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Everything posted by 0ris

  1. Not sure about the Ice Stone, although I recommend using the itemfinder everywhere. It might help, but I don't know for sure. Trapinch/Vibrava are
  2. Well, that's kind of weird. They say they want Pokemon because evolution generates energy, so I wonder if this worth reporting as a minor bug.
  3. Not sure what you mean, but I got a Dusknoir Crest from the woman who wants to see all the crests. If you meant the door, it's the one that apparently lacks data at this time.
  4. Can you get through? I haven't been able to get through it so I suspect it has something to do with not having all the crests. It's a shame about the glitch. I've been hunting for the last damn crest for the past 2 hours since I wanted to get through that door.
  5. I think there's a bug preventing us from getting the last crest and I submitted it in the bug reporting area. On floor 2, there are two crest shrines we can enter normally and one that reroutes me every time into one of the normal ones. There's one in the southeast corner that's normal, and the two in the upper part of the map of 2f are the weird ones. The one further east can be went into as normal, but the one west of that puts me into an empty crest room that exits into the north-east-ish room.
  6. Does anyone have the crest locations for the 3 on Floor 2? I can't seem to get the third crest. I'd have all of them if I could find the Skuntank crest. I have: Cofagrigus (special on last floor/crypt), Fearow, Glaceon, Hypno, Leafeon, Magcargo, Relicanth, Seviper, Stantler and am apparently missing Skuntank. I'm not sure the order in which I found them, but I know Hypno and Seviper were on Floor 1, and Relicanth on Floor 4. If other people are finding those in different locations then we know the locations are randomized.
  7. Hmm... I'm 100% sure that I got Hypno on 1st floor since it was the first crest I got. Do you or anyone else have any crest that I didn't list? I wonder if one of the devs might weigh in on this? Just a yes or no if the crests are in fact randomized or not. I wonder if they ever give answers like that.
  8. Thanks for the tip. I wasn't sure whether I got it on 2nd or 4th. Let me know if you have any questions about the 4th floor for when you have access to it. Also, what was the 3rd crest on 2nd floor? I think I only found 2 there.
  9. So, with V11 on the horizon, what's everyone hoping for? I'd like to see TM06 for my Shuckle, the Razor Claw so I can get Weavile, and more Angie for the ReNunion. It's a long-shot, but I'd really like to see Angie react to Silvally if the player has it. Possibly, slightly more likely might be another way to get Anju's Pendant, or maybe return to Chrysalis Manor to get the pendant and Alolan Meowth.
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