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Everything posted by BlueTowel

  1. I made a wiki page for it! :D Here you go: https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/Vanhanen_Castle_Mirror I hope that helps!
  2. There's a list on the wiki, which is WIP. https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Alternate_Forms For images, the easiest way to check them all out would be to look in the Graphics folder in the Patch download. Eventually they'll all be on the wiki, but progress is slow.
  3. Glad you're enjoying it! :D I'm unable to replicate this error in the latest version. I did have to fix it during testing, though, so it's odd that it's reappeared. Are you using any mods? Ah! Thanks to TripleHHH for helping you with this! I knew I'd forgotten to do something... I'll make sure to make the book re-readable once picked up in the next version. Mechanically, they're generally full on changes similar to Alolan and Galarian forms. Graphically, they range from having no new graphics to slight changes to recolours to edited sprites to custom sprites. It's a continual project for the graphics to catch up to the ideas, hehe!
  4. v0.6.9 Bug Fixes Pixie Ponyta can once again learn moves and should not constantly Struggle in the wild. Happiny and Sneasel Plate Evolutions into Pixie and Ill-Wind forms should no longer cause crashes. Galarian Mr. Mime sprites should now display correctly. Alolan, Hybrid and Floral Vulpix should now consistently have the correct abilities. Defossilised Fossilised Galarian Fossil Eggs should now be given without crashes. Potential Softlock in Secluded Jungle if exploring without Surf has been fixed. Tweaks Lopunny now learns Return on evolution, Snow Lopunny learns Ice Punch. Main (V0.6.9) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d9VMmgfTUmJhUy0Je68OzmiHCet2fg--/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.9) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 94 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jNaeYf1iFh-VcjAu9PAycFO-5RyjWqAg/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. Hey :) Glad you're still enjoying it! :D I've fixed what bugs I could reproduce, and some of the issues aren't bugs. Slowpoke data on Wiki was incorrect. It is Fire/Psychic and gains Water typing from evolution. Braixen -> Dread Delphox evolution is a reference to the trope of magician's apprentices being corrupted by forbidden knowledge, it is intentional that it is Fire/Psychic then becomes Fire/Dark. The crashes when choosing a Bad EGG in Glitch World are intentional. I ran out of time to investigate the Disguise bug. :( The rest should be fixed in the latest patch. Thank you for the reports! :D Make sure you have Aironfaar's Mod Box for Additional Options. It appears here:
  5. v0.6.8.2 Bug Fixes TM116 (Weather Ball) is no longer in both Hidden Slopes and Southeast Undernet, only the latter. Abandoned Mine now correctly has wild Pokémon. Southeast Undernet now has Pokémon in the water. Alcremie can now evolve without error. Sweet Kiss Candy Shop no longer gives out Sweets for free. Main (V0.6.8.2) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CD6Jd_lZVbeAgD4eWek2AZv4Ao-uxEJ2/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.8.2) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 94 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gN40BucTtz90-jQGZx8AQVC14mlWgvGE/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
  6. Hi! I hope you have a good time playing it! :D At the moment there is only one out of six title screens that is modified to indicate that it's Altforms. The game chooses one of the six at random! As for why, I've been trying to decide what kind of title screen modification to make for Altforms, and it keeps slipping back in the schedule. I think the next big version, v0.7, will be a good time for it. There will be enough sidequests to form a theme. :) And from a theme, a symbol. Yes! Please credit the artists and where the art is from! If you can, please contact the artists to ask if it's okay to use their sprites as well. I can only rightfully give express permission for my own. :) There's a list in the v0.6 patch notes for 8th gen Pokémon locations, but besides that there's the wiki which is slowly getting updated as I have time to do so. :) https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Alternate_Forms https://pokemon-altforms.fandom.com/wiki/New_Areas Have fun! :D I'm generally finding less time to work on this right now, unfortunately. Between winter bills, the pandemic, Brexit and expenses to prepare for dealing with these, I'm not able to use my PC much. Production may be stalled over the season.
  7. They should all be doable at any point in the story, but from different means. You'd need to use RPG Maker XP to edit and compile the scripts. You can add a new form for a Pokémon in PokemonMultipleForms in the scripts, check out Alolan Vulpix for a good example. Then TM/MT exceptions are set in PokemonItems, to say which TMs and Move Tutors it cannot learn. Adding new TMs for a form starts in tm.txt in the PBS, which needs RPG Maker XP to Playtest and compile into the game. They're added by species. It's slightly different in Rejuvenation - TM/MT exceptions are part of PokemonMultipleForms entries, not PokemonItems. Besides that, you'd want to edit pokemon.txt in the PBS to add a form name for the Pokédex and mod compatibility. For graphics, you add new ones to Game/Graphics/Battlers/ and Game/Graphics/Icons/ with "_formnumber" after the name, like 012_1 for an alternate Butterfree or 003_2 for an alternate Venusaur (_2 because _1 is Mega).
  8. Hey! Glad to hear you're enjoying it! Wow, what a bug! I made sure to test it within RMXP, but I should have tested it outside of it too! This is a pretty serious bug so here's an update to fix it! Main (V0.6.8.1) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) (Mega Upload, coming soon) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eAEsNN80NWKTPF45YD1A5GFXx5RAlkoP/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.8.1) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 94 MB) (Mega Upload, coming soon) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQ-zd_F6qLdZVorpkfYwP1PCZqmQm4hb/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. Bug Fixes Fixed the waterfall in Southeast Undernet. Tweaks Added Hatenna to the hat room in Vanhanen Castle. It is meant to be a difficult puzzle, Partner Eevee is crazy strong, but making game difficulty just right is difficult too. I should probably put a Hatenna before the puzzle though... So I did.
  9. Main (V0.6.8) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wiZzPlaeCEkDjLJ5lkmuWldpTe_wwP1F/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.8) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 94 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ufvNGsGvOXy0d7XCDyItCm5B55li8GCS/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. v0.6.8 Bug Fixes The Bird Fossil in Northern Undernet is now accessible. Aura Wheel now correctly changes to a Dark-type attack while Morpeko is Hangry, but the UI still does not update. The Monster House sidequest can now be handed in after city restoration - the NPC is now located in the computer suite in Onyx Trainers' School after city restoration. Crash-free sweets can now be bought in the Sweet Candy Shop in Obsidia Ward. Splash Plate + Lightning Rod + Thunder should now produce rain more consistently. Low-Key Toxtricity should now correctly get Minus instead of Plus, instead of Plus and Punk Rock. Using the PC in Isolated Farm now gives a Pokémon Box Link item when unlocking remote storage access. Tweaks Mega Ice Tyranitar Ability change: Snow Warning -> Ice Scales New Sprites Galarian Koffing Fist Ledyba, Ledian, Egg Rio Spritzee, Aromatisse, Egg
  10. Thanks! I'll add an updated one of those to the main post with v0.6.8 later on. That's probably the only incompatibility with it.
  11. Technically, the Box Link does nothing! A switch is activated when using the PC in Isolated Farm that adds Storage to the menu. It would absolutely be brilliant for you to work on the wiki! I'd really appreciate the help! Feel free to add any altforms content to it! I don't know! I at least have to wait until after v13 of Rejuv releases so I can ask for help, esp. with the ability limit. Probably sometime early to mid next year.
  12. I'm having some difficulty reproducing or finding a reason for Positron Metagross to have the wrong typing. Can you tell me more about the circumstances of it, please? Working on some graphics when I have time before releasing the latest bugfix version.
  13. Maybe! I'm excited to add in the stuff I skipped in v0.6, and to put something fun in the Ancient Shrine! Whoops! Definite oversight. I'll find a new home for him after restoration in v0.6.8! Thanks for the bug report! I'll get that fixed for next version!
  14. Not this time. No new ones were submitted by others, and I ran out of time yesterday to make some before uploading. I'll sort some more before v0.7 though. This is how my timeline* for the next version is looking: Fix any bugs in v0.6 as they're discovered, release new 0.6.x versions as needed Add new areas to wiki - wild listings, item listings, battle listings Add walkthroughs for all sidequests to wiki Add wiki pages for Memeforms and Memejuvforms version differences Try to automate or macro converting alternate form game data into wiki tables Start work on v0.7 (Isle of Armor & Crown Tundra moves, abilities, items, mons + new altforms areas (2-3) and sidequests (2) + new altforms + new plate interactions + randomiser + 8th gen-only switch) I'll have natural points to fit in some spritework in 2 and 5 from sorting wiki icons and pictures, and I'll release them in batches as they come. *There's not a lot of time in the timeline. I don't know how long each part will take.
  15. v0.6.7 WARNING! Please save outside of the following areas before updating, or you may end up stuck inside a wall: Northern Undernet Obscure Oceanfront Obscure Oceanfloor Bug Fixes Octolock should now be working correctly. Did you know that it also transforms Water Surface into Underwater, and inflicts damage at the end of every turn while Underwater? The Rock Climb from Northern Undernet's icy crevasse to Route 4 should now be working correctly. The edge of the map should no longer be visible from the icy crevasse in Northern Undernet. All battles in Obscure Oceanfront should now correctly take place on Water Surface field, not a black void of nothingness. The waterfalls in Obscure Oceanfront and Southeast Undernet should now be working correctly. The turnabout tiles in Obscure Oceanfront and Obscure Oceanfloor are now visible and working correctly. A new puzzle hint has been added to The Under Ruins. Main (V0.6.7) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/11a49UivI0S-zX_uvg3n5F713EfER-1jF/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.7) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 94 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tgXnfJRZzBFfBB9uSrK_UYusw-6Xkvt5/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play.
  16. I've fixed your save, but it's taking me longer than today to fix all of this round of bugs, so I'm afraid you'll have to avoid that Rock Climb spot for now. Game_2.rxdata Thanks for the bug reports! I'll try to get fixes out tomorrow or Monday. Oof, I thought I fixed that in testing, but it turns out not all of the water tiles were set correctly. Still puzzling out what's going wrong with the turnabout tiles. Thanks for the bug reports! I'll get these fixed as soon as I can!
  17. After defeating all 8 Monster Houses in the Undernet sections, return to Onyx Trainers' School and talk to the old guy outside the gym arena. As for the Wooloo song...
  18. New version! Bug fixes and some new sprites and icons! Yay! Main (V0.6.6) (ONLY for Windows, until I get around to freeing up upload space) (.zip, 566 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CrKHWnqdOp_cM4qU5K9kVVeyyJWBbgvM/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract and play from Game or Game-Z. Patch (V0.6.6) (for Windows, Linux and Mac! Reborn E18.4.1 ONLY) (.zip, 94 MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eAqwjDsGC31Me2UBmIH5-rIf1r32GZ5n/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive) Extract into Pokémon Reborn game folder, overwrite and replace files when asked, play. v0.6.6 Bug Fixes One Riperior option in the Glitch World Rhybombee event should no longer cause crashes. One Rhybombee option in the Glitch World Rhybombee event should now cause crashes. Ser Verity will now offer hints to help solve the puzzle in The Under Ruins. TM188 Body Press is no longer tantalisingly just out of reach in The Under Ruins. Morgrem now correctly evolves into Grimmsnarl at level 42, not 52. Throat Spray should now work correctly and without error. Ability Capsules should now work correctly with 8th Gen Pokémon that have two Abilities. New Sprites Earth Doduo, Female, Egg Zap Dratini, Dragonair, Shiny Plague Spritzee Rock Lurantis New Icons Spooky Bulbasaur, Ivysaur Draco Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Mega X, Mega Y Iron Squirtle, Wartortle Spooky Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree Mind Venonat, Venomoth Earth Doduo Wood Hitmonlee, Shadow Hitmonchan Zap Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite --- Thanks! Sorted! Yay! Sounds good! Thanks for the bug reports! Fixed them in the latest version!
  19. Yes, you need... And definitely plans for Kantonian Mr. Rime and Sirfetch'd! It's a little bit wanting to see what Gamefreak release in Crown Tundra, and a little bit timesaving to get v0.6 out. They'll be in v0.7! For Sirfetch'd, I'll be using the beta Farfetch'd evo design. For Mr. Rime, I will have to have a serious design session to find an appropriate spin on it. Whoops! I accidentally used the form name instead of the species name there. I'll get that fixed before v0.7!
  20. Hi! Glad you're enjoying it After Reborn City's restoration, you cannot get into the underground network of tunnels from Reborn City - they sealed it all up! You can still access them from Isolated Farm (via Route 1 -> North Aventurine Woods), Route 2 (into Northern Undernet) and Route 4 (by Rock Climb into Northern Undernet's icy crevasse). There's also a shortcut unlocked in Southwest Undernet from near the Isolated Farm entrance to near the Undernet Digsite entrance.
  21. The EEG has been suspended, again, due to the pandemic. I'm exploring new medication options, though, which may help. At the moment in the stage of weaning off of one before taking another. It sounds like the Totem you're missing is...
  22. Ah! Another thing I forgot to do: Add hints from Verity about those ruins. Here's the hint: The next hint would be: Then: And finally, after getting inside: The Wooloo song is a hint as well! The Spiritomb sound while you sleep unlocks a new area to come in v0.7 - It was cut from v0.6 to save time, and it looks like v0.7 will be coming sooner than expected since Crown Tundra is also. The TM inaccessibility is an accident. I'll get that fixed for the next version! I hope that helps! If not, let me know and I'll walk you through it.
  23. Thanks! I'm not sure right now, to be honest. There is a Memeforms-style Altforms mod being worked on for Rejuvenation, but I know that level of difficulty is not to everyone's taste. Personally, I'd still like to do something. I have an idea for a sidequest island that I think would be a lot of fun, as a way to get wild Altforms in Rejuvenation. The but is, I'm not sure when I'd do it. I'm in limbo while some irl stuff is going on, waiting to start a new project to make some money once that stuff is settled, and Reborn Altforms and the wiki still need a lot of work. I'd like to say yes, definitely, but I don't know what the future will look like by the time I can work on it. Working on v0.6 has taught me that everything takes longer than expected in these kinds of projects.
  24. Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Nonstop? Please remember to take care of yourself also! Sorry about the bug - I accidentally left a map-check in the evolution code! For now, you'll have to take it under the Grand Stairway to one of the floors with Unown, at night, to evolve it. The at-night part is intentional, but I forgot to mention it. Huh, maybe the map part was intentional too?
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