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  1. I think you could defeat her with a Shedinja ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. I'm interested, I'm interested... Too bad I have no idea what is going on here:D
  3. What they talk seems interesting to me ^^ I would like to add that I am also having trouble balancing the translation and showing what was really wanted. An example of this would be in this part: I don't remember when exactly. But in one part of the game the Meteor Grunts they start reciting a motto (kind of like Team Rocket's in the anime). The thing is that the English words that are used all rhyme with each other, but for the Spanish language it is something completely different, and its translation obviously shows its translated version, without rhymes or anything. I could calmly leave it as it is (translated in a simple way), but the magic in all of it is lost, and that's what I least want:( Besides I'm not good at creating:p I do not know if this motto comes back later or if they only mention it that time.
  4. @Amethyst, I would really be happy to help in any way I can. The translation is going at a good pace (not counting a few errors). Sorry, I don't know how this type of forum works. But for the subject who asked about the translation, there is an official club to translate it into the Spanish language.
  5. Could someone please pass me the dialogues that separate the genres?

    That is ... in the event that there is a double dialogue (both for men / women / non-binary), which can inform me to make respective changes to the translation.

    I would be very grateful. 😞

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fernan100tifiko


      When one chooses the protagonist; either male, female, or non-binary; there may be certain variations in the dialogues.

      That is to say... There are 3 equal dialogue sequences which you have to change to suit the character's gender (Example: he, she, elle).

      If someone has knowledge of the dialogues, they could search for them and thus change the 3 in a faster way, instead of searching for each of the lines, there may be variations.


    3. Edo


      Aren't the dialogues all gender-neutral, since the pronoun used is 'they'?

    4. Commander


      They are gender neutral and even if dialogue wasn't it would be in script format like \gender1 which is pointless to pass on imo. Not some crazy computer science.

  6. Spanish alert!


    This publication is made for work purposes. / Esta publicación se realiza con fines de trabajo.


    Busco personas de habla hispana las cuales estén dispuestas a apoyar con un proyecto que quiero llevar a cabo.

    Se trata, ni más ni menos, de la traducción del juego "Pokemon Reborn" al idioma español como se podrá suponer.

    Para ello he creado un club especialmente para personas de habla hispana, en él...se podrán compartir ideas con respecto al proyecto, las herramientas necesarias para hacerlo, etc.

    Les animo, y no solo a los que hablan español, si no también a los otros miembros de distintos clubs, recuerden que todo tipo ayuda será agradecida. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fernan100tifiko


      Of course, I am delighted with the idea that you support the translation, the club I showed on the screen is the official Spanish group, everything possible will be coordinated there.

    3. Gastronely


      Hiiii. I actually speak Spanish, since it's my home language, so i might be able to help you out with this. I already joined the Reborn Español club, so, as Espeon said, feel free to message me, or start a topic when you've gathered everything to begin with this proyect, I'd love to participate on this ^-^

    4. Fernan100tifiko


      I'm glad you are interested.

      Of course, I am delighted with the idea that you support the translation, the club I showed on the screen is the official Spanish group, everything possible will be coordinated there.

  7. I need someone who can change me a Vainillite (the one that is bought with pieces) I only need 1 pokemon to exchange and I can not continue playing because the leader is beating me every time I fight against her... I accidentally switched to the Vainillite that I bought with parts and I also did it with the one that came out of the ice cream machine ... so I don't have any Vainillite to exchange. That's why I ask some pious soul, to give me a Vainillite, or better yet, the same one that was bought with the colored parts ... I beg you ... I need to get that ring ... :c
  8. I am a rookie (Lv. 70), I would like to try a battle with someone else who fights like me.

    In the Explorer Kit, how can I switch to the hammer?

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Hitting the space bar should do the trick.

    2. Fernan100tifiko
    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      No problem at all~

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