't Fixed some tiles in The Under Ruins that couldn't be walked on but should Making Charcoal rubbings no longer uses up a whole piece of Charcoal Fixed a typo on the Abandoned Mine lift puzzle Removed all of the turnback tiles from Obscure Ocean maps Fixed the bug that made all wild Pokémon shiny. Look for a new wild shiny Roggenrola in Southeast Undernet to fix it, or turn off switch 0261 manually. Weather in new areas should be more suitable now Silvally's Multi-Attack with a Null Memory should now deal ???-type damage, although the UI does not update to display this. A few of the Totem Pokémon should no longer feel like they die when defeated, I'm sorry for the heartache in the jungle. The rest will be tweaked at a later date. Fern's friends are no longer in detention until the end of time. The mysterious singing ghost in The Under Ruins is now more ghost and more singing. Defeating Solaris at Mt Pyrous now enables access to something at the end of the Ep0 sidestory that used to be only for people who reloaded their save at the right time or did the thing (you know the thing if you did the thing). Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 620.9 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xpk3LoRZ3e3rcLl3FYHf3Yao-tmRpP8O/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 160.9 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MaCpbMhHzcVyR06H7WgAi3uE2qLhefZB/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. Glad you're enjoying it! :D You can get a lot of Plates from mining! Plus the Platers handing them out! There's no infinite mining yet but you should get plenty to play with midgame. :D The stat order in the code is HP, Atk, Def, Speed, SpAtk, SpDef. If no change is listed in the entry, then it uses the same as the base species.
Hi again! Bug fixes!!! Power cable in The Under Ruins now exists Plate Trader exploit fixed Softlocks surfing behind tall grass in Isolated Farm and Secluded Jungle fixed Escape Rope softlock when entering the Undernet from Route 2 fixed Onyx Trainers' School entrance to the Undernet now properly closes from Reborn City side after Restoration Northern Undernet crevice exit fixed Hidden Slopes Ice Flower and Offering Bowl graphic fixed Grookey puzzle in Secluded Jungle bug fixed Positron Metagross should no longer randomly revert to Steel-type. Exit from Vanhanen Mirror Puzzle fixed Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 620.8 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LU8V4xZdWhBMvFw_HgcHXInvDWHE933F/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 160.8 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mtpkgj4qs41m7QnO1zelcKUEEkXbj8gH/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
Hi! More bugfixes!! Fixed surfing through cliffs in Obscure Oceanfloor Multi-Attack now becomes ???-type with Null Memory Glitch World's Shiny Porygons have regained their shiny Crash from battles in Vanhanen Mirror fixed Backsprites for Glastrier, Spectrier and Calyrex Rider forms Sounds for IoA and CT Pokémon Added visual indicators to parts of the puzzle in The Under Ruins Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 620.8 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UcrKpbQMtaa_wHmwjeJc1M2rcDJdBrZz/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 160.8 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mZ3lEcPOOsLRUCaeiyT8uAZUqfU1BKrp/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
Hi! I've updated the downloads today with some more bugfixes! Things that have been fixed: PokéMenagerie sidequest no longer immediately ambushes the player with the first battle after a Rainbow Challenge Icons for alternate forms of Incineroar, Electabuzz, Swalot, Combee, and Vespiquen have been fixed Earth Doduo battler sprite fixed Crystals in SE Undernet can no longer be walked through NPCs can now use Dragon Darts Kubfu will now join you regardless of your ability to save Item drop from Giant Steelix should now be visible during that scene Alternate Eevees born from Alternate Eeveelutions should now have level-up moves Ace Trainer Ana should now be back on duty after beating Gymless Leader Gaston Gymless Leader Gaston should no longer leave player in darkness on whiteout Mega, Sky and Mega Sky Gardevoir should now have stats! Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 617.6 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WcPcPqIouyTIT53fk4pEgVwMqtDlGEnS/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 157.8 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QPy2ut5grTyiDc1FgN0d0wFVVOmOQhYQ/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. --- I haven't received any private or direct messages from you yet, was it on here or Discord?