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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by princessyiris

  1. This is usually caused by certain attacks that the AI wants to call, but isn't really able to. Nature Power, for example, is a move that will cause the AI to lock up and just not use any move whatsoever.
  2. I had a lot of fun with this game. Don't watch my stream of it.
  3. I'm fixing to make a fangame but I want to use Rejuvenation as a base instead of Pokemon Reborn. Are the V12 PBS files available? I couldn't find them in Jan's profile so I'm wondering if there's somewhere obvious I haven't looked.
  4. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8oubeta-1010536269 This pretty much captures Gen 8 in a nutshell.
  5. I'm dumb. Are the PBS files for Rejuvenation V12 publicly available somewhere? I thought they were in the About Me section on your profile.


    Hope you're doing well. Keep getting better. 💪

    1. Jan


      They should be on the V12 thread, iirc. First post.

  6. tl;dr but couldn't you have just recycled and modified Showdown's random battle sets? Those are simple enough for the AI to use, at least with a bit of modification.
  7. What's your opinion on marijuana and do you believe yourself to be superior to marijuana consumers? Just curious.

  8. I'm having an issue with the AI and I'm wondering if anyone knows enough about the Reborn scripts to help me out. I have a gym leader set on a Mountain field with auto-hail. The reason I have it set like this is so that the field will turn into a Snowy Mountain field after three turns of hail. The gym leader's semi-final mon is a Masquerain with Tailwind. Tailwind summons Strong Winds on the Mountain field, which cancel out the hail permanently. The gym leader is insistent on ALWAYS sending out this Masquerain after their first mon dies, without fail. The tailwind messes up the whole thing and ironically makes the battle easier than intended. I just want the gym leader to use the default order their team is set in. Is there a way to basically tell the AI trainer to use the default order?
  9. Actually, I figured it out. The tint was tied to the area's battleback. I had no idea the battleback affected the overworld tint. That's cool. I'm actually a complete idiot and just realized that the I left the Outdoor option in the town's metadata unchecked, which is what was causing the tint in the first place. It's not the new map that was tinted: It was the old map that was untinted. I am a genius with an IQ smaller than my shoe size.
  10. Nah. I've tried everything from warp events to debugging myself into the map, with consistent results. The curse of Blacksteam Factory's screen tint will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life.
  11. There's nothing in the transition from map to map (done via map connection without any events) and it's consistently the map with ID:012 that has the tint. It's definitely being called from within one of the scripts but I can't figure it out. Worst case scenario is that I just make dummy maps whenever I stumble onto one of the ones with tints active. It's not a big deal. I'll poke around in the PBS files and see if I'm overlooking something but if I'm not then I'll just deal with it.
  12. DarkMap is for the dark circle around the player. The thing you use Flash for. I'm talking about a general tint on the screen.
  13. As I'm fiddling around with my own fangame, I'm noticing that making new maps is causing them to take on the properties of older maps. For example, Map ID:012 has a dark tint on the screen despite my trying to make it a basic outdoor area. I think Map ID:012 in Pokemon Reborn is a dark cave, and these properties are somewhere in the scripts. I've checked the metadata and the PBS files but can't figure out where these settings are coming from. I assume they're somewhere in the actual Essentials Scripts, but I have no idea where to look for them. Does anyone here know where they are? Thanks!
  14. Actually, I figured it out! I had to change the Battleback in the metadata for the map. I wanna leave this thread open though, in case there actual is a guide that someone can point out for me.
  15. I'm using Pokemon Reborn as a base for my own fangame, but one thing I don't understand is how to properly implement the field effects. Right now it's defaulting to the Factory field in this outdoor trainer battle, but there's an earlier battle that doesn't have any active field effects. I can't figure out what's really changed between the two, and poking around in Reborn's maps to get a clue hasn't helped me figure this out. There isn't a guide on how to use Pokemon Reborn's features specifically, at least not one that I know of, so if someone could tell me how to properly set the right Fields, I would be very appreciative. Also, if there is a guide to development with Reborn's tools, I'd love if you could point me in the right direction.
  16. If we're lucky maybe Limpdick Impidimp will get an evolution that isn't as offensively ugly. My only hope is that the new mons aren't a dumpster fire, but Game Freak will surely find a way to let me down.
  17. Yup, right in plain sight. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
  18. How about stuff like the PBS files? Those don't come packaged with Pokemon Reborn's public releases from what I can tell. If I can access those from within RPG Maker, I dunno where to find them.
  19. I had no idea you could do that. Very interesting! I'll have to play around with this and see what I can make of it. Thanks for the assist!
  20. I'd be down with that. Anywhere I can grab this stuff? I figure that Jan and Caz had to have picked it up from somewhere. If it was done over PMs just lemme know who I have to pester.
  21. I don't know the proper terminology, but I've seen Pokemon Rejuvenation and Pokemon Desolation and want to give a Pokemon Reborn-like fangame of my own a shot. Is there a base set of scripts I can plug into Pokemon Essentials to get Pokemon Reborn's functionality? Don't tell me I missed a really obvious "Download the scripts here" button somewhere (or do, because that would be exactly what I'm looking for).
  22. This sounds like the best possible outcome, to be honest. The only other "Gen 8 changes" I can think about are it-just-gets-bigger mode (Dynamax) and the culling. God knows I don't want the culling in Reborn.
  23. I'm almost certain this has been asked a dozen times already but I didn't see any threads about it so whateva. Are there any plans to implement Gen 8 Pokemon, items, mechanics, etc. into the final episode of Pokemon Reborn? Obviously it's a bit early to give a solid yes given that the games aren't out yet, but it'd be good to know if there are no plans to implement them whatsoever, or if there are plans to include them if it's convenient enough to do so. God knows I'm not looking forward to Sword & Shield so I'd be excited to use their mons in a better game, if you know what I'm saying. Having said that, if they weren't included at all, it wouldn't exactly be a huge loss.
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