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Everything posted by BlueTowel

  1. Hi! There are two for each section of the Undernet (SW, E, N, SE), but I think the one missed the most is the one dropped during the main story. I playtested recently and noticed the event isn't appearing correctly to let the player know to backtrack and pick it up when it happens, so I'll update that in the next round of bugfixes. To be less vague, it's...
  2. Hi! I've updated with a bunch of bugfixes. Things like shiny eggs crashing the game, Sula and Gaston turning victory into defeat with crashes and softlocks, and a few other things like that. I've also added a Plate Trader! Find them in Opal Ward, Agate Circus, Calcenon City and Neo Opal Ward to trade Plates one-for-one! Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 617.6 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BRQLLvaJUsoGmIXS8cgO0eM8XxmW0i10/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 157.6 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fg_4cE_BCCL7Qps_tMWLCr4CanQKi-j6/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. This does look very cool! I like the idea! Thank you! That'd be a great help! :D
  3. Thanks! I confirmed this bug is still present. I'll release a patch update over the weekend to fix this and a bunch of other bugs! That's a cool sprite! Thanks! I'd be interested to see what you have, though I'm not sure I could use all of them. Feel free to DM me! I'm on Discord a lot too. I believe this bug is fixed in a previous stealth-update. I'll release a new version over the weekend with a bunch of bugfixes and make sure to mark that it's been updated.
  4. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'll definitely take this feedback on board for Episode 1. I'll likely revisit the added maps some more to make them play better! Can I ask when you last downloaded Episode 0? I fixed a bug with Gaston a few days ago but I have been stealth-updating the downloads. I'll have to start updating the thread with version numbers again. :'3
  5. Yes! Thanks for the bug report, it is now fixed in the downloads. Thanks for the bug reports! I've fixed these too! I've also fixed that Monthelm will not take No for an answer after giving you the Mining Kit. Here's the relevant files if you don't want to download the whole patch again! Put the Map and Scripts files into your /Data/ directories, and the Sunfloras into /Graphics/Battlers/ Map188.rxdataScripts.rxdata
  6. Hi! The downloads are updated with bugfixes related to Sula at Beryl Ward and I also made a change to something spoilery at Secret Glade to make it a little tougher and make Appletun a little harder to acquire since apparently it can solo Corey. Thought I should let you guys know!
  7. I really don't know where these errors came from, I just have to re-save them to fix them. Here's the fixed file for that.
  8. Hi! There was a fairly serious bug where Pokémon would sometimes attack multiple times per turn. To save downloading a big thing again, you can patch it by putting this Scripts.rxdata file into your /Data/ directory and overwriting the one there.Scripts.rxdata The downloads have been updated with this too. It does revert speed calculations to gen 7 mechanics, though. Updating them to gen 8 doesn't seem to be quite as simple as believed!
  9. Great! Happy to help! And I nearly forgot to post something about what's coming next...! The original plan, at least the previously original plan which came after the original plan from before, was to rename the mod to Plates of Arceus with Episode 1. I had a chat with Ame about story plans and checking if they'd need rewriting after e19 and it was all cool but then e19 seemed to be coming faster than Episode 1. Huh, going Episodic may be a little confusing. Hm, maybe I should have gone with Chapters or Parts instead... So that is now to come after e19, though the content of Episode 1 will be lategame rather than postgame. Similarly, since it's coming after e19, I decided to skip out on a few things to save on time and effort. Animations were left until later, and integrating the sidestory more into Reborn's story. Not included in Ep0 were new Plate Interactions. Between e19, time issues, balancing issues and a longstanding desire to create a crafting system for new items for Plate Interactions (Activated Platespatent pending), I decided to hold off on them for now. I've also been holding off on working on the Totem Pokémon system until after e19, to add in SOS Pokémon. With the addition of new areas, I can also add in justified Gigantamax Stones and the new Pokémon from Legends: Arceus. Similarly to v0.6 and Gen 8, I was already adding new areas that seem like they'd fit this new content very nicely. And lastly, there will be more new alternate forms in each new episode, and each episode will actually get playtested before release. So that's the shape of the future, I think? It's late and I'm tired.
  10. Thanks! Try adding these two files into your /Graphics/Battlers/ folder to replace the ones in those error messages to see if it fixes it.
  11. I couldn't reproduce the CRC error with Alt Girafarig or Alt Fire Sunflora, is it still happening? Can you get a screencap of it maybe? The other bugs should be fixed now, the downloads have been updated.
  12. Good catch! I'd missed adding those and a few other sprites, as well as adding the relevant plates to the first free plate event for the new 8th gen starter altforms. So that's all fixed in the downloads now!
  13. Pokémon Reborn: Plates of Arceus, Episode 0 New & Updated Sprites Too many to list! New Forms Snow Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Mega (Icicle Plate) Pixie Sandslash, Sandshrew (Pixie Plate) Bandalore Drowzee, Hypno (Fist Plate, Drowzee uses Oval Stone to evolve) Land Krabby, Kingler (Insect Plate) Harpy Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Mega (Sky Plate) Bakhdi Numel, Camerupt, Mega (Icicle Plate) Pumelo Tropius (Fist Plate) Wood Chingling, Chimecho (Meadow Plate) Mind Combee, Vespiquen (Mind Plate) Mystic Misdreavus, Mismagius (Mind Plate) Stone Pidove, Tranquill, Unfezant (Stone Plate) Deep Dive Dewpider, Araquanid (Iron Plate) Insect Grookey, Thwackey, Rillaboom (Insect Plate) Pixie Scorbunny, Raboot, Cinderace (Pixie Plate) Sky Sobble, Drizzile, Inteleon (Sky Plate) Toxic Arrakuda, Barraskewda (Toxic Plate) Antique Sinistea, Polteageist (Secret location) Madaamu (Kanto Sirfetch'd) Mr. Rhyme (Kanto Mr. Rime) Sky Dreepy, Drakloak, Dragapult (Sky Plate) Tweaks Icicle Beedrill no longer has access to Toxic Spikes. Arctosaur is now called Arctopras. Zoltavialan is now called Therozolt. Fossil Dracosaur now has Weak Armor instead of Hustle. Fossil Dunklevish now has Weak Armor instead of Water Absorb. Clown Conkeldurr now gets Mat Block as an Egg Move. Meadow Meganium is now Grass/Normal-type, and no longer learns Sappy Seed by level-up. It is still acquired by Meadow Plate. Lava Staryu and Starmie can no longer learn Dive. Ill Wind Sneasel and Weavile Abilities changed to Super Luck, Keen Eye and Infiltrator, and Weavile gains Keen Eye as an Ability. Ill Wind Sneasel and Weavile base stats change to physical-leaning mixed attacker: Sneasel -20 SpDef -10 Atk +30 SpAtk, Weavile: -20 SpDef, -15 Atk, -5 HP, +40 SpAtk Both forms of Aurorus can now learn Aurora Veil. Mega Ice Tyranitar base stats and Ability change: Now a slow, bulky mixed attacker with Snow Warning. Toxic Eelektrik and Eelektross movepool changes: loses Giga Drain, gains Leech Life. Toxic poison now turns into normal Poison vs Totem Pokémon. Assorted small changes to maps added with the Alternate Form Pack. I'll post something tomorrow about what's next, as well as update the first post. It's late for me right now. Downloads & Installation If you already have Pokémon Reborn or an older version of Alternate Form Pack, use the patch. Main (Ep0) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 609.8 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G12ej_jAZcSVrpd5L9xM8fOceUEWthgY/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (Ep0) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 149.8 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1edZFPRlSqSFjxyb2DwJ9eniV0nvSvPxp/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
  14. Hi! The Hatenna was moved to after the puzzle in that version, but I'm moving it back soon. The double doors that appear are these: If they aren't there, then you may be on an older version of the mod or haven't gotten to that stage of the puzzle yet. I did the puzzle just now to make sure the steps were correct. Quick update too, I said Sunday 30th before but Sunday is the 31st, it's by midnight (my time, UK) on the 31st that I'm aiming to release by!
  15. It's a bug! I'll try to get that fixed for the next version! Thanks for the report! :D --- On that note, aiming to release Plates of Arceus: Episode 0 (aka v0.6.13) on Sunday, 30th 31st October! There's one event left to redo (shrine opening), a handful of Pokémon to sprite (although two handfuls to do shinies for), a few NPC sprites and a few bug fixes to do. Skipping the animations this time, though, to make sure it releases at a good time.
  16. The one included in this thread is for compatibility, you'd still need AddOpt from Aironfaar's Mod Box to enable it.
  17. Okay there were two softlocks in the Ancient Shrine event. Replace this map file in the /Data/ directory with the one provided below and that should be working smoothly now!!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YAdKoTKu7-vEU7QUvKj8LycuVxCYM08m/view?usp=sharing
  18. First of all I'd like to post this little bugfix patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E6uhinQNWX2kngxGhuv8DB6dREi_r7w-/view?usp=sharing To install it, extract or copy the files inside to the /Data/ directory and replace the relevant files (scripts.rxdata and two Maps) This fixes the Monster House bug with Corrosive Gas, the Ancient Shrine event softlock and also fixes the Mystery Egg in Secret Glade. Secondly I'd like to apologise for the delay in fixing these serious bugs. The next version has felt a couple of weeks away for over a month now, and while I feel like it's still a couple of weeks away, I can see the pattern... In any case, 10 Pokémon lines still need sprites, a few bugs still need fixing and a couple of events need a little polish. I'll leave some polish until after Reborn e19 to reduce duplicate work, and to get it out sooner! @Venyal @TrainGhidoran @EyesOnKindred
  19. Oh no! I thought I'd fixed that, but it might be fixed for the next version. I'm sorry! Can you send me your save file, please? I want to at least verify that I've fixed it for the next version, and if not then to make sure I do so!
  20. Maybe stand one tile back from the peak and interact with where the flower used to be?
  21. There is an extra copy of each gen 8 fossil available at the end of the keys sidequest, but I should make sure to include another set in future updates. For the Steelix, stand at the tip of the peak. I'll add an object for it next version too, thanks for the feedback! :D
  22. I think you're at the lift (or elevator) shaft in the Abandoned Mine. The puzzle involves navigating the lift's computer systems with a damaged screen, represented by sections of the text being blanked out. You have to figure out why it's not working and change the settings to enable it to work. The solution can now be found on the wiki: https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/Abandoned_Mine:_Puzzle_Solution
  23. Hi! I was unable to replicate this bug. Are you perhaps using the PBS files from base Reborn or an older version of the Alternate Form Pack? --- I feel like I haven't given any news for a real long time so I should do that! I'm currently working on an update that's partly a bugfix patch, partly a polish patch and partly a major version. It's complicated! I'd planned to be working on v0.7 with quick bugfix patches as needed, but it started to look like Reborn E19 would be released either before or too close to that version. So I decided to include what I'd done for v0.7 so far in the bugfix patches, and that grew a bit into wanting to polish various aspects of the mod before E19 came out. What's coming? Alternate forms for the Gen 8 Starters and Pseudo-legendary to make sure all of the starters and pseudos have forms. More alternate forms because if I'm adding more alternate forms I'm adding more alternate forms. Fixing of incompletely implemented gen 8 mechanics, such as with Dragon Darts and some awkward sprite positioning. Some map tweaks in response to feedback, such as the boundaries of Rock PokéSpot being a little tight. Sprites and shinies for every alternate form added in the Alternate Form Pack. New sprites for all of the Platers you can battle. Overworld sprites for the Monster House encounters. Some polishing of story elements, at least as far as I'm comfortable to do so before Reborn Episode 19. Various bug fixes and tweaks. A new name And following this name change, the release format of this mod will be changing as well. It will be episodic, with a lot of additional story content to come. I'm really looking forward to that! I'll also be looking to incorporate what gameplay elements I can from Pokémon main series releases during that schedule, as well as polish existing mechanics such as the Totem Pokémon implementation. I won't be giving deadlines, but I will try to release Plates of Arceus Ep0 as soon as I am able. There are still some events to update, animations to create, and some sprites left to do as well.
  24. I'm afraid you'll have to avoid that battle for now. I'm working on a new version that I'm trying to get out as soon as humanly possible, hopefully in the next week or two. That version fixes that progression-stopping bug. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
  25. Hi! The Makeshift Altdex files are up to date! :D Thanks for working on the wiki!! The stats on the wiki entry appear to be for Mega Venusaur. The Spooky form's stats are the same as normal! Though maybe they shouldn't be...
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