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About ZenChu

  • Birthday 11/08/1997

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    Gaming, anime/manga, music, DRINKIIING AND DANCIING

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  1. thanks a lot btw this picked my interest,it's like one piece, sometimes big lore chunk are given to you but you learn that everything is deeper than you imagined
  2. no it's definitely more, relationship points involved.. DEVELOPERS I INVOKE YOU just tell me if it may ruin my paragon route or not pls
  3. Hello everybody, i wanted to talk with you about something i stumbled upon in my new v13.5 playthrough It may be a spoiler so, at your risk:
  4. i have an idea that may strongly support Erinea being Madame X Since with Maria the whole speech about "father i've lost" is apparently unsensical, what if madame is not referring to her father, but to who she thinks is her father, so the one who actually cared about her and acted as a father. What if Erin refers to Souta? She accepted him as a father and in v13.5 we can see that. Maybe Madame X is Erin from another timeline, and she is doing this since she wants to act and overcome the System, i don't remember the actual name of the thing that decides if the world is good or bad and so should prosper or decay.
  5. you picked my interest here. After V13 and V13.5 we know that legendaries other than arceus have a strong relevance in the story
  6. maybe i managed to progress, i encountered Alexandra in Alamissa, let's hope i did the right thing xdd anyway,
  7. Found a major bug, i guess beat Alice, saw the cutscene in Zeight, then i battled the gauntlet and won, i couldn't find gliscor outside the obelisk to progress the quest, it's locked as if i still have to beat alice. If i re-enter the pillar no cutscene is played and i see Crescent but i can't interact with her hope you can fix it :( maybe with the debug mode it's possible Game_2.rxdata
  8. i've tried restarting the game and in the prologue there's already garufan language! i didn't remember that, and the fact that your translation works is even better returning to what alice said.. maybe my game is broken.. saw the cutscene but no gliscor, i think i will have to report that :/ thankss btw
  9. omg how did you do that.. that's a lot of work i'd like to know what she says now, guess it's not something troll xdd btw where do i have to go after beaten alice
  10. sorry if i enter in this thread, but i have a question, what do i have to do after beating alice in her castle and freeing her from the angie "spell"?
  11. Hello guys, i'm at stage 35/45 (according to .karma files), i managed to but now i'm lost. The .karma files tells me to do the thing i already did. My bad that i didn't follow the main quest and focused too much on the gauntlet in the big pillar, where do i have to go? i expect i need to bond more with Damien i guess pls halp
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