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  1. Ah that's not bad, I'm sure you'll be able to implement them sooner or later, they aren't that great anyway, if only they made more mega evolutions!
  2. Ah awesome once I get a good vulpix, i'll send you savefil, thank you c:, aegislash is a beast but not compared to others overpowered monsters tho who aren't banned :/, each time i wanna use a pokemn it gets banned xD, like mewtwo, and mega lucario x'D, what you think about tsareena btw? ah btw her trop kick has same animation as Razor leaf in Pokemon Spork x) Edit: I have another question, is there z moves?? where I can find them if so??!
  3. OMG I'm so blind, I found it thanks to you! So I have just to put moves I want there and save the file right? What's ICSW? ah for alakazam what's better for him magic guard or synchronize? I like aegislash a lot now, when i searched about it, I found that it's banned in championships, I dont know why, he is stalling ofc but he isn't that great anyway, why they banned him, seems unfair
  4. @ Groniack: i didn't find that file called PBS lol, but since mewtwo is already available it's no worries, but problem is about hiddden abilities, like I have a vulpix and I try to give him ability drought, but when I use ability capusle it doesn't work, either he tries to switch between fire torch and inner focus, or he says: nothing happens! So is there items related to dream world ability or I have to go edit in that pbs x) @Ice Cream Sand Witch: ah so i have to wait till 16h gym x), if only it was from the start x'D, I'm checking links right now, this game is just awesome!
  5. OMG guys thank you so so so much, you are all genius!!!!! Shall I rededit alakazam and make him mewtwo? xD ah btw is there any further developement about pokemon spork, I agree it's the best I've seen right now, ah I got 8 badges and I still I didnt find mega evolution bracelet, Am I on right way or I missed something?
  6. I used the editor provided in game folder, and I don't recall much where I was, I collected the 9th badge
  7. Thank you guys, last thing I recall is that I edited alakazam moveset and restored them to his original moves, cuz I had him learned aura sphere and electro ball ( I hadn't mewtwo, so I said why not make alakazam my mewtwo x'D) well guess having a mewtwo or something similar to it isn't my destiny xD
  8. Welll, I'm still trying finding a solution but in vain thank you anyway, I'll wait for Titania and groniack to respond ^_^
  9. So I have only to redownload the game? and use the same savefile? cuz if so why it didnt work for u when you used the savefile i posted?
  10. Maybe it's moveset, cuz I edited before alakazam to learn aurasphere and electroball, and then I removed them and replaced them his official moveset but he is still having them in savefile, that's what caused this error I think, ah btw can we catch mewtwo? if so where? x'D Edit: I reedited alakazam to give him again aurasphere and electroball, but error still there
  11. Ah thank you then, here save file ^_^Game.rxdata Edit: I put wrong save, I corrected it now
  12. I did nothing, but before starting playing I edited alakazam movesets, but didn't give any error, where I can find savefile? I'm on Windows 8.1
  13. Hey, please i got an error in game when selecting my savegame to continue playing, an error pops up: Script 'Pscreen_load' line 399: NoMethodError occured, undefined method 'update map' for nil:Nilclass ! Please help me :( I got finally my aegislash :(, and nearly perfect alakazam after 500 eggs hatching :(
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