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Destrakon last won the day on February 24 2019

Destrakon had the most liked content!


67 Samaritan


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  1. Im sorry if this is not the place to post this. But I ran the game smothly until BGM turns off, I close to ran it again and displays an error.. I add was is shown
  2. Hello there, I would like some help.. If someone can trade an Azurill and a Exploud to finish Dex Quest, would appreciate greatly.
  3. Hello there, I would like some help.. If someone can drop an Azurill and a Exploud to finish Dex Quest, would appreciate greatly.

  4. Hello there, I would like some help.. If someone can drop an Azurill and a Exploud to finish Dex Quest, would appreciate greatly.


  5. I just realized that I lost both of my Reborn, and Rejuvenation runs. 


    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Aww im sorry.

  6. Feeling watching anime. Would someone suggest me one of good ones? It could be ongoing or finished. Thanks in advance.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      Konosuba, overlord, jjba series... 

    3. PESH1


      A place further than the universe

    4. AquaMacaw


      Rising of the Shield Hero

  7. It would be either Coral Ward, or Fiore Mansion.
  8. Ok, I'll send it now. My Internet is going down and up, so I may lost connection between trade.
  9. I forgot to mention that Gible is in an Ultra Ball. It is ok to you?
  10. I would trade you both, I'll just have to breed which is only one minute. What is your ID?
  11. i know u would help me pls

  12. pls help me here i need help in dnlow ep 18

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      What parts are you having trouble with?

    2. Candy



      Just press one of the Mirrors should start your download?

  13. Just post your Game.rxdata here and maybe someone could fix it, unfortunatley, I don't know how to, sorry.
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