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17 Fledgling

About UnkleUno

  • Birthday May 14

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  • Location
    Residing in Sashila Village
  • Interests
    Gaming and destroying Dhelmise.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. Hey there. So, I was going through Zygara Castle with Karen, picking up everything in said castle, but when I picked up the claydol crest and re-entered into the castle, this bit of dialogue shows up again. After the dialogue finishes, the player walks forward some tiles, then the dialogue shows up again. Then after that, player walks forward and softlocks themselves by continuously walking into this table.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Complete all the quests from there to get a Turtwig egg from the receptionist.
  5. Tbf, i didn't look before I typed here. That's my bad. Anyways, I was supposed to have edited said post after I realized this was the desolation thread, but I kinda forgot it even existed, so. Don't blame me if I thought they were one in the same. It's been a while since I've even typed something on here, and sometimes my brain goes dumb once in a while.
  6. EDIT: Ignore this post, that's my bad for not realizing which fangame this was.
  7. Amazing work on the cave backgrounds. Really gives the whole field a real atmosphere to work with, and I love it.
  8. It's been removed along with the other jackpot starters.
  9. I mean, Jangmo-o was in a previous version of Rejuvenation, however it got removed later down the line. As for the Ultra Beasts, we probably won't get access to them until the game is fully finished much like reborn (with the exception of the Poipole line being available as a dex completion reward.).
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