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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Schmiss

  1. Thank you for the update! 6-0ing gym leaders sounds really tough, but it really makes a fun challenge and also furthers the need to train more than just 6 Pokemon, whcih i really enjoy. Looking farward the next posts of you all!
  2. Maybe just coverage moves? Sadly Gengar doesn't get the good stuff in reborn until the very late game... That would be Thunderbolt Focus Blast and Sludge Bomb Maybe Veno Shock to get another STAB move and Dazzling Gleam for Dark Types. All in all I was not very impressed by Gengar sadly, it's shiny sprite is really awesome though and in general pretty cool Pokemon. Hope this helps a bit.
  3. I don't know much but I think the Nature Changer is a new thing that gets introduced in Gen 8. Could be some shady Doctor in a dark alley... But I also don't think they did the changes because of Pokemon Reborn. Would be nice though if they would be open to fan suggestions or Fan Games in general.
  4. Rotom Wash, would be really good, because of the typing and another ground immunity. Alolan Ninetales, is also a good choice, to give urself a better chance to set up with your sweepers due to aurora veil.
  5. I think a Dark monotype run would be pretty cool.
  6. Sounds good! Do you know the time at which your stream starts on these days? I think my timezone will make things complicated but i will try to make it work.
  7. I am also interessted, but i have to look if i have the time.
  8. Hey, i think you have trained urself a good team so you might be able to do it with them. The most important thing for me was to not let the Illumise set up rain. Since you have a fake out Pokemon in Persian you should start with it and a Pokemon that can take the remaining HP of Illumise. This will help a lot. You should use a move like Flame Burst or Fire Pledge to destroy the field, turn it into the burning field and then be able to go through the gym with your flying and fire types. I dont know if it helps for sure but this should deal with most of her team. You could also equip your team with Elemental Seeds because in the Burning field your Pokemon will get boosts in Sp.Atk, Atk, and Speed and applies Fire Spin to the user. Hope it helps and dont let that discourage you!
  9. Hello there. I would choose crobat mainly because of his high speed. Your team is a bit slow and it will be a good revenge killer in my opinion. But maybe you can use steelix and aim for a trick room team? Hope this could help you.
  10. You can now find the key where you find Solosis. Just search for the Solosis event.
  11. Schmiss


    I can give you one.
  12. Hey, I'm not really good at competitive battling myself, but I can give you some small advices on some minor mistakes or not optimal sets you have made: 1. A focus sash lead with belly drum is not working, because either you use your focus sash because of a hit and have 1 hp so belly drum wont work or u use belly drum and the focus sash will be useless. Maybe change for shell smash? 2. Dream eater is (mostly) a bad move in competitive battling. Maybe psyshock would be good. 3. Whimsicott wont be able to use light screen, because the assault vest lets him use only moves that do damage. I would suggest to use a different item like leftovers and prankster as the ability with attacks like substitute, tailwind and leech seed to get a support mon with priority attacks due to prankster. 4. Maybe Specs for Drampa? I think in more games specs would be a better option. 5. Chandelure doesnt have will o wisp, so i think shadow ball would be better. Except you focus on your toxic spikes. 6. Mega Banette. I think destiny bond, shadow claw and knock off are better than shadow force, hex and gunk shot. Hope i could help you
  13. Hello and Merry Christmas everyone! Can someone trade me these mons? I have some shinies and literally every other pokemon except those...
  14. Mega Banette is awesome Yes. All the Mega Evolutions are available rather late in the game, because you get the Ring to evolve them so late.
  15. Mega Beedrill is in the game, but at a very late point, so i would recommend other pokemon for your team.
  16. In the Reborn Walkthrough it says that you can get it from Paras and Parasect. I didn't confirm it myself though.
  17. That would be nice Do you want something? Shiny Excadrill Flaafy or something like an item?
  18. Hey Reborn Fans! Yesterday i finished Episode 18 and now I want to train my Pokemon for competitive battling. So if someone has a perfect (or nearly perfect) Ditto that I can have, I would be really happy I can offer some random shinies but nothing really great IV wise... Have a nice day everyone!
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