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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by twocansofbeans

  1. I can't seem to find the Rare Candy vendor in Gearen City? I think I'm in the game at the right times, but I have no idea where the vendor is. Where exactly is it? Thank you!
  2. Oh that sucks haha. Thanks, though! Is it possible to find a Link Stone-equivalent before Valerie, then?
  3. Can anyone help me trade my Phantump then trade it back so it can evolve into Trevenant, please? Thank you very much!
  4. Oh turns out it *is* Larvesta! Thank you!
  5. Hi guys! I just got the mystery egg from the Phantump egg trade and it looks like this. Do you have any idea what egg it is? Thanks!
  6. Alright! Thank you so much! Enjoy the Insect Plate~
  7. I'm ready to trade back. I'm waiting
  8. Oh it didn't work...Let's try again?
  9. I'll trade you an Insect Plate, yes?
  10. Yup ok I'm ready, and yeah let's trade back
  11. Alright, just tell me whenever you're ready. (Also we'll be trading our Pokemon back afterwards, right?).
  12. Yup I'm on. My trade ID is twocansofbeans
  13. Ah sorry, and no worries, I think we're 11 hours apart ><. I just got a Zap Plate, too, so if you want either the Insect or the Zap Plate, tell me and we can trade!
  14. Oh update! I just mined up an extra Insect Plate. Do you still want it?
  15. True true. So sorry for the trouble! ><
  16. Oh my it is there don't know why I missed it! I'm so sorry! Thank you
  17. For Caroline's Sidequest, I opened the gym, talked to the Doxie, and went to the Belrose Mansion to check all the bookshelves, but couldn't find any photo to show her. What is the name of the item? And am I doing something wrong?
  18. Is there an event where I can get Charmander in Episode 18? I did the gang job request and got an Oshawott instead...
  19. Ahh unfortunately not today...I'll try for tomorrow! Sorry!
  20. Oh my thank you so much! I might not be free for most of today but just tell me whenever you can trade and I'll see if I can. Thank you so much!
  21. Oh sorry I've been caught up. Unfortunately I don't have either of those things that I can give you :((
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