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Nebulazure last won the day on October 19 2018

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27 Developing

About Nebulazure

  • Birthday 10/01/1998

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    Nebula, Azure
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  • Interests
    Playing Pokemon and designing things =)

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    YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcP5HlfuQtDrCrwJPAgl8OQ

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  1. You thought it was Seki, but it was me, Nebulazure! I'm predicting ProjectIceMan to respond next!
  2. I had a dream where I was exploring underwater caverns in a submarine, with other people. At some point, the engines cut off instantly, and then the submarine stopped. We had to open the hatch and inspect the problem. As it turned out, there was a jellyfish that somehow made its way to the engines, killing it in the process. As we were debating on what to do next, someone heard something faint, coming from a different direction. I used my vision goggles with enchanced zoom options in order to see where the noise came from. Horrified by the sight, I quickly turned around and briefly explained to everyone; There is a swarm of Voltirum Jellyfish heading toward us. This type of species is not your average jellyfish. The Voltirum Jellyfish is approximately 7'5" and the venom contained in the tentacles is enough to kill a human being in mere seconds. There was no other option, but to swim, and hope to outpace the warm of jellyfish. As we resurfaced, we came across an exit to the cave we explored, leading to a shore. Brimming with hope that the jellyfish cannot touch us on land, we swam as fast as our bodies could take it, and eventually made it to shore with no casualties. I probably spoke too soon. What struck me as odd was that the Jellyfish swarm just remained afloat in the water, watching us. All of a sudden, the jellyfish's entire body decomposed itself; a big, metallic object came out from the inner core of each jellyfish. The objects grew and transformed into machine-like structures with an octopus anatomy. Sentinels. There was no escape now. The second we ran, the Sentinels took the lives of everyone but myself. Losing hope and confidence in my survival, I accepted my fate. Just when the Sentinel's arm was about to pierce my body, I woke up.
  3. I think you misunderstood the question being asked . The only mod I've used so far is the SMW v18, and it was meant to make the game easier for me..I don't want to be behind everyone by the time E19 drops. I like how it's easier to keep track of stat boosts in the mod; it's quite convenient. I might use Debug soon.
  4. I don't think that's the case since Bennett offered to spare Radomus if Gardevoir didn't use the black hole, and she refused, calling him a liar. If she didn't agree to Bennett's ultimatum, then Gardevoir surely won't listen to Lin, the Leader of Team Meteor. It's possible that Gardevoir is under mind control. Even so, that's a serious plot hole that needed some explanation.
  5. Looking at Cain's team, you should be fine. IIrc, you need 5 badges to be able to get the House Key, which opens the door to Move Relearner house. House Key Found in the Underground Railnet, in the part after the Yureyu building, behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall (or in the Subrailnet after solving the rails puzzle to open the door on the left, again behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall)
  6. Ever since the RBY era, there has always been a Champion in Pokemon games. The biggest milestone. The most toughest, skilled and intelligent opponent, out of everyone you fought in the game up to that point; the Gym Leaders, the Villain bosses, and the Elite 4. With this knowledge alone, it's no wonder the Champions have the highest expectations from Pokemon fans in every single Pokemon game that releases. So, tell me. Who is your favorite Champion? The reasons may vary, from competence in battles to personalities and even backstories.
  7. I recommend adding Vanillish to the team, as it can deal with Dartrix easily. It can either Icy Wind and outspeed next turn, or OHKO Dartrix with Avalanche. Also, you really need a Fire type on your team to deal with Florina; preferably Numel.
  8. The Reborn Ball operates in a similar manner to the Master Ball in the main games. Now you can waste it on a Rattata and become the next Youngster Joey
  9. Welcome to Reborn, Sophie! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  10. Can't wait for them to interact with the Miltank while riding the Tauros. Some of the dialogue is hilarious haha.
  11. Unpopular opinion, but I would say Dewott. I feel like the transition from a bipedal otter to a quadrapet sea lion is unnecessary. Samurott doesn't really follow a pattern when it comes to the evolution process, design wise.
  12. Thanks for the help, guys! I have decided to add Gulpin, Kricketune, Klink, Numel, and Vanillish to the team I will consider Castform and Mightyena though .
  13. I used a mod that allows me to replace the starter Pokemon for any mon I want, including Legendaries. I'll make sure to get Castform. Anything else?
  14. Ok, I reached the Onyx Trainer School, and need advice on what Pokemon team to use for Fern and Florina, as those battles will be challenging. Keep in mind that I only have Marshadow in the party atm, and everything else I caught is in the PC box. Any suggestions?
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